Workout for the back for girls: class schedule, exercises and step-by-step instructions for their implementation

In a healthy body healthy mind! In a beautiful body - everything should be beautiful! You can pump up the hips, buttocks, adjust the shape of the legs, but do not forget about the hands. To look fit, with a beautiful posture, you should properly conduct workouts for the back. For girls, the load will be significantly different from men's.

The difference between male and female training

The basic exercises, both for the female population and for the male, are the same, but there are some differences. The female body is much more enduring than the male. The girl does not need to work with heavy dumbbells and barbells in order to make the muscles grow. This can be done with small weights, but increase the number of sets and repetitions.

cardio warming up

The disadvantage of the female body is a small amount of testosterone (thanks to it, men gain muscle mass much faster). It is better for the fair sex to follow certain rules of training for the back. For girls, to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary:

  • start exercises with low weight;
  • gradually increase the number of repetitions or approaches;
  • basic exercises are done first;
  • closely monitor the technique in the mirror;
  • Do not take long breaks between trainings.

Based on female anatomy, it is more difficult to bring the muscles of the upper body into a sporty appearance than the lower one.

The number of repetitions and approaches

The trainer selects an exercise for the girl for the back and other parts of the body individually. He will also control the process of correctly completing tasks and the number of approaches. After a constant and thorough study of the complex, the girl will be able to independently carry out the program of necessary exercises. Basically, each of them is aimed at increasing muscle mass and strengthening them. The task is done 15 times, 3-4 repetitions.

Gymnastic Wheel

This simple item is easy to use and a great helper for warming up:

  • latissimus dorsi;
  • deltas;
  • rhomboid muscles.
gymnastic wheel

Regular training for the back for two backs is the key to beautiful traced shoulders and a narrow waist. In addition, classes will help:

  • strengthen the abs and back muscles;
  • eliminate pain in the lower back;
  • straighten posture.

Be sure to adhere to the technique of correctly performing the exercise. For beginners, it will not be easy, but patience and work will grind everything. What to do:

  • Take emphasis on the knees and socks, take the wheel and stretch out your hands in front of you.
  • Roll the wheel forward, gradually unbending the body.
  • Do not touch the floor with your body when unbending.

It is advisable to roll the wheel further, as far as the arms and body length allow.

As soon as the body is horizontal, in this position it is worth lingering for a few seconds, straining the press and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Now you can return to the starting position.

The number of approaches is determined after the first lesson. Usually this is no more than 2-3 approaches 10 times.


The back muscles are actively involved in almost all movements in everyday life. They must be strong in order to cope well with their direct responsibilities.

Back training for girls in the gym includes a number of exercises, including pull-ups. This is one of the main exercises for the proper development of back muscles and their formation. For its implementation using ordinary horizontal bars or simulators. These include graviton.

Pullups on it are performed by different methods:

  • wide grip;
  • neutral;
  • reverse grip.

Thanks to this variety, different back muscles are included in the work, endurance and grip strength develop.

gravitational pull-ups

To correctly complete the task, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • Set the desired weight on the simulator.
  • Climbing onto it, they kneel down on the lower platform, grab their hands on the handle-holders at the top.
  • Keep your back straight, look up.
  • They take a deep breath and at this time begin pulling up, bending their arms at the elbows.
  • The body should be tightened until the chin is at the level of the handles.
  • When exhaling, slowly return to their original position.
  • Repetitions of the task are carried out with the number of approaches indicated by the trainer.

Over time, the load can be increased and switch to a classic horizontal bar. They are already training with their own weight.


A strong back is the foundation for the development of other muscle groups in the body. Back training for girls in the gym should be regular and intense. This exercise is useful and universal:

  • muscles of the lumbar spine develop;
  • buttocks are tightened;
  • shoulders strengthen.
dumbbell deadlift

To do this you need a barbell or dumbbell. Beginners should not start with a lot of weight, because the consequences can be negative. Do 3 sets of 15 times. The execution technique is as follows:

  • Feet shoulder width apart, toe apart.
  • Take a barbell or dumbbell with outstretched arms down.
  • The gaze is directed forward or up.
  • Squats begin with the removal of the pelvis back, the hips take a position parallel to the floor.
  • The back is gradually tilted down, the knees should not go beyond the socks.
  • The shoulder blades slowly bring together and assume their primary position.
  • The barbell or dumbbells move strictly vertically, they can slide on the hips.

