Natalia Zakharova: biography and personal life of the actress

Natalia Zakharova is a talented actress and amazingly beautiful woman. Fate presented her with many unpleasant surprises. However, this only tempered her character. Want to know when she was born and where she studied? What films did you star in? We will be happy to share information about her person.

Natalya Zakharova

Natalia Zakharova: biography

Born March 22, 1955 in the city of Bogotol, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Natalya's father and mother are ordinary people, far from the world of cinema.

Our heroine from an early age showed creative abilities. The girl liked to arrange home concerts and performances. Natasha had perfect hearing and sense of rhythm.

In 1962, her parents took her to first grade. The baby quickly found a common language with other guys. Teachers have always praised her for her diligence, good behavior and active participation in class life. Natasha attended various circles - dancing, drawing and needlework.

Acquaintance with the movie

For the first time, our heroine appeared on the screen in 1973. It happened quite by accident. Then Natalia Zakharova worked in a kindergarten in two positions - a psychologist and a teacher. The girl did not want to give up her old dream - to become a famous actress.

In the summer, Zakharova took a vacation and went to Leningrad. She was going to enter LGITMiK. During a walk along Nevsky Prospekt, an unknown girl approached Natasha. It turned out that this is an assistant director Victor Okuntsova. Our heroine was invited to participate in samples for the picture "Over the mountains, behind the forests." Zakharova did not want to miss such a chance. The girl passed the test and was approved for the role of fairies.

Filming in the film brought Natasha an invaluable experience. But she did not have time to pass exams at LGITMiK. She had to return to her hometown and again work in kindergarten.

New life

A year after a trip to Leningrad, Natalia decides to get an acting education. To do this, she goes to Moscow. Thanks to her perseverance and good preparation, the girl becomes a student at VTU. Schukin. After 5 years, Natalia Zakharova was awarded a diploma of graduation. Her dream came true. Now she is a professional actress.

The thesis of our heroine was the role of Zhenya Shulzhenko in the production of “Factory Girl”. The artist praised her play and creativity.

Natalia Zakharova actress

Theater and Cinema

Natalia Zakharova is an actress who takes her tasks seriously. For several years, she changed several places of work - the Drama Theater of the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), Riga Youth Theater and Moscow Art Theater. Gorky.

The young and talented actress was involved in various performances. She managed to brilliantly play Elena Andreevna and Sonya in Uncle Vanya, Olivia in the production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shurochka in The Duel, and so on.

Our heroine not only worked in the theater, but also acted in films. In 1980, the film "The Story of an Unknown Person" was released. Natasha got used to the image of Daria Mikhailovna. In subsequent years, she starred in films such as Sincerely Yours, Woman in the Sea, Auction and others. But these were only episodic roles.

Attractive appearance and a chiseled figure allowed Natalia Zakharova to make a successful career as a fashion model. She was invited to participate in fashion shows and star in commercials.

In 1989, she tried herself as a leader. On one of the Russian TV channels, the program “Musical Forecast” was broadcast. Zakharova led her along with Alexei Mitrofanov.


In 1993, Natasha left for permanent residence in France. There, the blonde graduated from the Sorbonne and opened several literary and music salons, which were popular among the Russian-speaking population. The actress organized events for artists, poets and composers.

Natalya Zakharova daughter

Personal life

In 1994, Natalia Zakharova got married. Her chosen one was the wealthy Frenchman Patrick Huari. A year later, the actress gave him a charming daughter. The baby was called a Russian name - Maria. At first, the relationship of the spouses was ideal. But over time, quarrels and scandals became more frequent. In 1997, Patrick and Natasha officially divorced. The French court ruled that the girl should stay with her father.

The Russian actress was not going to put up with this. Which institutions and human rights foundations did not apply to Natalya Zakharova. The daughter lived with the French dad all this time. And in 2008, he passed her to a boarding school of a closed type.

Natalia Zakharova biography

Hard times

The ex-husband was not going to return the daughter to Natasha. In 2006, he went to the police. Patrick accused the ex-wife of trying to set fire to his apartment. In order not to get behind bars, Natalia Zakharova returned to Russia. But that did not save her.

In 2011, the actress arrived in Paris for the next court session. She was arrested and sent to Fleury-Merojis Women's Prison. There, a woman undermined her health. Only a few months later, she was able to be extradited to Russia. The trouble, as you know, does not come alone. Zakharova unsuccessfully fell and damaged her spine. She spent two months in a women's colony, in terrible conditions and without medical assistance.

On August 5, 2011, President D. Medvedev signed a decree to pardon actress N. Zakharova. One problem in her life was less.


We examined the biography and personal life of actress Natalia Zakharova. Her perseverance, hard work and determination can only be envied. Let us wish this wonderful woman success in her career and family life!

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