Good pediatric neurologist in Krasnodar: rating, record, reviews

Many parents sometimes have to think about choosing a good pediatric neurologist in Krasnodar. Neurological problems in children are congenital and acquired, but in any case, the wrong intervention of an insufficiently competent specialist can leave irreparable harm. A good solution would be to familiarize yourself with the list of the best pediatric neurologists in Krasnodar. This is what is presented later in the article.

Chervonnaya O. Yu.

A specialist with 16 years of experience and a rating of 8.74 out of 10 Olga Yuryevna Chervonnaya opens the list of the best pediatric neurologists in Krasnodar. In the reviews, the parents of small patients write that Olga Yuryevna is a very responsive, competent and kind doctor. With children, she behaves playfully, affectionately and sincerely, with parents - respectfully and correctly. And in the treatment, which has a fairly quick effect, clients like that Olga Yuryevna prescribes everything in moderation, without abusing strong drugs.

Appointment to the children's neurologist Chervona is carried out in the "Catherine" clinic on Odessa Street, 48 at a price of 1,500 rubles. The possibility of free admission to the compulsory medical insurance policy is available at the Regional Children's Medical Rehabilitation Center on Atarbekova Street, 37.

Pirtskhelava S.Z.

Salome Pirtshelava

The Krasnodar pediatric neurologist Salome Zurabovna Pirtskhelava also has a high rating of 8.61 out of 10. And this is despite the fact that she is a fairly young specialist with 6 years of experience and the first qualification category. A lot of reviews have been written about her work - more than 30, and absolutely everything is positive, detailed and warm. Judging by them, Salome Zurabovna provides real assistance, while choosing exclusively an individual set of treatment components. She skillfully finds a balance of medicines and physiotherapy for each specific child, thus creating the perfect course of therapy.

At a price of 1,300 rubles, you can enroll a child at the neurologist Pirtskhalava in one of the clinicians "Clinician" - either on Montazhnikov street, 2, or on Stavropol street, 223.

Oleinikov V.V.

Vasily Oleinikov

An even younger specialist, or rather the youngest on this list, is Vasily Vladimirovich Oleinikov, who has been practicing children's neurology for only two years. But this did not stop him from already earning himself a rather high rating of 8.2 out of 10. Judging by the reviews, the youth of Vasily Vladimirovich does not prevent him from being an excellent professional. Parents write that he works without the usual patterns, never assigns superfluous, he gets along with the children just fine, being able to console and interest even the most capricious.

List of places where the neurologist Oleinikov is waiting for his little patients:

  • Adult and children's neurological center after Ghazaryan on Lenin street, 64. The cost to specify when recording.
  • Clinic "Best Clinics" on the street Artyushkova, 3, at a price of 1,500 rubles.
  • Children's clinic "Baby Ru" on the street 70 years of October, 17, the cost of 1,200 rubles.

Also, at a price of 3,500 rubles, Vasily Vladimirovich carries out home visits.

Nikonova N.V.

Natalya Vladimirovna Nikonova has been working in pediatric neurology for 18 years and has a rating of 8.18 out of 10. In her reviews, the parents of patients describe her work as competent, thoughtful, carefully thought out for each specific baby.

In Krasnodar, Nikonov’s pediatric neurologist works in the Continent medical center on 31 Zipovskaya Street, at a price of 1,200 rubles, as well as in the City Clinic on 267 / 3-1 Russian Street. Natalya Vladimirovna makes a trip to the house at a price of 2,500 rubles.

Bakhtin I.S.

One can’t ignore the attention of a children's neurologist with a rating of 8.08 out of 10 Igor Stanislavovich Bakhtin, since more than 30 parents of young patients positively wrote about his work on the network. They all write as one that they have never met such a reverent, attentive attitude, interest in a problem and sincere desire to help with doctors - even children. They write that Igor Stanislavovich does not need to "poke his nose" into the problem, moreover, he almost does not have to ask questions: ahead of the client, the doctor quickly and accurately satisfies all his needs.

Bakhtin's neurologist is admitted at the Children's Regional Hospital on Victory Square, 1, as well as at the EpiCenter-South neurological medical center on Nikolai Kondratenko Street, 15.

Stolyar O. V.

Olga Stolyar

Another “star” in the galaxy of young specialists in pediatric neurology is Olga Stolyar, who has been working in the profession for only five years, but already with a success of 7.91 points out of 10. More than 20 positive reviews have been written on various sites on the Internet about the work of Olga Valerevna. They write that the classic medical thesis “do no harm” is priority for her - she not only competently provides children with treatment, but also takes care of the consequences of her appointments, carefully weighing the pros and cons and choosing the therapy that is most sparing in terms of the age and illness of the baby.

The places of work and assistance of the Neurologist Stolyar include the adult and children's neurological center on Lenin Street, 64 and the diagnostic center "Visit" on the street of the 40th anniversary of Victory, 99.

Korzhova N.M.

Natalya Korzhova

Natalia Mikhailovna Korzhova is a pediatric neurologist of the highest category with 25 years of professional experience and a rating level of 7.37 out of 10. More than 30 reviews on the Web are all good. Parents call Natalya Mikhailovna “our beloved doctor” - both on their own behalf and on behalf of the child. Judging by their words, the huge kind heart of this doctor has an invisible effect on the children, and even entering the office with tears or hysteria, they calm down, calm down and listen to the words and work of Natalia Mikhailovna. Based on this, we can say that even before the main appointments, the doctor is already "treating with a word."

In the medical center "On Minsk" the admission of this pediatric neurologist is paid - from 1,100 rubles. As for the address, from the name it’s clear - Minskaya Street, and the house number is 122/9.

Sergeeva E.V.

Elena Sergeeva

The experience of pediatric neurologist Elena Valerievna Sergeeva is 17 years old, and a rating of 6.67 out of 10, and more than 30 grateful and positive comments have been written about her work. Some parents write that they are carrying a child from the other end of the city, others - that they come from nearby cities. Having once received an appointment with Elena Valerievna and having seen the result of her work not in a month, not in a week, but almost in a day, the parents of chronic babies don’t even think about which neurologist they should always contact.

Neurologist Sergeyeva is admitted at a price of 1,500 rubles or more, in the clinic "In Safe Hands" on 62 Turgeneva Street.

Bykova L.K.

Lesya Bykova

Completes the list of the best children's neurologists in Krasnodar Lesya Konstantinovna Bykova, a specialist of the highest category, who also practices epileptology. The doctor's experience is 18 years old, and the rating level is 6.5 out of 10. It's nice to see that Les Konstantinovna always finds time to write a response commentary on a huge number of reviews about her work, thanking the client. This personifies precisely those qualities that are most often mentioned when describing her work - attentiveness, interest, humanity, sincerity and kindness.

A pediatric neurologist Bykova is waiting for her little patients at the Neurological Center on 64 Lenin Street.

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