Parental fee for kindergarten: the size of who is entitled to compensation and how to apply for it

The child has already grown up, and parents began to think about how to identify him in kindergarten. After all, there the kid will be able not only to communicate with his peers, but also to develop, as well as prepare well for school. This is exactly what the educational program of kindergartens is aimed at. But what should legal representatives know before identifying a child in a preschool educational institution? First of all, they should be aware that parental fees for kindergarten must be paid. This amount is indicated in the contract. You will learn more about all this from this article.

A little about the main thing

in kindergarten

What do parents need to know about kindergarten fees? The most important thing is that the funds for visiting a toddler in a preschool educational institution must be paid monthly. This rule applies in all kindergartens, regardless of whether a private or public kindergarten. This is important to know.

In addition, when signing an agreement with a preschool educational institution, you need to carefully study all the conditions for making a payment for kindergarten (by which day of each month you need to deposit funds into the account for the provided service). Before a child enters kindergarten, it will be necessary to collect and bring the manager certain documents necessary for calculating compensation for part of the parental fee. Detailed information about this is reported by the administration when a child is enrolled in a preschool educational institution.

In law

So, as it was already written earlier, if the baby attends the Kindergarten, then his legal representatives must pay the parental fee for kindergarten. Nevertheless, at present, the state allows the latter to return part of the money spent on preschool education services. But compensation for attending kindergarten will not be able to get all parents. Moreover, the amount of this amount can be different, depending on how many children are in the family.

On the basis of the Federal Law "On Education" No. 273, parents are provided with partial compensation for paying for kindergarten. This normative act fixes the minimum amount of payments and fixes the factors affecting the amount of compensation.

Therefore, if a kindergarten attends:

  • one child, then it will be possible to return only 20% of the amount paid;
  • two children, then you can return 50% of the money spent to pay for kindergarten services;
  • three or more minor children, the size of the portion of payments increases to 70%.

You need to know about this.

What will happen if you do not pay for the kindergarten

mom and baby in kindergarten

Unfortunately, many parents ask this question. This can be associated with a difficult life situation and job loss. So, the parental fee for kindergarten must be paid before the date of each month, which is prescribed in the contract. In the event that the child attends the municipal kindergarten, and his legal representatives do not pay the necessary amount for him, the administration of the DOE can sue the parents. In this case, you still have to pay, only court costs will be added to the costs of the kindergarten.

man and child

Therefore, before placing a child in a kindergarten, you need to think carefully about whether parents will have money to pay for the services of a preschool institution. Indeed, at present, this type of education is not considered mandatory. Although not all parents know about this.

Who is compensated?

family in financial distress

This is a very interesting question. In any case, when a child is enrolled in a kindergarten, one of the parents fills out an application and signs a contract. The legal representative of the minor who is considered the customer under the contract has the right to receive compensation for part of the parental fee. You need to know about this.

Currently, the amount of compensation will depend not only on how many children live in the family, but also on whether citizens are recognized as very needy in accordance with regional criteria. Thus, low-income people will be able to receive the largest amount of compensation from paying for kindergarten services only in that situation if they have a certain status of a poor family by law.

Here it is necessary to say that children who have become orphans or left without parental care, as well as children with disabilities or children with tuberculous intoxication, go to kindergarten completely free of charge.

What documents are needed?

children and parents in kindergarten

In 2018, the right to transfer monetary compensation for part of the parental fee for kindergarten is reserved for one of the parents, who entered into an agreement with a preschool institution. As mentioned earlier, the amount of this amount now depends on how many children live in the family.

What documents do you need to bring to the head of the preschool educational institution in order to receive monthly compensation for parental fees for kindergarten? This question is often asked by legal representatives of minors attending these educational organizations.

To receive compensation for part of the amount paid for kindergarten, you need to fill out the appropriate application. This form is given to the parent directly in the preschool. The main thing is to correctly indicate the details of the account to which the amount of compensation will be transferred.

Here it is also necessary to say that the card number or bank account must be opened in the name of the representative of the child who entered into an agreement with the kindergarten. Indicate third-party account numbers in this case is prohibited.

In the event that there is only one child in the family, then only his birth certificate and passport details of that legal representative who will be the recipient of compensation for parental fees for kindergarten will be needed. If there are two or more children in the family, then their birth documents will need to be submitted. This is the order.

If kindergarten fees have been raised and not warned

According to the law, this cannot be, but still, such situations often occur in practice. Moreover, in each district and city of a certain region, a certain amount of parental payment for kindergarten is established. According to the rules, it is established by resolution of the head of the district or the mayor of the city. There cannot be a fee for a kindergarten indicated above in this document. All legal representatives of children should be aware of this.

