On the project “Sword of King Arthur”, the actors did not get the desired success

Together with the director of the movie “The Sword of King Arthur”, the actors and screenwriters were forced to fail at the box office with fees less than the filming budget. The situation was not better with the reviews of critics at the premiere.

About the film

According to the calculations of the producers and the crew, on the project “King Arthur’s Sword” the actors and roles were selected not on one tape, but on a series of films in continuation of the same topic. Immediately it was planned to work on continuing the history of Camelot in a deadly siege. But the failure of the picture at the box office questioned these calculations. It is unlikely that the producers are "eager" to take risks again, the audience is also not too concerned about whether the sequel will be filmed.

It’s hard to blame someone alone on the crew for the failure, the director bears most of the responsibility, but the film’s negative reviews also mention the actors ’play and the unsuccessful script. Claims are caused by the plot, staging and even special effects in the frame.

Of course, it was director Guy Ritchie who felt the whole “severity” of the failure: the author of a huge number of cinema masterpieces clearly “pursued” the trends in audience demand and tried to please the mass audience. Apparently, nothing came of this. After the premiere of the film “The Sword of King Arthur”, the actors will remember the year 2017 for the biggest failure in their career. Richie himself does not yet know whether he will shoot the sequel.

Charlie hunnam

He played in the picture of the protagonist. The ruler of Camelot Arthur in his performance did not cause much enthusiasm among the critics - they criticized this role. But they also responded about everyone on this project. It is unlikely that Hannam should blame himself for the failure.

king arthur sword actors
On the set, the directors relied on his impressive cinema experience. By that time, the Englishman remained a sought-after actor for 18 years, he had accumulated dozens of major roles in the track record. On the project “The Sword of King Arthur”, actors from among his shooting partners noted Charlie’s high professionalism in work. Although he cannot boast of a good cinema or theater school, Hunnam has been gaining acting experience for almost 19 years.

Hannam Biography

British citizen Charlie Hunnam was born in 1980 in a small English town. For greater success in his career at the age of 19 he will move to Los Angeles. As a child, the actor did not plan to play roles on the big screen. In his biography, nothing indicates the future hero of films with a large budget. In the frame of Hannam brought a usual case and simple luck.

He was lucky to become an actor by accident: unlike most colleagues, Charlie did nothing at all for his future career success.

king arthur sword actors 2017
A guy with an outstanding appearance made purchases in one of the stores in his homeland, and at that moment someone from the film crew noticed him in the process of selecting an actor for the main role. So the Englishman makes his debut on the big screen at 18, later he will not waste his chance and will develop success in his acting career even more.

Astrid Berger Frisbee

For the film “The Sword of King Arthur”, the actors and roles in it were to become the most discussed topics among the audience, instead they had to suffer a painful failure at the box office. Among the rest, Astrid experienced a particularly painful failure. Her role could bring to the world level. The Frenchwoman played a magician, on the set of the film "The Sword of King Arthur", the actors considered Astrid the biggest discovery of cinema in the last few years. Her game could be the key to the success of the project at the box office.

Astrid Berger-Frisbee was born in 1986 in Barcelona, ​​but will grow up and get an education in Paris. She makes her debut on the screen at 21, becomes an actress of her own free will.

king arthur sword movie 2017 actors

Prior to participating in Guy Ritchie's project, the pinnacle of her career remained a role in one of the films of the Pirates of the Caribbean series. After the failure of the story of King Arthur, Astrid is still one of the most promising actresses in the world. At the moment, she is already 31 years old.

Jude Law

Already in childhood, by the will of his parents, the boy was introduced to the acting on the theater stage of school productions. Mom and Dad will contribute in every way to his development in this direction. By the age of 12, Lowe is already in one of the prestigious theater groups with performances at the national level. At the age of 14 he will appear on the TV screen in a children's role, at the age of 17 he will play in two more projects. Even before graduation, he already begins to earn acting, for this he quits training.

The British citizen Jude Law was born in London in 1972, his parents were school teachers, and at first he taught at his school. With early acting experience and excellent preparation, he will be one of the best in an adult career. Today, Low in the film crew of any film is a sign of its quality. He is invited to the set by leading filmmakers around the world.

king arthur sword actors and roles

The actor plays roles on the big screen for 28 years, his track record includes paintings from the classics of world cinema. Also, the actor continues to play on stage.


The film takes place in a brutal Middle Ages, when the community of magicians strives to rule the world. So far, people manage to keep the center of human civilization - Camelot. But in these difficult times, palace intrigues deprive England of the best of the kings after his murder by an envious brother in a fierce struggle for the throne. Now the state is in the hands of a cunning and treacherous monarch. In the vile coup, the wife of the murdered Uther Pendragon also perishes. Only the son of the former king remains alive - the London “priestesses of love” will pick up the boy and raise him as a strong man. It is in this young man that the British hope for salvation lies.

But he still has to avoid execution. My uncle understands - the rightful heir to the throne threatens his dominance, and you should be afraid of revenge. Arthur, as his adoptive mothers called him, will be the only person who managed to take out the fateful sword from the mysterious stone. Now the death or salvation of Arthur will determine the fate of all mankind in the fight against magicians.

King Arthur Sword 2017 actors and roles
In the film “The Sword of King Arthur” (2017 film), actors and screenwriters, led by the director, satisfy the demand of the mass audience for a combination of the historical genre and adventure fantasy.

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