Women use a whole arsenal of face and body skin care products. These are creams, serums, oils, emulsions and lotions. The fair sex wants to look perfect and do not spare for this time and money. Sometimes, despite all efforts, the skin condition worsens. It begins to dry, and in some places even crack. Often, dermatologists turn to patients with a question about why peeling skin on the elbows.
Elbow peeling
The most thorough care and the best cosmetics are always given to the skin of the face. But in order for the appearance to be impeccable, attention must be paid to the little things. The skin on the elbows can give out age and even add a few extra years. Often due to improper care or internal pathologies, it coarsens, stretches and sags. Folds of dry and rough skin on the elbows are capable of mutilating the most beautiful woman. Hands will have to be hidden under clothes even in summer.
One of the reasons why the skin on the elbows peels off lies in its structure. The thickness of the outer cover of the human body is not the same, and it is updated at different speeds. For example, on the sole, regeneration occurs within a month. And to update the skin on the elbows, it takes only 10 days. In the event that the dead cells do not exfoliate normally, the epidermis will begin to coarse and dry.
The skin on the elbows is devoid of a greasy film that could protect it from adverse effects. Therefore, this part of the body suffers more than others from the aggressive effects of sunlight, wind and cold. In addition, it can come in contact with artificial tissues, which also worsen its condition. We must not forget that the skin on the elbows, as well as on other joints, experiences a huge load. She needs to constantly stretch and contract.
In most cases where the skin on the elbows of the hands peels off, the problem can be solved with the help of a fat nourishing cream. As well as the use of scrub. Within a few days the situation is normalizing. But if this did not happen, you have to look for the cause of this unpleasant situation.
External causes
The thickening of the dermis on the elbows and the strengthening of its pattern are often called the effect of elephant skin. It is able to appear in people regardless of gender and age. The answer to the question of why peeling skin on the elbows in women and men, most often lies on the surface. A negative effect on the dermis is exerted by external causes.
Dermatologists recommend paying special attention to the following points:
- Hygiene. Frequent bathing in chlorinated or hot water can cause irritation and dryness. A negative effect on the skin is also exerted by cosmetics for the soul with harmful chemicals.
- Mechanical impact. Redness and peeling are most often observed on the elbows of people who work with papers or at a computer. And also synthetic clothes can become the cause of negative changes.
If the skin peels on the elbows and dries due to external influences, it will not be difficult to cope with this problem. The workplace will need to be made more convenient. And also get rid of synthetic clothes and choose high-quality cosmetics. But in the event that the skin condition worsens due to internal reasons, the help of a therapist and other specialists may be required to solve the problem.
One of the most common reasons why the skin dries and peels on the elbows is psoriasis. This is a non-infectious chronic disease. Scientists still can not say why this pathology begins to develop. It is believed that the disease is of an autoimmune nature.
Pathology most often affects the skin of the elbows. The dermis in the affected area thickens and rises above the healthy areas. Clearly defined spots of red color with gray or silver paraffin-like coating are formed. Over time, these spots dry out or take on the form of denser plaques.
In most cases, a dermatologist only needs to examine the patient to make a diagnosis. To alleviate the condition of the patient, local treatment is prescribed with the use of ointments, solutions and creams. If it does not bring the desired results, phototherapy is used. The third step is the parenteral administration of drugs or their ingestion.
Often in men and women, the skin on the elbows is cracking and peeling due to vitamin deficiency. In addition, it loses elasticity, aging faster and sagging. Products that contain vitamins C, A, and E help stop this process and restore skin health.
Before starting treatment, you must make sure that the cause of poor skin condition is a deficiency of important nutrients. To do this, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests. After the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will select the most effective vitamin-mineral complex. And also determine the duration of the course of admission.
To avoid the development of vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to include the following products in the diet:
- oily sea fish;
- nuts
- whole grain cereals;
- liver;
- vegetables and fruits;
- cilantro, parsley and dill;
- olive, linseed and coconut oil;
- yolks;
- butter;
- flax and sesame seeds.
Diseases of the thyroid gland disrupt the whole body. The lack of thyroid hormones leads to the fact that the production of vitamin A by the liver is significantly reduced. In addition, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work much worse. All these changes are the reason why the skin peels on the elbows and knees.
Mild forms of hypothyroidism may not affect the state of the epidermis. But the pathology, which proceeds in a severe or moderate form, provokes the development of such changes that it is impossible not to notice. The skin first turns pale, then acquires a yellowish tint. She begins to dry and thicken. In severe cases, small cracks may form on it.
In addition to dryness and peeling on the elbows, the following symptoms indicate hypothyroidism:
- Cold skin of limbs.
- Fast fatiguability. To fully sleep, the patient needs at least nine hours.
- Cramps.
- Nausea, constipation, or loss of appetite.
- Dyspnea.
- Dizziness.
- Bradycardia
- Apathy to the world.
- Fragility and hair loss.
It is dangerous to self-medicate in this case. An endocrinologist needs to be consulted, who will select the optimal method of treatment and help restore the hormonal background.
Peeling skin on the elbows of men and women can due to eczema. This is a chronic allergic pathology, which has various forms. In most cases, it affects the skin of the elbows.