If the exercise is performed with a barbell, then it must be raised so that one palm is pointing up and the other down. So there is less chance that the bar will slip out of hand.

Tilt thrust

A huge layer of muscle in the body is located on the back. If he is flabby, then the presence of a beautiful figure is a moot point. So you should seriously take back training in the gym. For girls, this is a chance to acquire the outlines of a beautiful and athletic figure.

deep neckline

To achieve such results, thrust in a slope is suitable:

  • The body with a straight back is tilted forward 60 degrees.
  • They take the barbell in hands and pull it to the body.
  • The legs are shoulder-width apart, with slightly bent knees.
  • The elbows, when lifting the barbell to the abdomen, should not diverge to the sides, the shoulder blades are reduced.
  • When you inhale, lower the bar, while exhale, raise it.
  • Keep your head straight, look forward.

Do 3 sets of 12-14 times.

Top block

Such a simulator is in any room. Developing the upper body will require a serious approach, a good load and training on the back and arms. For girls with a beautiful back, it is not a problem to wear a fashionable dress or sweater with a neckline at the back. Recommendations for the exercise are as follows:

  • Sitting on the platform, grab the handle of the shell with your hands.
  • At a small angle, the back is tilted back, and the hand is pulled to the chest.
  • Performing this exercise, strain the trapezoid and deltas of the back.
  • Elbows slightly back.
  • Make slow movements with the handle up and down.

Perform 3-4 approaches 15 times.

top block

Horizontal block rod

Training the back and shoulders for the girl is beneficial not only in physical, but also in aesthetic form. When putting on a bra on the back and sides there will be no trace of its straps. The trapezius muscles and joints of the shoulders are safely pumped. Exercise Method:

  • Having sat on the platform, they grab the handle with both hands and pull the cable over themselves.
  • Tightened handle should be at the level of the abdomen. Looking preferably forward.
  • Slowly take the shoulders away from the handle, trying to bring the shoulder blades closer, and the elbows as far as possible lead back from the body.

Do 3 repetitions 12 times.


With this machine, a great workout is done for the back. For girls leading a sedentary lifestyle or beginners, it is especially useful. Exercise will help to remove the clamps, improve posture, even cope with scoliosis and hernia.

exercise machine

Correct hyperextension should be as follows:

  • Adjust the simulator to fit your body. The upper pads should end right under the pelvic bones - at the bend of the hips. The lower rollers should be slightly above the ankles and hold the legs tight.
  • Taking the starting position, the legs are brought under the lower rollers and take emphasis under the hips.
  • Hands cross over your head or chest.
  • Taking a breath, the body is lowered, bent in half. On exhalation, the body is raised so that it forms a straight line. Do not tilt the case back.

A similar exercise is performed on a goat or a Roman chair. It is advisable to do 3 sets of 20 times.

Circular basic training

Before you begin to exercise, you should warm up well to warm up the muscles and avoid sprains. You can do:

  • cardio load (running, jumping);
  • muscle stretching (swings, rotations, inclinations);
  • Squats or lunges with your own weight.

The circular back training program for girls is to repeat the same tasks several times.

First part:

  • Push-ups in the simulator or on the horizontal bar.
  • Hyperextension.
  • Deadlift.

The second part of:

  • Thrust of the upper block.
  • Traction horizontal block.

The third part:

  • Tilt in the slope.
  • Exercise with a gymnastic wheel.
result of efforts

The circle is completed, it is necessary to repeat all classes again. It is necessary to constantly make changes to the training program in order to avoid a plateau. Otherwise, apathy and stagnation develops.

After hard training, the result will be noticeable in the reflection of the mirror, and a satisfied smile will decorate the face.

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