The capital of Peru: the name of the city, photos, interesting facts

In our world there are people who can not easily cope with the task, if you ask them: "Name the capital of Peru." Many do not even know anything about the countries of South America. We will fill this omission and get acquainted with one of the brightest states of South America - Peru.

Peru is a state distinguished by its color, rich and exciting history, interesting culture. On its mainland, it occupies the third place after Brazil and Argentina. The capital of Peru (the name of the capital is Lima) is a fairly large city with more than 10 million people. What is the beauty and mystery of Lima? Why is it considered a city that is really worth a visit? Let's figure it out.


Photo Peru

To begin with, consider the state of Peru and get acquainted with its history and culture.

The state borders on Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile. The western part of the country is washed by the Pacific Ocean. More than 30 million people live in Peru, most of them Peruvians. The culture of this people deserves special attention. So, it harmoniously combines Native American traditions with some European movements, and this makes the Peruvians special and unique. The inhabitants of Peru have preserved their folk art and are famous for creating unique fabrics and utensils made from pumpkins.

As mentioned above, the territory of Peru ranks third in South America, but it is also worth noting that this state is nineteenth around the world. Thus, it becomes clear that on the territory of the country (โ‰ˆ1.3 km 2 ) several nationalities are able to get along with their extraordinary and unique traditions. That is why, in addition to the native Spanish for the Peruvians, the official languages โ€‹โ€‹of Aymara and Quechua belonging to the Indian peoples are also official in Peru.

The president of the Peruvian state is currently 79-year-old Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. And the Palace of Government is located in the capital of Peru - Lima.

Despite the Peruvian flavor, due to the coexistence of several peoples on the territory of the country, Catholicism is the state religion. Moreover, the Catholic population in Peru is more than 80%.

So, we learned the basic information about the state. Now let's talk about which city is the capital of Peru.


Capital of Peru - Lima

The area of โ€‹โ€‹Lima is approximately 800 km 2 , however, the city is considered quite densely populated. After all, almost ten and a half million people live in it! And the population density in the capital of Peru is almost 2,848 people per 1 km 2 .

The city is located on the Pacific coast, so the climate here is quite mild. Throughout the year, the temperature in Lima does not fall below +17 ยฐ C, and there is little rainfall. This is due to the fact that the ocean is significantly influenced by the ocean with predominantly cold currents.

Almost half of the population of the capital of Peru is mestizos, and also a lot of white people. About 10% of the inhabitants are local people and the indigenous people of the continent.


The city of Lima is the main economic center not only of the state of Peru, but of the whole of South America. Indeed, life in the capital is in full swing, and many local residents are engaged in labor activities in various fields. Many Peruvians, for example, work in mining and processing industries.

Also, the capital of Peru is a large banking center with more than 10 major financial institutions.

Some residents of Lima found their calling in work in the tourism sector. They help visitors to settle down and get comfortable in their unusual city.

Transport and communication

Transport in Lima

Lima has a major seaport, several railway lines and an airport located nearby. Therefore, residents and guests of the capital do not have problems when moving or, if necessary, transporting goods.

The high population density in the capital of Peru (Lima) has a significant impact on the operation of urban public transport. The city has more than 500 different transport companies specializing in the transport of passengers.

Lima residents and tourists have the opportunity to catch a taxi, but in this case, the main thing is not to meet an unofficial person who wants to earn money on unknowing passengers. The official taxi is distinguished by the presence of a special registration sticker on the glass or a license.

As for communications, Lima can be called a completely modern and advanced city. In the capital, mobile communications and the Internet are widely available. Any person always has the opportunity to call: for this, special booths and automatic machines are installed on the streets.

Business and Real Estate

Streets of Lima

Many beginners and more experienced businessmen choose Lima as the city for their investments. Why is this happening? What did business people like the capital of Peru? What is it in terms of profit and doing business? And is everything so smooth here?

Firstly, Lima has adopted low taxes on the creation of new enterprises, which is extremely beneficial for businessmen and investors.

Secondly, in Lima the export of its capital is not limited.

Thirdly, Lima is considered one of the 10 best cities in Latin America for doing business. And businessmen, as a rule, always rely on statistics from previous years.

A profitable line of business in the city is tourism, which annually brings a considerable income to local residents. However, in Peru, a rather lengthy process is the high-quality execution of all documents, which cannot please both local and foreign businessmen.

In Lima, the sale of real estate also flourishes, the prices of which rise quite slowly.

So, we learned what the capital of Peru promises businessmen. What can be said about the nature of Lima?

Natural features

The beauty of nature in Peru and Lima

Lima is a coastal city with a warm climate and very high humidity. Therefore, here, of course, you can see unique representatives of wildlife.

The Pacific Ocean is unusually rich in various types of fish and seafood. Therefore, in the capital of Peru there are a large number of restaurants where you can try delicious sea Peruvian dishes.