Raising the parental payment for kindergarten should occur only on the basis of the relevant resolution of the head of the district or city. After receiving this document, the garden administration must prepare additional agreements to the contract and distribute to all parents for signature. They are made in duplicate. Only after notification of the parents, the kindergarten administration has the right to demand from them payment for the services of the preschool institution at the new tariff. All citizens should know about this.

For information

So, a few years ago, the amount of compensation for part of the parental fee for kindergarten was subject to taxation. With it, like any other income of individuals, personal income tax was collected in the amount of 13%. Currently, this is no longer the case. Therefore, the amount of compensation accrued to the parent for the kindergarten now remains unchanged and is transferred to his account. This is also necessary for all parents whose babies attend preschool.

What you need to pay attention to

Calculation of the parental fee for kindergarten is carried out by the accounting department based on the number of days that the child spent in the kindergarten. Accordingly, if the baby visited the preschool only a week, it means that you will need to pay only for five days.

As a rule, charging for a kindergarten is made at the beginning of next month. The statement of payment is transmitted to the group educator, and she is already communicating the information to the parents of the children.

In each contract there is a clause on what date of the month you need to pay for visiting a kindergarten. If the funds are transferred by the parents later, they may be in debtors and, accordingly, they may have an unpleasant conversation with the administration of the preschool institution. Therefore, payment must be made in a timely manner.

If the kindergarten is private

guys in class

In modern times, some parents give preference to non-state educational institutions, believing that there their baby will be able to get better development than in the municipal kindergarten. But it's not always the case. Before entering a private kindergarten, you need to check its license. If this document is not available, then you do not need to risk the health of your baby and it is best to determine it in a municipal institution. Indeed, without a license, a private kindergarten cannot work, and therefore, the activities of such an institution will be illegal.

drawing in kindergarten

The size of the parental fee for kindergarten in this case may be different. Indeed, in a private educational institution, parents will have to pay not only for visiting and feeding the child, but also for conducting additional classes with him and much more. Therefore, even wealthy citizens consider the best option to give the baby to the municipal kindergarten. It is safer and much cheaper.


The law allows you to return back part of the parental fee for kindergarten to the customer, the amount of this amount will directly depend on how many children live in the family. Here, many citizens have a logical question. Can one expect to receive compensation for the kindergarten in the amount of 70% if the family has three children, but one of them is already 18 years old? Of course not. After all, a citizen who has reached the age of majority is no longer considered a child. Accordingly, one of the parents will be able to receive compensation for the kindergarten only in the amount of 50% of the payment for the preschool, but only if the second child is also a minor.

Because in practice, this often happens when another child appears in the family, when everyone else has already celebrated their majority. But parents believe that they are also children and want to receive the largest amount of compensation from paying for kindergarten. Unfortunately, this is not provided by law.

If the place is not provided

Currently, the queue in kindergartens is not getting smaller. Therefore, lawmakers have long been thinking about ensuring that parents whose children did not go to preschool because of a lack of places receive a monthly monetary compensation. Nevertheless, even now, such a privilege does not exist in all regions. For example, while this compensation can only be received by those living in Perm, Samara, Arkhangelsk and a number of other cities, where there are very few kindergartens.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are no such benefits. This is due to the fact that there are a lot of kindergartens in big cities, and all kids should be accepted into preschool educational organizations.

Where are the funds credited?

The return of the parental fee for kindergarten is made to the citizen's bank account, because it is prescribed by law. When writing an application, you need to specify the details of your account and transfer it to the accounting or the administration of the kindergarten. The specified compensation is credited to the account once a month.

general characteristics

It must be said here that the right of a child to obtain a place in a kindergarten is enshrined in the Constitution. Under the law, children can be admitted to this educational organization from a very young age. Here it is also necessary to say that in theory, kindergartens should accept infants in a day nursery, starting from two months. Nevertheless, in practice the situation looks completely different. Moreover, only babies are accepted into the garden, starting from two or three years old. The queue for a place in a preschool is best to take in advance. It is good if the mother takes care of this issue a few months after the birth of the baby.

As for the issue of reimbursing the parental fees for kindergarten, here everything is not so bad. Compensation is now being paid to all parents whose children attend preschool.

But soon, the authorities propose to introduce significant changes to the law. For example, when compensating part of the payment (parental fee) for a kindergarten, the material situation of the family will be taken into account. If people are poor, then they will be able to receive part of the amount paid for their children attending a preschool, and all the rest will not.

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