At present, pedagogy has taken a rather big step forward, which is manifested in the increasing application of new teaching methods and methods, built on the principles of democracy and freedom of choice. However, according to statistics, despite the high level of development of civilization, the quality of modern education is far from ideal. It turns out that teacher education lacks such an important factor as nature-conforming, that is, a person’s conformity to his original nature.
Despite the fact that the principle of nature conformity was formulated several centuries ago, today many leading teachers from different countries turn to it again, introducing its elements into the modern education system of the young generation.
The positive influence of nature conformity was first noticed by the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle, Democritus and Plato. In their ancient treatises on the world order and the importance of man in the world, they emphasized the inextricable connection of man and his dependence not only on earthly nature, but also on cosmic phenomena. More precisely, the principle of nature-conformity in pedagogy was formulated by a Slavic scientist of Czech origin Jan Amos Komensky in the middle of the 17th century, laying on his basis the important role of raising a child and instilling in him awareness of his divine essence. The famous works “The General Council on the Correction of Human Affairs” and “The World of Sensual Things in Pictures” were widely distributed throughout Europe.
The principle of nature conformity and its modern interpretation implies a scientific understanding of the relationship between social and natural processes, where upbringing is consistent with the basic laws of the development of man and nature in a complex. This takes into account the age, gender, interests of the child, as well as his natural abilities and talents. Our famous compatriot V.I. Vernadsky formulated at the beginning of the twentieth century the concept of the noosphere, as an energy-information shell of the earth, which is influenced by both people's thoughts, their actions, and lifestyle.
With the harmonious development of man and the correspondence to his spiritual nature, the noosphere is enriched with positive energy. If a person lives in conflict with the world around him, then there is a risk of not only a psycho-emotional crisis, but a decrease in his moral attitudes and criteria. That is why at the present moment the principle of nature-friendly education should be the most important component of education.
When educating nature-friendly, a person receives the following advantages:
- Understanding of all processes occurring on the earth in their interconnection with cosmic phenomena and cycles;
- Self-awareness as part of the universe and the microcosm of the macrocosm;
- Understanding the subtle connection between human life and the noosphere as the main factor affecting all world events;
- Formation of personal responsibility not only for all actions and deeds that a person commits, but also for everything that happens or happens to him;
- Education of a sense of ownership in society and the natural environment in which a person grows and develops.
Thus, the principle of nature-conformity plays a crucial role in the formation of a person as an integral person, which, with proper upbringing of a person, allows him to grow up as a real citizen of the universe. The natural process of every healthy person is a constant desire for knowledge, an example of which are children who strive for everything new and unknown.
The principle of nature conformity also states that over the years this interest should not disappear, but, on the contrary, should increase more and more. If a person has lost the natural desire for knowledge, then this is a bad sign, which indicates a person’s loss of a vital core. That is why in the system of modern education from an early stage it is necessary to instill principles that will contribute not only to the correct and comprehensive development of a person, but also make him happy.