Biodynamic agriculture: definition, goals and objectives, basic principles

Crops of various kinds are grown in Russia, of course, most often using traditional technologies. However, alternative methods are often used in our country, which allow us to get good harvests without causing any damage to nature. One of these technologies is biodynamic farming. What is it and how such a technique is implemented in practice - we will discuss further.

A bit of history

Housekeeping using biodynamic technology allows first of all to include an agricultural farm in the general ecosystem of the surrounding nature. The founder of this alternative method is considered to be the Austrian mystic philosopher, esoteric, writer and anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner. Biodynamic farming began to develop on the planet once thanks to this researcher.

Biodynamics Technologies

In 1924, this scientist gave a course of 8 lectures in the Koberwitz Castle, known as "Lessons on Agriculture." At present, this work is considered the basis of biodynamics technology. The Demeter organization was also created in the 1920s, the main purpose of which was to popularize and disseminate this idea.

Steiner’s biodynamic farming technology was modernized and improved. At the same time, such scientists as Alex Podolinsky, Pierre Mason, Nicolas Joli, Enzo Nastati made a great contribution to the development of this technique.

Biodynamic Agriculture: Definition

Before embarking on the study of Steiner’s environmental technology itself, you must, of course, understand the terminology. They call biodynamics an alternative direction of agriculture, the basis of which is the interconnection and integrity of all life on earth. Crop enterprises are organized that work according to this technique as a single organism, of which are:

  • soil with its inhabitants;
  • plants;
  • adjacent meadows, rivers and forests;
  • sky and weather;
  • stars and distant galaxies;
  • man.

Moreover, it is believed that the health status of each of these sectors of the biodynamic economy is reflected in the entire "body" as a whole.

Basic principles

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of biodynamic farming, among other things, identified five main postulates of this methodology:

  • use to improve soil properties only organic fertilizers of natural origin;
  • the use of auxiliary DB preparations from herbs, mountain minerals and manure in homeopathic doses to increase productivity and improve the quality of finished products;
  • the use of special technologies for the control of pests, diseases and weeds, taking into account their role in the ecosystem;
  • understanding of the infinity of the spiritual and material world around.
Biodynamic farming

The main differences from agricultural chemistry

Of course, biodynamic farming technology is similar to traditional farming techniques. But there are significant differences between these two ways. These may include, for example:

  • a ban on the use of pesticides, mineral fertilizers and pesticides;
  • the timing of various kinds of agricultural work in accordance with the movement of planets and stars.

The influence of space

Farmers are guided by farming on this technology, including a special DB calendar, published annually and developed by German studies Maria and Matthias Thun. This space scheme works according to a rather simple principle.

As with other alternative methods, in some cases, when applying biodynamic farming technology, the nodal points of the Sun and Moon can also be taken into account. For example, it is believed that when the night body decreases, root crops need to be planted. With the growing moon, crops with terrestrial fruits are sown. However, such a scheme still does not play a decisive role in biodynamics. In this case, the main are other methods of harmonization of landings and space.

As you know, every month the moon passes 12 zodiac signs. It is this sideral cycle that forms the basis of the DB calendar. All zodiac signs are traditionally classified into four large groups according to the elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. And all of them correspond to certain parts of the plant:

  • to the roots - the earth;
  • leaves - Water;
  • to flowers - Air;
  • to the fruits - Fire.

So, for example, for planting carrots, days corresponding to roots, lettuce to leaves, etc. can be selected. Not only the sowing dates, but also digging, harrowing, harvesting, etc. are selected in accordance with the DB calendar in biodynamic farming. d.

