Examples of information models of objects

Hearing such words as “modeling”, “model”, a person imagines images from his childhood: models of houses, small cars, planes, a globe. It is with the help of such simplified options that they reflect the functions and characteristics of genuine objects and objects. Looking at examples of information models, it is much easier to understand the essence and purpose of the original.

examples of information models

The main purpose of modeling

Examples of graphical information models in everyday life are common. It is with their help that one can visualize the complexity of real processes. They are similar to real objects, but possess only those characteristics that will be in demand in a certain situation. Examples of information models show that it makes no sense to endow them with absolutely all the characteristics of a real object. After all, you will have to significantly complicate the structure, it will be inconvenient to use it.

It is important to understand what the main goal of creating a model is, in what situation it will be used. Based on these characteristics, the created reduced copy of the real object is endowed with certain parameters. In modern modeling, they try to adhere to a clear sequence. It includes the creation of the object itself, setting goals for the creation of a reduced copy, determining its main characteristics.

examples of graphical information models

System analysis

If you analyze examples of information models, you need to focus on verbal, graphic, mathematical, tabular options. Let's try to identify the most important parameters that are necessary for modeling, as well as find the relationship between them. The process relating to the compilation of the set of properties of a real object for the formation of its reduced copy is called system analysis.

give examples of graphical information models

Presentation option

Examples of information models of various types confirm the importance of finding the optimal form for their presentation. It is she who is associated with the formation of a certain image about a real subject. Among the main requirements that are presented to the project, the leading position belongs to visibility. It is provided by an informational graphic model. We’ll talk about it in more detail.

Examples of graphical information models are easy to cite. They can be maps of a particular area, electrical circuits, a variety of drawings, graphs. It can be considered interesting that the same studied value, for example, the average daily air temperature, can be represented in various forms. It can be expressed as a table, coordinate system, text. An example of building an information model based on the same data is used in educational institutions and in higher education.

Simulation application

After the prototype of a real object is formed, its parameters can be used to familiarize yourself with the original, predict the behavior of the studied subject depending on the conditions, and make the necessary calculations. Examples of information models of objects indicate that it is often more convenient to use mixed options. Where can one meet such a symbiosis? Examples of mixed-use information models are common in construction. They make it possible to determine, by preliminary mathematical calculations, the optimal loads on different parts of the building, and to prevent the "drawdown" of the foundation.

Vivid examples of mixed-use graphical information models are diverse geographic maps. They are supplemented by tables, explanatory inscriptions, and topographic special characters. In addition, in geography often use charts, graphs, diagrams. The latter are divided into graphs, blocks, maps.

examples of information models of various kinds

About model classification

In order to work with the created models it was convenient, there is a conditional division of them into blocks:

  • by scope of application;
  • branches of knowledge;
  • time factor;
  • type of presentation.

In addition, it is possible to divide by type of construction into network, hierarchical, tabular types. Depending on the type of data presentation, there are various examples of graphical information models of sign or figurative - sign form. A real object can be considered using a description of properties or an analysis of the principle of its action.

Examples of figurative information model

Suppose a teacher instructed students in a lesson: give examples of graphical information models. What needs to be done for this? For starters, you can pick up options that are fixed on paper. They can be considered any geographical maps, drawings, photographs, graphics. In educational institutions, there are quite a few such examples. After all, one of the main ways of visual training is to provide the studied material in graphical and tabular form.

Not only in geography classes, the teacher offers his students numerous schemes and maps. A subject such as history is also closely associated with drawings, graphs, and various tables. If a history teacher says to his pupil: “Give examples of graphical information models relating to the Battle of Stalingrad,” it’s enough for the child to open the atlas on the desired page. With the help of arrows and color accents, the map reflects all the main points regarding this legendary event. In addition to educational institutions, variants of a figurative information model are also found in scientific institutions specializing in the separation of objects according to their external characteristics.

examples of graphical information models in everyday life

Time division of models

There are dynamic and static options. They are significantly different. Static information models imply a description of the characteristics of the studied object in a specific period of time. Their examples can be found in the construction of the building. Construction involves initial calculations of strength, resistance to static load. There are static options in dentistry. Describing the condition of the patient's oral cavity during a medical examination, the doctor notes the presence of various defects, the number of fillings.

Using a dynamic model, the dentist will analyze the dynamics of changes in the condition of the teeth in humans over a certain period of time. For example, for the last year or from the moment of the previous admission. There are dynamic information models when working with characteristics or factors suggesting a change in time. Among such parameters, we can mention seismic oscillations, temperature jumps, and changes in air humidity.

Verbal Information Models

This group clearly illustrates the example of a student’s information model. During the answer to the questions proposed by the teacher, the child uses a verbal description of the phenomenon, process. For example, talking about the rules of pedestrian behavior on the road, a student independently simulates a situation, offers his own way to resolve it. This rhyme, which the poet has not yet managed to transfer to a sheet of paper, also belongs to this category. The verbal information model is descriptive. Her example is prose in works, a textual description of certain objects and phenomena.

student information model example

Sign Models

As another characteristic, it is possible to imagine the display by means of a formal language of the characteristics of an object. Citing 2 examples of an iconic information model, we dwell on texts and diagrams. Both methods of representing the object are used in almost all spheres of activity of a modern person. There is a division of iconic models into structural, special, verbal, logical, geometric types.

Math forms

The main feature of the mathematical information model is the search in the description of the object for the relationship between quantitative characteristics. For example, knowing the mass of the body in question, you can, using the formula, calculate the speed of its movement for a certain time period. Mathematical information models are divided into types: discrete, static, simulation, continuous, dynamic, logical, algorithmic, multiple, game, probabilistic.

Tabular Information Models

If the properties of the object, the model are presented in the form of a list, and the values ​​are in the cells, we are talking about a tabular model. It is considered one of the most common ways of transmitting information. Using tables form dynamic and static information characteristics in a variety of application areas. In everyday life, a person is faced with similar options, analyzing the schedule of suburban trains, studying the program of television programs, viewing the weather forecast. There are binary tables in which two characteristics of the process or phenomenon under consideration are presented.

For example, in order to plot the speed, a data table is drawn. It contains the parameters of movement and time. The tables “object - object” assume listing in the rows and columns of their names. For example, there may be an indication of the settlements. The relationship between them will be quality characteristics. The tables of the “object - property” variant contain information about the event in the row, information about its characteristics in the column. Using such tables, you can determine the weather parameters: temperature, wind strength, rainfall for several days. It is convenient to use tabular models in those cases when the object in question has few characteristics. If it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the subway lines, which has a lot of branching, transitions, a network information model is needed. An example of a hierarchical information model is the family tree.

2 examples of an iconic information model


Numerous information models help a modern person to streamline the characteristics of objects and objects found in nature, technology, which he meets in everyday life. It is with their help that one can get an idea of ​​some real object, phenomenon, in order to find the best ways to use it, to control it. Without information models of various types, it is problematic for representatives of many professions to work.

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