In a place called Pantanos de Wiia, near Lima, rare species of birds are found that live not only in South America, but also on other continents. In addition to birds, Peru is characterized by a variety of species of butterflies and other insects.

In Peru, sea urchins and marine languages, haddocks, alpacas, vicunas, tarantulas, finches, alligators, anteaters, Humboldt penguins, chinchillas and many other animals live. In the photo of the capital of Peru, you can often see unusual creatures strolling right through the streets of the city.

However, the life of both plants and animals is significantly affected by the ocean, which is sometimes unpredictable.

Food in Lima

Ceviche dish

In Lima, you can try really tasty and unique dishes, without fearing that in a simple cafe the quality of food will be worse than in expensive restaurants. The peculiarity of the capital is that it is close and convenient for all categories of tourists and local residents. Absolutely everyone can find a suitable institution and place of rest.

The national Peruvian dish is Ceviche, consisting of fish, rice and various seafood.

There are restaurants in Lima that offer you just a huge assortment of wines.

It is interesting that many people call the city the culinary capital of America, since in many institutions you can try not only Peruvian, but also national dishes from other countries of South and North America.

Entertainment and outdoor activities

In this direction, the capital of Peru cannot be described briefly. In a modern city with a huge number of inhabitants, there are many places suitable for relaxing or unwinding.

For example, in Lima there is a beautiful zoo where you can see various animals, rare birds, and beautiful fish species. The zoo is suitable for both children and adults who want to learn a lot about the surrounding nature.

Lima is famous for its huge number of magnificent parks. In the parks and gardens you can enjoy the local flora, ride the rides or just relax.

In addition, you can visit the famous theater and the beautiful park of fountains, containing the largest fountain complex in the world.

In addition to peaceful entertainment, in the capital you can visit nightclubs that amaze with their fury and scale. In Lima, a suitable night club can be found by lovers of popular music, and jazz fans, and those who want to relax and dance, and even sports lovers. In this case, Lima is just a find for both the local population and visitors.


Fountain in Limenos Square

Lima is truly rich in various museums, cathedrals and other attractions. Which of them can be especially distinguished?

The center of the capital, the so-called Limenios, is an incredibly beautiful and historically important place. Here you can see the fountain, built about five centuries ago, the famous Lima balconies decorating various buildings, as well as the buildings of the Cathedral and the Government Palace, in which the government is administered.

Barranco is considered the most interesting place in Lima, by visiting which you can truly enjoy the city and spend time near the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Cathedral in Lima

There are also many monasteries and cathedrals in Lima. The most famous of them are the already mentioned Cathedral in the city center, as well as the Pachacamac Temple and the Cathedral of San Francisco.

All visitors are advised to visit the museums of the capital, including the National Museum of Archeology, Anthropology and History, the Pedro de Osma Museum, the Larco Museum, the Lima Museum of Art, the Gold Museum in Lima, the Museum de la Nacion and many others.

As for the monuments of architecture and art, in the capital you can visit the Palace of Torre Tagl, the House of Aliag and Uaka Puclan. In 2013, the city even opened a monument to the popular national dish - ceviche.

Other major cities

In addition to the capital, in Peru there are other fairly large and interesting cities. These are primarily Arequipa, Trujillo and Callao. What can be said about each of them?

City of Arequipa

Almost 1 million people live in Arequipa. Moreover, the area of โ€‹โ€‹the city exceeds the area of โ€‹โ€‹the capital by more than 12 times! The climate in Arequipa is somewhat more severe than in Lima, but it is also characterized by softness and high humidity. Arequipa is also the second economic center in Peru after Lima. An exotic cactus and an asteroid discovered in Arequipa Observatory, which was discovered in the 20th century, were named after the city.

Trujillo is the fourth largest in Peru. At the moment, approximately 700 thousand people live here, with about 465 inhabitants per 1 km 2 . Trujillo is located in the north of the country and annually attracts a large number of tourists due to the unique combination of architecture and culture of different nations and valuable historical monuments.

Callao is an autonomous region of Peru, located near the capital. The city has the largest seaport and airport of the country. The population is only about 900 thousand people, but Callao has the highest population density in Peru - about 5 970 people per 1 km 2 . In addition to its transport significance, Callao has one more thing - it is considered one of the main trading points in the Pacific Ocean.


So, we met with such a beautiful and picturesque state as Peru, as well as with its largest cities. Now you can easily answer the question about the name of the capital of Peru, and even tell some interesting facts about Lima and other localities.

South America is a truly wonderful continent for a traveler, featuring a harmonious combination of different nationalities and their cultures. On this continent, any tourist will be able to visit interesting places, admire exotic animals and plants, try the most exquisite dishes. We wish you to enjoy traveling and visit as many South American states as possible!

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