Types of population migration: classification, causes

From year to year, the country's population replenishes or decreases due to migration processes. Migration occurs for various reasons, among which economic instability dominates. Migration processes can be classified in different ways, because it depends on their shape, reasons and size.

The concept of migration. Types of migrations

Migration is called a change of residence, moving from one city to another, abroad. Moving inside the village / city itself can also be included in this concept , but this is a narrow definition that is less used.

Migration as a demographic process greatly affects the life of the state. Migration processes are given the leading role in shaping the population of the country. The economy is also influenced by population movements from one country to another, and this influence can be both positive and negative.

types of migration

Types of population migration are different. The classification of migration processes depends on the size, shape, reasons for resettlement. For example, according to the nature of the crossed borders, external and internal migration are separated , and according to their legal status - illegal and legal.

Classification of Migration by Time

The following types of migration can be distinguished depending on the length of residence of migrants in foreign countries:

1. Permanent.

2. Temporary.

3. Seasonal.

4. Pendulum.

5. Episodic.

We are talking about irrevocable migration, when a person remains forever to live abroad. This can be caused by various reasons, and is often accompanied by a change of citizenship.

Temporary migrations can occur due to some natural disasters or simply because of the need to temporarily leave for friends or relatives for a long period. This type of resettlement is characterized by a large period of residence in foreign countries, however, after the appointed time, the person returns to his homeland.

Seasonal migrations can be caused by a shortage of labor during harvesting and active fishing. This includes pilgrimage to holy places, as well as nomadism in the most favorable period for this. Typically, the time of such migration depends on the season of the year.

Sometimes a person crosses the border every day in connection with attending training sessions or at work. This is possible in border areas and is commonplace in a number of regions. This is the pendulum migration.

Occasional migrations can be called spontaneous, because they are independent of any reasons and time frame. This can be a regular tourist trip or business trip.

types of population migration

Cross Border Migration

Migration processes can take place both between countries and within the state itself. When it comes to border crossing, the concepts of emigrants and immigrants are distinguished. Emigrants leave their country, and immigrants, on the contrary, come. The ratio of the two categories of migrants can colloquially affect the number of individual regions and the state as a whole.

Migration within the country is characterized by a change of residence and relocation to another locality. The following most frequent types of migration can be distinguished: village - village, village - city, city - city.

The essence of the classification of migration processes

Types of migrations are conditional. The taxonomy can be based on many factors, which can be both important and insignificant. A special role for classification is played by migration problems, with the help of which it is possible to systematize and subsequently solve the main incidents in any migration period.

Work migration

Migration processes can be caused by economic, political, religious or military reasons. Of the above, economic ones have the greatest influence. This includes labor migrations: job search, business trips, lack of workers in certain periods of the year.

Labor migration greatly affects the economic situation of the country. So, if there is a shortage of specialists in a particular state, it can lure those from other countries. As a result, the number of these specialists is increasing or decreasing.

work migration

Lack of money forces people from villages and villages to move to more developed settlements. This is how urbanization happens - an increase in the number of people in cities. However, the number of jobs may decrease, which ultimately leads to unemployment.

When it comes to labor migration, they distinguish illegal and legal moving abroad. Legal resettlement is always confirmed by documents, which is a guarantee for a potential employee during his stay in a foreign country. However, over the past few years there has been an increase in the illegal flow of migrants. This threatens not only the economy of the state, but also the life of the people themselves: there are real cases of falling into slavery, non-payment of money for work, etc.

Population Migrations in Europe

People move to countries of migration in search of a high source of income, a comfortable place of residence or education. This process is also characteristic of Europe. However, since 2015, there has been a tendency for the mass relocation of refugees from African and Asian countries due to wars in their native states. Migrants are actively seeking to enter Europe and penetrate there through Greece, in smaller numbers through Spain and Italy.

migration issues

This process is dangerous with an increase in the number of people in a number of countries, as well as with the risk of terrorist attacks, killings, rape. The number of jobs is sharply reduced. Most refugees are women and children who receive economic assistance. This is a strong blow to the state budget, which can lead to a crisis.

Migration in Europe is an acute problem for a large number of states. It is necessary to find a way out of such situations, otherwise there is a risk for the civilian population of countries in ethnic and economic terms.

migration in europe

Causes and effects of migration

People abroad see new opportunities for work and study. Potentially higher salaries, search for career growth attract a person abroad. Many prestigious foreign universities themselves offer student exchange programs, so young people tend to get there.

Types of population migration can be different. Therefore, the reason for the change of residence may be an unstable situation in the country, including war or another crisis. Migrants also leave their country due to unsuitable climatic conditions, natural disasters and other natural anomalies.

countries of migration

This raises the problems of migration, which any state is trying to fight. If this is a flow of immigrants, then the government regulates wages and the number of jobs, financial assistance. If this is an outflow of the population from the country, attempts are being made to attract specialists from other countries, the demographic policy is focused on stimulating natural population growth.

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