Planting plants


To improve the properties of the soil when farming using biodynamic technology, as already mentioned, special database compositions are used. There are several such drugs:

  1. Horn silicon composition 501. This drug is used in the summer, when the plants actively develop green parts, flowers and fruits. It is used, like other similar means, taking into account the DB calendar. This composition is useful primarily because it helps the formation of various parts of plants. It also prevents lodging, improves the transportability of fruits and their marketability.
  2. Horn dung preparation 500. This tool is used in fields cultivated using biodynamic technology in the spring and autumn. It exerts a beneficial effect mainly on the root system of plants. After its introduction in the soil, the number of worms, beneficial fungi and bacteria increases. Also, the use of this drug can increase the percentage of humus in the ground.
  3. Barrel compost. This composition is also applied to the soil in spring and autumn immediately after application of the horn dung preparation. Sometimes it can be used at other times. With the introduction of barrel compost in the soil, the activity of beneficial microorganisms is excited. Also, this fertilizer improves the structure of the earth. The use of barrel compost contributes to increased productivity and improved fruit quality.

Also in biodynamic farming, 502-507 preparations can be used. They are made from six types of herbs:

  • daisies;
  • yarrow;
  • nettles;
  • oak;
  • dandelion;
  • valerian.

To activate the effectiveness of some of these herbs in the production of DB preparations, special shells from the bark of trees can be used. The main purpose of these funds is to regulate the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and the formation of humus.

These preparations themselves are not directly brought into the earth. Use them as catalysts, adding to the compost in a minimal amount. Also adherents of biodynamic technology believe that these tools can serve as conductors of the forces of the planets of the solar system.

What are the parts of animals used for?

Biodynamic farming, whose technology was briefly described above, previously caused public discontent. In the last century, his adherents in the manufacture of DB additives used special fermentation technologies in which parts of animal organs were used as catalysts.

DB drugs in biodynamics

This was due to the fact that, according to Steiner’s philosophy, the land during management, in fact, should not just improve, but “revive”. For example, it is known that chamomile flowers are used in medicine to treat intestines. The fact is generally recognized. Therefore, in the preparation of the DB preparation from this plant, adherents of the technology often used part of the small intestine of cattle. This was done in order to get the most harmonious tool that can revitalize the soil.

At present, instead of traditional DB preparations, the recipes of which were created at the beginning of the last century, vegetarian ones are most often used in biodynamics. Instead of animal organs, in the production of such drugs, in most cases in most cases tree bark is used.

Special methods

In addition to natural fertilizers and DB additives, in order to increase the efficiency of farming using such technology, the following are practiced:

  • crop rotation;
  • the use of satellite plants;
  • the use of mixed landings.

In order to maintain moisture in the land in the fields, hedges can be planted in such farms, tall and low plants alternate.

Main tasks

Of course, the priority goal of farming using this alternative technique is to obtain environmentally friendly, high-quality and healthy products for human health.

Vegetables and fruits grown in such farms:

  • keep fresh longer;
  • have better taste in comparison with ordinary;
  • contain more dry matter;
  • contain less nitrates.

Eating DB products not only enhances human health, but also reduces the likelihood of allergies to any other food. Biodynamic vegetables, grain, fruits, etc. are sold with a certificate from the Demeter Society. Also in Russia, not so long ago, a new brand of database products “Pure dews” was registered.

Another goal of biodynamic technology is to preserve nature in its original form. The chemicals used in modern farming, of course, cause great damage to the soil and the environment. Adherents of biodynamics believe that the use of this technology allows you to fix the existing situation without harming the economy and painlessly for the population.

The benefits of eco-farming

Modern research

So, biodynamic farming is a technology that allows you to save nature and get environmentally friendly products. This technique was born at the beginning of the last century. But of course, in our time, biodynamics continues to improve.

Currently, there are several laboratories involved in the development of this management technology. The most famous of them are:

  1. Colisco Institute (USA);
  2. DB Institute in Germany;
  3. Michael Fields Institute (USA);
  4. Danish Biodynamic Association;
  5. Josephine Porter Institute (USA).

Such organizations work in Russia too. One of them is called "Biodynamics" and is located in St. Petersburg. In our country, there are also institutions such as Agrosofia in Moscow and the Biodynamic Center in Irkutsk. Clubs of biodynamics also work in Russia in many cities.

Biodynamic farming of Kuznetsov

One of the innovators who have invested a lot of effort in the development of this technology in our country is the head of the Altai fruit nursery "Mikobiotech" A. I. Kuznetsov. The farm of this researcher grows environmentally friendly, high-quality agricultural products.

