Age limit for military service. Limit age of stay in stock, ranks of stock

Almost every person liable for military service is concerned about the age limit for military service. The thing is that even after serving in the army, a person remains liable for military service. In peacetime, it is enough for him to sometimes come to military training, and during the war he will have to defend his homeland. That is why people are wondering when it is possible to deregister at the military registration and enlistment office. There are various options for the development of events.

age limit for military service

Types of ages

It is hard to believe, but the age limit for military service depends on the position of the military. In addition, this period can be divided into several components.


  • registration in the military registration and enlistment office;
  • military age;
  • age of stay in stock.

We are mostly interested in the last point, but more about it later. First, itโ€™s worthwhile to find out when, in general, a citizen is registered with the military registration and enlistment office and drafted into the army.

First meeting

For the first time, a visit to the commissariat by a military officer (all young men of the Russian Federation are recognized by them) is planned at school. He falls on the 10-11th grade, it is about 16-18 years old.

During military training, the boys go through a commission and register at the military registration and enlistment office. This is where all the actions end. A person is already considered liable for military service, he is listed in the commissariat as a future conscript.

age limit for military service increased

Age of call

Recently, Russia has increased the age limit for military service for certain categories of persons liable for military service. Nevertheless, such cases are rare.

The draft age in the Russian Federation lasts from 18 to 27 years inclusive. During this period, all persons liable for military service undergo a commission of the established form, receive the category of fitness for service, and are also called upon to perform their duties in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Life time

How many by law do urgent appeal serve today? If it is a contractual basis, then the citizen will have to focus on the time specified in the contract.

Otherwise, military service lasts 12 months and no more. Previously served longer. After the expiration of this period, a person liable for military service is fired. And in peacetime, almost nothing connects a person with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But the age limit for military service is still of interest to the population.

Ranks and ranks

It is impossible to answer unequivocally on a similar topic. As we have already said, the term of stay in the reserve depends on the rank and rank of the military officer. Therefore, you will have to pay attention to many features of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

stock age limit

In total, 3 military categories are distinguished. The higher it is, the longer it will take to serve. This is quite normal.

In addition, there are 5 types of titles. About them will be discussed later. One has only to remember that the higher the rank, the longer a person is enlisted in the military registration and enlistment office as a "reserve".


So far, another extension of the age limit for military service in Russia is not planned. You can consider in more detail the rank and time of deregistration in the commissariat.

Let's start with the junior ranks. First come midshipmen, sailors, soldiers, warrant officers, sergeants and foremen. They are deleted from the number of โ€œreservesโ€ at 35, 45, or at 50 years of age in the first, second, and third category, respectively.


The next category of ranks are officers. We are talking about junior officers.

Such people will be deregistered in the military enlistment office in 50-60 years. In the second category, a citizen loses the status of "reserve" in 55 years.

Captains and majors

But that is not all. The age limit for majors, lieutenant colonels, and captains of ranks 2 and 3 will be almost the same as for junior officers. Nevertheless, it is longer.

increase in age limit

The thing is that at the first discharge a person is deregistered at the military registration and enlistment office at the age of 55. The age limit for staying as a "reserve" with the second category is 60 years, and with the third - 65 years.

Senior ranks

In addition, colonels, captains of the 1st rank and senior officers provide only 2 categories. And this greatly simplifies the search for the answer to the question we are studying.

Senior officers are retired at the age of 65 and 70, while the rest are liable for military service at 60 or 65. Other scenarios are not foreseen.

It is possible to withdraw from the register in the military registration and enlistment office ahead of schedule only for health reasons. As a rule, unfit for service and disabled people have the right to early release from military duty. This practice does exist.


All the features listed above are relevant only for the male half of the population. After all, men are people who are considered military liable in Russia. Women have no compulsory military service and registration with the military registration and enlistment office.

However, female militaries are found. For them, the maximum age of stay in the reserve (the discharge categories also affect this indicator) is 50 years. This restriction is relevant for officer ranks. The remaining women cease to be listed as "storerooms" in the commissariats at the age of 45.

extension of the age limit for military service


What is the duty of the military to do? Such people are considered until the moment of dismissal from the reserve. Accordingly, you will have to perform some duties.

These include:

  • Arrival at the military registration and enlistment office on agendas;
  • passing the commission on the agenda;
  • notification of military registration and enlistment offices about changes in health or marital status;
  • registration with the commissariat at the place of residence;
  • deregistration in the military registration and enlistment office if a citizen plans to leave the region for more than 3 months;
  • Arrival at military training;
  • military service .

As a rule, failure to perform these duties is an administrative violation. Only draft evasion is considered a criminal offense.

About liability

We found out what categories of stock are found and the age limit for military servicemen registered with the commissariats. What threatens a person for failure to perform military duties?

Most often faced with administrative fines of up to 500 rubles. So much is evading military training or ignoring subpoenas from the military enlistment office.

In case of evasion of an urgent appeal to a citizen, a criminal case is opened. Under such circumstances, a person can be imprisoned for 2 years maximum, and then still be drafted into the army.


An increase in the age limit for service in Russia is not planned in the coming years. Therefore, we can assume that a citizen is considered to be a "reserve" until 60-65 years. In exceptional cases, up to 70, but no more.

reserve categories and age limits for staying

Upon reaching the indicated ages, it is necessary to go to the military registration and enlistment office by registration and deregister. This process does not cause any trouble. After him, a resident of the Russian Federation ceases to be considered a military obligation. He will not be called up for service in wartime; he will no longer be required to attend military training.

Thus, one should not think that the age limit for military service is limited to the draft period and military service. Even after an urgent appeal, you will have to fulfill your military duties.

In the ranks of the "reserve" is transferred not only to those who have served, but also to those who have received a deferment or complete release from service.

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