What do you need to do exercises to lose weight? Cardio and some power

According to statistics, 95% of attempts to lose weight fail. The thing is that in the race for the figure, many ignore the simple rules. They ask the question "What exercises do you need to lose weight?" instead of working on eating habits. However, those who want to reduce their weight can achieve the goal if they use an integrated approach: that is, load yourself with strength exercises, cardio and do not forget about the diet. Moreover, nutrition is most important here: skipping one workout cannot greatly slow down weight loss, but one day of overeating may require 3-7 half-starved days to eliminate the consequences of irresponsible eating behavior.

what you need to do exercises to lose weight

Caution with force

So, what do you need to do exercises to lose weight? They told the world how many times that it is almost impossible to lose weight locally, but all the same, those who want to shake their oblique muscles of the abdomen are in every room. And the simulator for mixing legs is not without work. But in vain, if you have responsive muscles, then from such exercises you will quickly gain volume in the waist and powerful muscles will form under the layer of fat on the inner surface of the thighs. If your muscles are unresponsive, you will not have problems, but you will not see any weight loss effect. In a word, do not waste time on useless things; better give stress to your arms, legs, back and abs. Beautiful embossed hands in women are a subject of special attention for men. You will not become such as huge bodybuilders or girls from posters - these girls are not really girls, they eat male hormones that create a background similar to the hormonal background of a man. So from just training, the muscles will not grow, moreover, unresponsive. But they can become beautiful.

what exercises are needed to lose weight

Workouts for the heart

What exercises will help you lose weight? First of all, oriented to the load of the heart. You have heard that strength exercises require more energy. Why, then, to the question of what exercises are needed to lose weight, I answer: "cardio"? Despite the power dissipation of power, a person can not perform them long enough for a weight loss effect. In addition, during strength training, the body uses predominantly blood glucose. This means that if you came to the gym hungry, you won’t be able to work out normally - you will hack and do tasks incorrectly technically to ease your load. A losing weight is always malnourished. Cardio, they are also aerobic exercises, are relatively well tolerated even on an empty stomach and provide maximum fat consumption.

what exercises will help you lose weight

Home alternative

What do you need to do exercises to lose weight? Aerobic! Optional running, walking or skiing. It can be jumping under a DVD with an aerobic complex. Just remember - the training should be long enough. In total, at least 40 minutes of this work is needed per day (warm-up does not count). Usually on a video everyone works aerobically for twenty minutes. That is, if you do not want to pay for the room, and the weather is “non-flying”, work in front of a TV or computer monitor.

What do you need to do exercises to lose weight? Aerobic and a little power, in order to maintain their muscle mass. And do not be very zealous with the latter - they greatly fuel your appetite, because the blood sugar from them decreases, and your body tries to make you eat.

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