One of the features of Kuznetsov's biodynamic farming is the use of micro-forming fungi. Also, this innovator invented his own version of closed ground. Using the Kuznetsov greenhouses, it is possible to cover very large areas of land in a short time. Another innovation of this researcher was the use of mulch as a source of CO 2 necessary for plants for photosynthesis and rapid development. Currently, the farm is developing bioagrotechnics for small farms, ecovillages and ordinary summer cottages.

Tuzhilin biodynamics

This researcher has written several books in which, among other things, the problem of the negative impact of modern agricultural products on the human body is also considered. Also S. Yu. Tuzhilin is the author of the work “Practical Biodynamics in Siberia”.

This researcher, among other things, has his own farm. It is located 100 km from Irkutsk and 10 km from the nearest village. In the book of S. Yu. Tuzhilin on biodynamic farming in all details, it is told about what DB technology is, in fact, as well as advice on practical farming using this technique.

Alex Podolinski

It was this Austrian researcher who patronized the organization "Demeter" of biodynamic farming, created at the beginning of the last century. Alex Podolinsky currently lives and cultivates the land in his homeland. The name of this innovator is a kind of symbol of practical farming according to the methods of biodynamics. It was this scientist, continuing the work of Rudolf Steiner, who for the first time in practice demonstrated the effectiveness of this modern technology.

Alternative Farming

Natural Type Biotechnology

This innovative database technique allows you to get very large yields in the plots. Its basis is the use of organic mulch to improve soil properties and increase productivity on the same principle as it happens in nature. Litter can be made using this technology from grass, leaves, shredded branches, needles, etc.

To create the highest quality mulch in biodynamic farming according to the natural type, saprophytes and saprophages are widely used:

  • microbes;
  • earthworms;
  • mushrooms, etc.

In the process of their life, they secrete digestive juices, which contain enzymes, into mulch. It is on such litter of various kinds that vegetation develops in nature. In artificial conditions, the farmer can only activate, maintain and strengthen these processes.

Saprophytes can be introduced into the mulch in several ways. Most often, adherents of the biodynamic farming system first spread a thin layer of manure as a starter under the plants, which contains all sorts of fungi and bacteria. Next, the actual mulch is laid.

Litter can also be populated with saprophytes using special ready-made microbiological preparations. Mulch is watered with such means several times a season.

Sometimes ordinary cap mushrooms are used as saprophytes in biodynamics. They do this when “indigestible” organics are used for litter — sawdust, cellulose, husk, etc. Mushroom caps are soaked in water when using this technology. Then this infusion is watered. After a year or two, fruiting bodies sprout in the treated area. Use for mulch is allowed almost any mushroom, even inedible, for example, fly agaric.

Growing plants

They support the vital activity of saprophytes in the mulch, keeping it wet in a variety of ways and at a slightly elevated temperature. To do this, for example, sand, pieces of linoleum and a film are placed on top of the litter.

Is it possible to use it on an industrial scale

Of course, most often the principles of biodynamics are implemented on relatively small farms. However, there is an example of the use of this technology in industrial agriculture. In the vineyards and orchards of Pinsk Wine Factory OJSC, such techniques have been used since 2006. The total planting area of ​​this enterprise is 70 hectares.

As applied to industrial agriculture, biodynamic technology is approximately as follows:

  • when preparing soil, only disk harrow is used;
  • seedlings are planted under a shovel, a hydraulic drill or using mechanical means;
  • 1 kg of fresh manure is scattered around each seedling annually with limited direct contact;
  • mulching of landings with straw, grass, extraction of the main production is performed;
  • careful control of the composition of the soil is carried out in order to timely introduce organic matter;
  • grass is mowed between the rows (green mass remains in place);
  • pruned vines are passed through a grinder and used as mulch.

No weed control herbicides are ever used on this farm. Of course, mineral fertilizers are not used on the fields of society. Thanks to the use of such technology, Pinsk Wine Factory OJSC has the opportunity to supply environmentally friendly fruits and wine to the market.

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