Rose oil: methods of application and beneficial properties

Rose flower. How beautiful she is! It is impossible to stop looking, it is impossible to breathe, because it is a favorite flower of women, the queen of flowers. For many centuries she has been praised, poems and songs are written about her, giving a rose, they say “I love”. But they appreciate it not only for its beauty, but also for its healing properties.

Rose oil was first obtained many centuries ago by Avicenna. He was the first to isolate the essential oil by distillation. The ether was worth its weight in gold, and now it is very in demand, despite the cost. Rose oil is used in perfumes and medicine, in cosmetology.

Pink story

The first mention of this plant appeared in China. It was from there that this marvelous flower began its journey around the world, winning the hearts of people. He was brought to India, Africa and the Middle East, he conquered France, where by hybridization appeared damask and metropolitan roses, from which they receive precious ether.

Experienced natural rose oil became widely known in the Arab countries, and in Europe mass production began much later. Its main supplier during the rapid growth of perfumery was Bulgaria. Rose oil was used by all famous perfumers of that time.

Pink ether

oil making

In the modern world, there are two methods for producing rose oil - distillation and extraction. Natural oil can only be obtained from the petals. To do this, flowers are harvested early in the morning until the sun has risen, and they immediately begin processing so that the flowers do not lose ether. In 24 hours, a plucked flower loses about 30% of the essential oils.

By the way, during distillation they are released too little, less than 1%. And to get 1 kg of rose oil, you need to process about 5000 kg of petals. Therefore, for the perfume industry, the extraction method is used. During this process, an absolute oil is formed, dissolved in alcohol.

Due to manufacturing difficulties, this substance is so highly regarded and is one of the most expensive. Nowadays, the main suppliers of rose oil are Bulgaria and Turkey, which use damask roses for production . Turkish oil is developed with the participation of industrialists from Grasse and is very much appreciated in the perfume market.

Oil properties

Scopes of rose oil are very various. It is widely used in cosmetology, adding to various creams, lotions, emulsions and other cosmetics. Aromatherapy is not complete without this ether, and oil is also widely used in medicine.

rose oil

Depending on the scope, it is possible to distinguish the main properties of the described substance:

  • During aromatherapy, it relaxes and relieves fatigue, eliminates complexes and helps to improve mutual understanding between people, relieves stress and improves mood.
  • In cosmetology - it rejuvenates, strengthens regenerative functions, improves skin texture, removes fine wrinkles, refreshes, and strengthens the skin's protective properties.
  • The therapeutic effect is expressed in anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, sedative, tonic, laxative, antispasmodic vasodilator, antiseptic and bactericidal functions.

Precious face skin oil

cream and rose

In our country, rose oil received excellent reviews in cosmetology. It is added to almost all products for the care of sensitive, dry, aging and mature skin of the face and body. Oil is widely used both on an industrial scale and in home skin care.

Many women use rose face oil. It is added and cleaning products, and in masks, used to make ice cubes. Cream with rose oil has a healing effect on the skin and helps to combat various problems:

  • Eliminates pigmentation.
  • Increases firmness and elasticity.
  • Enhances skin regeneration.
  • Reduces the number of rashes.
  • Helps fight rosacea.
  • Eliminates dryness and peeling.
  • Rejuvenates and smoothes wrinkles.
  • Smoothes skin texture and improves complexion.
  • It controls the sebaceous glands.

Rose body care oil

bath with petals

The amazing properties of this product are also used in body care. It is added to existing cosmetics or various mixtures are made with the addition of a few drops of essential oil. It is also added to scrubs, used while taking a bath or wraps with the addition of this miraculous elixir.

With regular use and in combination with massage, rose oil helps to fight stretch marks, and also helps to lose weight and eliminate cellulite. After using such products, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and velvety.

Rose Extract Hair Care

Rose oil was not spared by lovers of beautiful silky hair. It has excellent moisturizing and regenerating properties, able to solve most problems associated with hair and scalp in a short period of time.

