Requirements for a weapon safe: installation conditions, dimensions, specifications

Each owner of a weapon is obliged to provide conditions for its proper storage. This also includes the exclusion of access by unauthorized persons to it. This requirement is mandatory in the acquisition of weapons. It is regularly checked during district inspections. It should be noted that the requirements for a weapon safe require the use of specialized items.

general information

The regulatory legal documentation of the Russian Federation acts as a fulcrum. The requirements for a weapon safe for individuals are regulated in order of priority by the Law on Weapons No. 150-FZ, a government decree and an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is prescribed that the firearm should be kept locked. You can use safes or metal boxes. They must ensure the safety of weapons and the ammunition used by them, the safety of their storage and exclude access by unauthorized persons to them. This applies to all types of firearms - traumatic, smoothbore and rifled. No special requests are foreseen. Therefore, if you are interested in the requirements for a weapon safe for smoothbore weapons, you need to know that this issue is not considered from such a position. Separately, it is worth mentioning about the hunting bladed edged weapon. It is intended to defeat animals with the help of muscle power. It consists of a handle and a blade. Typical varieties are knives, hunting cleats and daggers. Regulatory issues are dealt with by the same documents, so the rules do not differ - should be kept locked up and not allowed to unauthorized persons.

Safe and flour of choice

gun safe

From the point of view of the current legislation, it should be made of metal and locked. This is a necessary minimum. But the law does not prohibit taking additional measures to ensure the safety of their own property, which includes weapons. For example, a burglar-proof front door can be installed, and the property is also connected to a 24-hour security panel. But still the most important point is the safe itself.

What does an ideal weapon safe look like?

weapon safes requirements

In short, the answer to this question is:

  1. Size is important. Care must be taken that the weapons fit freely in the safe when assembled. It is quite possible to store and disassembled, but it is inconvenient. Therefore, it is necessary to select a store based on the length of the largest gun. Fortunately, when choosing a specific subject from the whole variety of nomenclature, there is always the opportunity to focus on quantity and size. The safe should be taken with a small margin. This is useful in case you buy a pair of trunks. After all, arsenals tend to increase with time. If weapons with optics are used, the depth should be at least 35 centimeters.
  2. Separate storage. Separately positioning weapons and ammunition is practical and safe. A lockable cartridge compartment (tracer) is provided for this case. It should be noted that in some models this addition formally exists, but in practice, little is placed there. It is necessary to adequately assess the level of needs and select a fairly capacious cartridge compartment.

Of course, the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for weapon safes do not provide for all this, but you need to think not only about the servicemen, but also about your convenience, right?

Selection of the best option

weapon safe requirements for smoothbore weapons

In addition to the points discussed above, you should also pay attention to:

  1. Mounting guns in a safe. For this, lodgements are provided. They can be roller clamp type and wooden. The first option is considered more convenient. After all, the tool holders of the roller clamping type can be set arbitrarily to the required height individually for each barrel, given its length. If there are no such devices in the safe, then it is necessary to check with the seller whether it is possible to additionally purchase them. They are inexpensive, but they are very convenient. Indeed, thanks to them, weapons do not fall into a heap.
  2. The thickness of the metal. Everything is simple here - the more the better. Although you should not imagine a real bank vault. The maximum thickness is 5 millimeters. It is rarely used and, as a rule, only in order to strengthen the design, or rather, the front door plate. Safes are considered reliable, the thickness of which is three millimeters. For inexpensive items use sheets with a thickness of 2 mm. To protect yourself, it is better to use safes made of three millimeter steel. But if the budget is limited, then a two-millimeter product should be selected from the same material. Less is better not to consider. Although thinner storages have an attractive price, it is better not to count on their burglar resistance. People often call them a “closet for a district police officer”. That is, their main purpose is compliance with formalities and everything.

About castles

weapons security requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The requirements for a weapon safe provide that it must be locked. From a formal point of view, the number of locks does not matter. Preference for a particular type is at the discretion of the future owner. You must choose a combination electronic key or key lock. The former are more expensive and work thanks to batteries. Like any electronics, they are demanding of operating conditions. Significant functionality should be noted. As such, you can consider changing the code combination, protection against code selection, indication of the battery level, audit of openings and much more. If the budget allows, and there are children in the house, it is better to make a choice in favor of just such an option. Although more popular is the key lock. This is due to ease of use, durability, reliability and low price. The only drawback here is that the keys must be kept with you.

And the mount?

weapons safe requirements

A very common question is the requirement of the district police officer to fix the safe. And is it legal? On the one hand, the specific requirements for installing a weapon safe at home are not spelled out in any regulatory documents. On the other hand, the anchor fastening of the safe, which can be safely removed from the home with all its contents, is a very good security measure. You can butt with the district police officer or just screw the safe. This should be done primarily for himself, and not for a person in shape. It takes a little time. If security issues are not a mere formality, then it is better to consolidate. Although the requirements for the installation of weapon safes do not provide for this, as they say, God keeps careful.

Why is a safe and all these safety requirements necessary?

weapons safe requirements for individuals

Many people believe that all this is simply a bureaucratic bustle. Therefore, in order to avoid the desire to approach the matter of choice through the sleeves, it is necessary to consider why such requirements for a weapon safe were introduced. The fact is that legal weapons are practically not used in criminal activity. For example, the number of killings of people using it is only a few dozen per year. And now compare with the general indicators of thousands of victims of criminal activity. All this is done with illegal weapons. How does it gain such a status? As a rule, the loss or theft of a completely legal unit of firearms “helps” in this. To reduce the likelihood of such an outcome, a requirement for a safe is provided. It should be noted that reliable storage is not the universal answer to this call. If you have weapons, it is advisable to remain silent about this. Such a strategy of behavior may turn out to be no less effective than acquiring the most reliable safe, and sometimes even better than it. Of course, this business cannot be completely hidden, because there are third parties who know about weapons. But tongue in mouth can reduce the likelihood that someone will want to steal property of this type.


weapon safe

To summarize all of the above. Safe for proper storage of weapons should be roomy, made of steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm, and well screwed to a wall or floor. Agree, this is not so much.

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