Any property that is not connected to the power line is unsuitable for living. Or rather, you can live in it, of course, but you can hardly call this life comfortable and convenient. Our life is rapidly changing, and we become "hostages" of modern technology. Imagine life without TV, the Internet, a mobile phone, various household appliances?
To give up all this stuff is very problematic. I can’t even believe that once, people did without these convenient and functional devices. In this way, power supply contract becomes the document thanks to which we can use all the benefits of civilization.
An electricity supply agreement is obtained on the basis of design documentation. In the apartment’s power supply project, all electrical equipment is painted, the number of current collectors is calculated, the figure of the required electric power appears. It should be noted that when purchasing a city apartment in the primary or secondary housing market, your property is already connected to the power supply line. However, building a country house, it is possible that you will have to solve this serious issue on your own.
To begin with, we need to develop a project for the electricity supply of suburban housing, then we should calculate the electric power that your home needs. Do not forget that receiving electric power , the question is extremely important. Make sure that the design documentation is completed by professionals. Designer's mistakes can be expensive for the customer.
When all issues are resolved, you can contact the power grid organization that works in your area. You submit an official application about the need for technological connection of your property to the power line. Attach a power supply project. In the event that all documents are collected correctly, then in a fairly short time you will receive an official notification about the connection of your home to the network. However, there are examples when technological connection is not possible. In this case, you receive an official disclaimer. However, do not be afraid, this practice is extremely rare, it is unlikely that you built your country house in such a wilderness where it is impossible to reach the power supply line.