But it should be borne in mind that the described oil in this case is not used as an independent product, it is added to daily care products (in shampoos, conditioners, balms, masks) or cosmetic oils are used as a base (for example, jojoba, burdock, olive, shea butter and etc.), and only a few drops are added to the pink elixir. These mixtures have excellent properties:

  • Prevent hair loss.
  • Fight with split ends.
  • Nourish the hair follicles.
  • Accelerate hair growth.
  • Improve blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Eliminate dandruff and seborrhea.
  • Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Give hair elasticity and healthy shine.

Rose water, salt and ice

what does rose oil look like

Preparing rose water at home is quite simple - for this you need 3-5 drops of oil to be diluted in 100 ml of pure water. It is a great replacement for store lotions. With regular use, rose water narrows the pores, smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, removes oily sheen, and relieves swelling.

Pink bath salt also has a simple recipe. Pink water is sprayed onto coarse sea salt from a spray bottle and, after drying, the salt is stored as usual. Before use, several tablespoons of salt are diluted in water and poured into a bath. Such water treatments relax, cheer up and make the skin soft and velvety.

Pink ice is pink rose frozen in molds. They rub the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. This procedure gives excellent results - the skin becomes elastic and toned. Elasticity improves, color and texture are aligned, the skin is getting younger every day. Pink ice can also be made from fresh rose petals. For this, the petals from 2-3 buds are poured with a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, filtered and poured into molds.

Terms of use and contraindications

Despite the excellent properties of rose oil, we must not forget that this is a highly concentrated product with a large number of chemical elements in the composition. To prevent an allergic reaction, you must first apply a small amount of the used cosmetic mixture to any area of ​​the skin. If during the day at the treatment site there is no redness, rash or peeling, you can start using the composition. The use of rose oil is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • people with allergies;
  • suffering from high blood pressure.

Rosewood Oil

pink tree

When using a variety of recipes for the preparation of cosmetics at home, very often there is confusion in the choice of oils. Rosewood oil has nothing to do with the above product. These are completely different essential oils. They are similar in consistency and color, even in some properties, but completely different in origin.

Rosewood oil is extracted from valuable species of wood with a unique pink hue (hence the name of the oil). Its use is also very wide: in cosmetology, perfumery and medicine.

Useful properties for facial skin

In cosmetology, the properties of rosewood oil are used in the manufacture of products for hair, face and body skin. At home, it can significantly improve ready-made creams, enhancing their functions, and prepared independently from natural ingredients, they can easily replace the most expensive cosmetics.

So, when using rosewood oil for the face, you can get rid of various problems and significantly improve the condition of the skin. It has a regenerating and wound healing, restoring and soothing, as well as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The oil is used for aging and dry skin, sagging and sensitive. Its use is especially recommended in the presence of cosmetic defects such as acne, age spots, dermatitis, rosacea and a dull, heterogeneous complexion. With regular use, the skin becomes toned and velvety, its texture is smoothed and wrinkles become less noticeable.

skin oil

Body and hair treatment

Very often, this useful oil is used by cosmetologists during body treatments. In home care, this product is especially popular for its excellent properties and affordability. Oil is very effective in combating such problems:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, peeling;
  • spider veins;
  • cracks and rough skin on the elbows and heels;
  • traces of acne, scars and scars;
  • stretch marks.

After applying cosmetic compounds with rosewood oil, the skin returns elasticity, it becomes noticeably younger, inflammatory processes disappear.

Dermatologists recommend using it for hair and scalp. A few drops are added to shampoos, balms and masks. This helps to get rid of dandruff and peeling, reduces inflammation on the scalp. It is also recommended for use in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. Rosewood oil normalizes sebum production and strengthens hair follicles. Moisturizes and nourishes hair, facilitates combing.

Contraindications to the use of oil

It is important that rosewood oil is considered a hypoallergenic product. It can be used by both children and pregnant women. Although an allergy test is mandatory, you need to exclude individual intolerance to the components. Contraindications are available only for oral administration: it can not be used for ulcers, gastritis and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural oils are a gift of nature for beauty and youth, their use gives unforgettable sensations and magnificent results.

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