We offer a summary of walks in the middle group in the spring. It is at this time of year that children will be able to observe the awakening of nature. The teacher should organize the tour in such a way that it is not only informative, but also very interesting for the kids.
Spring dimension
Its purpose is to continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena, to improve the ability to distinguish weather, to connect it with the peculiarities of the sky.
The abstract of walks in the middle group in the spring includes the development of attentiveness of the kids, maintaining a fertile, joyful, good mood, the formation of concepts about changing seasons.
Educational tasks
A summary of observations on a walk in the middle group in the spring helps to solve the following problems:
- expanding the range of development of the prerequisites for creative thinking in preschool children by including the role-playing game in the educational process;
- the formation of intellectual characteristics of preschoolers by creating different game plots during a walk;
- learning the possibilities of a “linear” plot of the game based on the role-playing game.
Correction tasks
The summary of walks in the middle group in the spring according to GEF helps to adjust the following tasks:
- activation of figurative, creative, logical thinking;
- developing skills with cards;
- fixing information on the size, shape, number of items.
Educational tasks
An abstract of a walk in the middle group in the spring involves solving the following problems:
- the formation of the social and moral component of the health of preschool children by consolidating and clarifying the knowledge of babies about the world;
- nurturing love for the living world.
The summary of the target walk in the middle group in the spring includes guessing riddles by kids:
"What kind of ceiling is this, which is not low, not high? He is both gray and whitish, then handsome, then sad (heaven)." Further, the teacher offers the kids a look at him, evaluate the day. Kids pick up adjectives for the state of the sky: sad, blue, gray, sad, happy.
The following speech for the educator can be included in the summary of walks in the middle group in spring: "Guys, if the sky is blue, what will the weather be like?" Kids answer that if the sun is sunny in the sky, the weather will be warm and joyful. A gray sky suggests a sad and cloudy mood, a sad day.
Further, the teacher asks his students what day they most want to walk, why? The teacher offers the preschool poem:
What? What is the matter here?
The sky is instantly blue
Evil frosts suddenly disappeared ...
There were puddles in the yard ...
Who is to blame for everything here?
Of course, the month of March.
The teacher asks the kids what time of year is mentioned in this poem. Preschoolers answer to the educator that we are talking about spring. Next, the teacher asks questions:
- What other months do you know?
- What is characterized every month?
- What are the characteristics of spring?
- Where does the snow go?
- Why does it get warm in spring?
Next, the experience of “Find a thawed spot” is demonstrated to the kids. Its purpose is to consolidate the properties of snow, the development of observation, the formation of cognitive interest in wildlife. On the site of the kindergarten allocated for a walk, along with the teacher, the kids are looking for thawed patches. They are trying to understand why they appear in these places. The educator leads the children to the conclusion that thawed spots appear only where the bright sun shines. Further, the teacher conducts an entertaining experience for his wards. He puts part of the snow in a sunny place, and part leaves in the shade. The kids, together with their teacher, carefully monitor the changes that occur with snow, make a conclusion about the influence of temperature on the process of snow melting.
Labor activity
For the formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation, the teacher offers the kids the game “Airplanes”. Its purpose is the development of orientation skills in preschool children. Toddlers are divided into four groups, which are located in opposite parts of the site. Each kid receives paper multi-colored airplanes: orange, black, yellow, green. Children get used to the role of pilots. The teacher encourages children to fly, children make movements with their hands, starting the motors. The teacher gives the command "On Flight", and the children spread their arms to the sides, scatter around the site in different directions.
When building, children should gather in a group by the color of airplanes. The group that without errors, most quickly gathered in one friendly “flight crew” wins.
Further, in the framework of the excursion in the spring, the teacher offers the kids the game "Jump over the stream."
If the first streams appeared on the plot of the kindergarten, the kids carefully jump over them.
If loose snow remains on the site, then from it the kids can dazzle small snowmen. This lesson helps to identify the creative abilities and capabilities of each child, their development and improvement.
In the process, kids develop imagination and imagination. If the weather is warm during a walk on the street, the teacher can play the outdoor game “Cat and Birds”.
The teacher puts the houses out of the hoop, the kids are in the center of the circle, they are “birds”. One host (“cat”) falls asleep, and “birds” fly, rejoice in spring. At the signal, the cat wakes up, trying to catch the “birds”. Caught "birds" drop out of the game, the action continues.
Before the walk along the spring site is completed, the teacher summarizes its results. Together with the kids, the teacher lists the hallmarks of spring, invites the kids to draw a spring sky together with their parents at home.
The proposed summary of a walk in the middle group in the spring can be useful for the teacher of kindergarten, this scheme is the classic basis for organizing this event.