At the beginning of the disease, slight redness forms. Then there is a burning sensation and itching. The skin on the elbows is covered with tiny bubbles in which there is fluid. Bursting, papules turn into erosion and crust over.
Causes of eczema:
- Exposure to allergens.
- Weakened immunity.
- Overheating or hypothermia.
- Anemia.
- CNS diseases, nerve overload.
- Avitaminosis.
- Pathology of the thyroid gland.
- Cholecystitis.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Diabetes.
- Diseases of the digestive tract.
Eczema treatment can only be started under the supervision of a dermatologist. Affected skin must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and cold. In addition, she needs constant hydration. Since the development of pathology often provokes stress, it is necessary to reduce nervous loads and observe the daily regimen.
Allergic dermatitis
Many people after severe stress flaky skin on their elbows. The cause of this may be allergic dermatitis. This is a skin disease that always develops against a background of stress. It provokes skin contact with substances that cause the development of an allergic reaction of a delayed type.
Determining the cause of the disease is not easy. Clinical manifestations of the pathology occur only a few days after contact with the allergen. The first stages of the disease are accompanied by severe itching, while the rashes are very minor. Then the skin turns red and swells. In rare cases, exudative inflammation may occur. The skin on the elbows thickens even more, peeling and dryness increase. Cracks appear on it.
Pathology is very similar to psoriasis and eczema. Therefore, to make a diagnosis, you must consult a doctor. After consulting and collecting the necessary tests, the doctor will select the best treatment option.
Treatment with creams and ointments
Many factors can negatively affect the state of the dermis. Flakes on the elbows of the skin due to hypothyroidism, psoriasis, eczema or other pathologies. In this case, the patient must consult a doctor. A specialist will examine the patient and select the treatment based on the results of the analyzes. The condition of the dermis will improve as soon as the therapy works. In the future, the patient will only need to properly care for the skin.
It is possible to return the attractive appearance to the elbows on their own if the cause of the roughening of the dermis is improper care or mechanical stress. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the skin daily, using only high-quality cosmetics. It is advisable to choose products suitable for sensitive epidermis. If the skin is significantly roughened and flaky, peeling will be required before applying the oily cream.
To soften, nourish and moisturize the epidermis in a pharmacy, it is recommended to purchase any of the following products:
- Lipikar balm. This tool can even cope with the symptoms of dermatitis. It will quickly restore very dry, itchy and inflamed skin. This balm does not contain parabens and other harmful substances. It can be used even for babies.
- Balm Atoderm. The product contains a vaseline-glycerin complex, canola oil, zinc and vitamin E. The balm relieves irritation, quickly eliminates increased dryness and itching. In addition, it prevents the appearance of scratches and cracks in the skin.
- "Radevit." This is an ointment for external use that improves trophism and tissue regeneration. It has anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects.
- Cream "Pival". Within a few days, this product completely removes dryness, redness and peeling of the skin. In addition, it has antifungal and antibacterial effects.
Homemade Nutritious Masks
Dermatologists say that the number of patients with the question of why the skin on the elbows is peeling increases in the autumn-winter period. In most cases, this is due to wearing clothes made of coarse or synthetic materials, exposure to cold or dry air.
To restore elasticity, firmness and smoothness of the skin help nourishing masks from natural ingredients that can be prepared at home. The following recipes have proven themselves best:
- Mix 10 ml of olive, orange and linseed oil. Heat to a temperature of 35-37 degrees. Apply to the skin and rub into each elbow for at least 20 minutes.
- Boil potatoes in a peel. When it cools down a bit, it needs to be cleaned. Mash warm potatoes, add the yolk and honey to it. Use for applications.
- Combine honey with almond oil in equal proportions. Heat the mixture a little. Apply a honey-oil mask copiously to the elbows, cover with cling film and insulate from above. Leave the mixture on the skin for at least an hour. Better yet, all night.
- Fat homemade sour cream is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil. The composition is abundantly applied to the elbows and left for at least 40 minutes. This tool quickly relieves dryness, itching and flushing.
Folk remedies
When the skin peels on the left elbow or immediately on both, folk remedies will help. Therapeutic mixtures must be used immediately after preparation, it is not recommended to store them. You can eliminate peeling and itching with the following recipes:
- It is recommended to lubricate affected skin daily with sauerkraut or lemon juice.
- Herbal elbow baths before bed will help restore skin. For this, a decoction of chamomile, string, calendula or nettle is suitable.
- Applications with a mixture of pharmacy glycerin, water and apple cider vinegar will relieve itching and redness.
- To restore skin health and well-groomed appearance help baths with soda. To do this, five tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate is dissolved in a liter of hot water. When it cools down a little, the elbows are immersed in the bath. During the procedure, you can add hot water. Then dry the skin and apply natural honey on it for 30 minutes.
It is impossible to keep the skin in perfect condition if the body lacks nutrients. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the diet. Useful, wholesome foods daily, drink enough water. In addition, it is recommended to take courses of vitamin and mineral complexes.
Nourishing creams, scrubs and masks should be used regularly, and not only when the skin on the elbows dries. She can peel off for various reasons, but proper care is always necessary. In addition, it is important to choose clothes made from natural fabrics and be as less nervous as possible.