The film "Count of Monte Cristo" (2002). Filmmakers Kevin Reynolds

As you know, Themis is not for everyone and is not always supportive and fair, therefore stories about ingenious and talented individuals who managed to outwit the human rights system have a fascinating effect on the public. At the heart of the adventure painting by Kevin Reynolds is the famous novel by the great A. Dumas "Count of Monte Cristo." Famous actors are involved in the film The Count of Monte Cristo: D. Cavizel, G. Pierce, R. Harris and D. Franin.

Another film adaptation

The classic novel by A. Dumas was subjected to film adaptation by filmmakers from different countries several dozen times, and not only as a feature film, but also as a series. Naturally, all the film adaptations were subjected to harsh criticism, as they retreated from the letter of the literary original.

The work of Kevin Reynolds is no exception. The reviews have conflicting reviews; its IMDb rating is 7.80. The praise of the reviewers was awarded in the film "Count of Monte Cristo" (2002) actors who performed the main roles. The efforts of the director and cameraman went unnoticed and underestimated.

Count Monte Cristo Movie

Curious fact

In American history, the prisoner of If Castle plays the main role Jim Cavizel. An interesting coincidence can be considered that ten years later he played the head of the prison in the action-packed action movie "Escape Plan", in which S. Stallone and A. Schwarzenegger played the roles of fugitives. If you watch these two films in a row, you can assess how much the actor can be diverse, talented.

Cavizel successfully realized himself on TV, the most prominent role of the performer is the image of John Reese in the television show "In sight", and in the image of Jesus Christ in the film "Passion of Christ" he is simply magnificent!

The actors of the film “Count of Monte Cristo” (2002) were also selected to match him.

james frain

Acting Ensemble

The images of no less colorful characters were created in the film “Count of Monte Cristo” (2002) by actors G. Pierce and R. Harris.

Pierce played the insidious schemer Fernand Mondego. The Australian and English theater, television and film actor gained wide popularity after playing the role of detective Edmund Axley in Los Angeles Secrets. Now the winner of the Emmy Award, who shone in Remember, Prometheus and Iron Man 3, is one of the most sought-after performers.

The innocently convicted abbot Faria was played by Richard Harris. A native of Ireland, the winner of the Golden Globe and Grammy awards, he repeatedly participated in the creation of adventure films and westerns. The audience remembers him as the performer of the role of Dumbledore in the Harry Potter epic. In 2002, the actor died of lymphogranulomatosis. Condolences to the family were expressed by all the actors in the movie “Count of Monte Cristo” (2002).

the count of monte cristo

Background actors

Among the performers who played secondary characters in the work of Kevin Reynolds, James Frein, Louis Guzman and Dagmar Dominchik stand out.

Frein, skillfully revealing the image of Villefort, made his debut in the film "Country of Shadows", followed by countless roles on TV and in the movie. The most successful projects in his filmography are the tapes “Taste of Sunlight”, “Tron: Heritage”, “Spartak” and the series “Tudors”, “Anatomy of Passion”, “Fool Me”, “Mentalist”.

The American actress, a native of Poland, Dagmar Dominchik, who played Mercedes, is known for her roles in the films "They", "Kinsey", "Trust a Man", "Lonely Hearts" and "Fatal Passion".

Played by Jacopo, the Puerto Rican performer Luis Guzman, finally tried himself in a dramatic way. The fact is that he gained wide fame, playing the characteristic roles of the partner of the protagonist, a notorious thug or a policeman.

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