The hematocrit in the child is elevated - what does this mean in the diagnosis?

If you carefully consider the blood test, it can be noted that the hematocrit number is indicated in it. The hematocrit level indicates how much red blood cells there are in the blood, called red blood cells. They play a major role in the human body, as, in the first place, they enrich all tissues with oxygen and various nutrients.

When the results of the analysis show that the hematocrit is elevated, then, most likely, there are deviations in the body's work. Reduced hematocrit is practically not dangerous, unlike high, so it is worth paying more attention to the latest changes in blood. For the attending physician, a blood test is important, since he can determine not only the presence of the disease, but also the severity of its course.

hematocrit in a child is increased

Why and how analysis is carried out

So, the hematocrit can be calculated from a blood test. For this, blood is collected in a special test tube from glass and centrifugation begins for a certain time. As a rule, heavy elements as a result of this fall (namely, red blood cells), and the plasma floats up.

On the test tube there are divisions by which the number of red bodies in the body is determined. When an elevated or decreased hematocrit is detected, the transcript of the analysis is recorded in percent. Such an analysis is made in a conventional clinical laboratory.

hematocrit elevated what does it mean

The norm in a child

Throughout life, the hematocrit rate in a person can change, this is especially noticeable in childhood:

  1. In a child just born, the norm can be from 45% to 63%.
  2. Up to three months in a baby, this level drops slightly and reaches as much as 44%.
  3. Up to a year, the hematocrit level should drop to 35%.
  4. Up to ten years, the hematocrit in a child should not exceed 34%.

What is the deviation from the norm

When the child’s hematocrit is elevated, parents should pay attention to this problem, as this, as a rule, indicates a serious illness, although sometimes this is also associated with physiological changes.

If the hematocrit rises, then the child’s blood becomes thick and viscous. This is due to the fact that the number of red blood cells increases. This condition can be dangerous for any person, because it can provoke the appearance of blood clots.

hematocrit increased in adolescent

Some parents are worried and wonder if the hematocrit is elevated, what does this mean, and how should it be normalized? But we must remember that if the increase occurs by 10% in a child up to a year, then most likely the reason is hidden in the physiological development of the baby, and there is no reason for worries.

Symptoms of abnormalities

If the adolescent hematocrit is lowered, then this can lead to serious health problems. As a result of the reduced number of red blood cells, the amount of oxygen supplied to the organs decreases, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of the acid-base balance.

As a result, the child feels weak, begins to tire quickly, he has complaints about a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. Also, a teenager may complain of constant dizziness, and in some cases, he may experience nausea.

hematocrit transcript analysis

Only the doctor can determine the exact reason why this happens, he will also prescribe medications that can restore the level of hematocrit.

Reasons why hematocrit may increase

It may turn out that the hematocrit is elevated in a teenager or baby if the analysis was not assembled correctly. For example, a child did not drink water for a long time before giving blood. In this case, it can become thick. The same thing happens when the baby’s body as a result of the disease suffers from dehydration due to poisoning and vomiting or at high body temperature.

An increase in hematocrit may be associated with pathological conditions that caused an increase in the concentration of red blood cells. That is, when the hematocrit is elevated in a child, the reasons can be hidden in such ailments:

  1. Kidney disease that may be congenital or acquired throughout life. This includes polycystic disease, the development of neoplasms, hydronephrosis.
  2. Pathologies in the respiratory system, the inflammatory process in the lungs and bronchi.
  3. Injuries and burns of varying degrees.
  4. Heart diseases. They can be congenital, but can be acquired due to heavy physical exertion.
  5. Blood problems. Leukemia
  6. Gastrointestinal problems.
  7. Asymptomatic oxygen starvation.
  8. Taking certain medications over time (not only antibiotics can lead to an increase in hematocrit).

hematocrit increased in a child causes

Only the doctor can determine the exact cause. Based on the results of the analysis, he will propose other diagnostic methods for identifying a disease that led to an increase in hematocrit in the child.

What threatens increased hematocrit in children

If the hematocrit in the child is elevated, then this leads to thickening of the blood, which subsequently leads to the formation of blood clots. And, as we already mentioned, the described phenomenon can be a consequence of serious diseases associated with the circulatory system, the formation of tumors, both benign and malignant, with an inflammatory process in the adrenal glands, lungs and kidneys. An increase in the volume of red blood cells and with peritonitis is manifested. Although the hematocrit can increase by itself, if the child is high in the mountains, as well as if he is exposed to sunlight for a long time.

How to treat elevated hematocrit in a child

Some parents immediately start to panic if they find out from the doctor that the child has elevated hematocrit. What does it mean? Do not immediately worry, in order to accurately establish the cause of the deviations, the doctor will suggest another series of tests. And as soon as the cause is established, treatment will be prescribed if necessary.

First of all, in such cases, it is recommended that the patient provide proper nutrition, which includes a large amount of fortified food. If you follow all the instructions of a doctor, then soon the normal level of red blood cells will be restored.

The doctor will accurately determine how much the hematocrit is increased in the child, and if these indicators are insignificant, and the results of other tests do not show any deviations, this may be due to physiological development.

high hematocrit

When changes in hematocrit will be harmless to the health of the child

As we have already said, high hematocrit is not always associated with pathologies, sometimes it just happens to be temporary. For example, if a person drinks a little water a day, then, in the end, the blood can thicken. Specialists therefore recommend that parents monitor the regimen and nutrition of their baby. After all, if primary problems are eliminated, then soon the blood will return to normal. And it is recommended to take tests not once, but several, with a short break.

It should be noted that children who live in the mountains, due to a lack of oxygen, constantly suffer from elevated hematocrit, but they have a gradual adaptation, therefore, as a rule, such an increase does not have any consequences for the body.

If the child’s hematocrit is elevated, then you should definitely pay attention to the problem in order to exclude possible serious diseases that can be prevented if treatment is started on time. A child with elevated hematocrit will complain of frequent dizziness and even nausea. Often you can observe his state of "stunned", shortness of breath and numbness of the limbs.


How quickly hematocrit will recover will depend on what led to its increase. For example, if the child received a burn, then the described indicator normalizes after the healing process begins, if the reason lies in other, more serious diseases, then the body should be fully examined and drug treatment should be carried out.

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