How to quickly grow bangs? Recipes for hair growth mixtures

Most girls at least once in their life decide to change their style and make bangs. Someone a new haircut is to face and firmly enters the image of the owner. But there are many girls who, faced with the task of daily styling and regular cutting of a shortened strand, almost immediately begin to regret blind obedience to fashion and urgently begin to take the opposite measure - to grow a bang, returning the hairstyle to its original form.

Advantages and disadvantages of bangs

What is pushing the girls to a sharp change in their familiar image? It turns out that the virtues of the bangs can be formed quite clearly:

  • There are a lot of options for cutting bangs and with the help of certain shapes and lengths of strands you can mitigate the unsympathetic aspects of the face and emphasize the beneficial ones;
  • with the help of a bang, it is easy to hide acne on the forehead and acne scars;
  • the fringe draws attention to the girlโ€™s eyes, gives the look more expressiveness;
  • An additional shortened strand expands the possibilities of modeling new images.

But if this detail of the haircut had only positive aspects, it would be present in all women without exception. Of course, this is not so, and there are reasons for this:

  • styling a bang is a mandatory daily ritual that takes up valuable time;
  • making the decision to make bangs for herself, the girl, by default, forces herself to purchase special tools for caring for the capricious lock - hair dryer, curling iron, ironing;
  • without fixators, the fringe quickly loses shape, and with varnishes and gels it looks unnatural and quickly gets dirty.

For the girls who realized that they do not suit the new image, there is good news: it is quite possible to grow bangs quickly and quietly (as if it was not there) at home.

How to remove overgrown bangs

5 rules to accelerate hair growth

The fringe, if you donโ€™t cut it anymore, will grow in any case, but those who are looking forward to the end of the process can speed it up by following three rules:

  • enhancing blood microcirculation in the skin layers using massage using special oils, a wooden brush or an electric massager for the head;
  • daily use multivitamin complexes with calcium, vitamins A, D, group B, as well as adjust the diet so that it contains enough proteins, vitamins and complex carbohydrates;
  • eliminate factors of external negative effects on the hair and scalp - stop using styling products, use heating devices, prevent overcooling and overdrying hair.

Slow hair twisting into bundles, pulling with rubber bands, frequent washing with aggressive shampoos or contributing to the greasing of strands can also slow down hair growth. How much will bangs grow in time? It also depends on the natural speed of hair growth - a circumstance regulated by the genetics of the body.

Growing bangs

Means for fast hair growth

Activators of hair growth are not only the most effective means for the purpose we are considering, but also the most expensive, therefore not every woman can afford the luxury of the course application of modern developments of cosmetic and pharmacological firms. In order not to waste time and a lot of money on low-efficiency drugs, it is better to immediately pay attention to individual products and care lines recommended by consumers:

  1. Vichy Decros NEOGENIC is a non-scalp cleanser. It is applied directly to the scalp and you can immediately do normal things - the drug will absorb itself and begin to act. For three months of course use of Decros NEOGENIC there is a chance not only to significantly increase the length of hair, but also to increase their density.
  2. "Pantovigar" - a drug that works from the inside, you need to take it with all the main meals for at least three months. Micro and macro elements in the composition of the capsules act on the follicles as a natural energetic: sleeping - awaken, active - increase the quality of the work process.
  3. โ€œAleranaโ€ - this line includes more than ten types of effective hair growth products, among which shampoos and conditioners are most popular. Hair growth occurs at a moderate pace, but with a parallel improvement in the structure of the hair rods and their strengthening in the follicle nest.

Since all external activator products are aimed at an emergency result, their formula does not provide for such caring aspects as moisturizing and facilitating combing. All this can lead to drying out and brittle hair, if you use the funds too hard. It is optimal to apply them in two days on the third, and in between not to waste time and try recipes of folk cosmetology.

Fast growing bangs

Mustard mask

How to quickly grow bangs using mustard powder? The method will be useful only to owners of quickly greasy strands and girls with weak sensitivity of the scalp to external irritants. It is best to stimulate the bulbs with this mask once a week, and take a break for 14 days every 10 applications.

Cooking mask:

  • a tablespoon of mustard powder is diluted with a third glass of sour milk;
  • the mixture is removed to heat for half an hour;
  • after the set time, 2 tbsp. are introduced into the acidic medium tablespoons mustard oil.

The finished product is intensively rubbed into the scalp, the remainder is distributed along the length of the hair. The hair is insulated first with a film, and then with a warm towel. Do not wash off for 20 minutes, but if you feel a strong burning sensation, then wash off the mask immediately.

Mustard Hair Powder

Beer mask with rye bread

How to quickly grow bangs using rye bread crusts left over after eating? You can heal your hair from excessive stiffness, dryness and fading without high costs, except for such a purchase of a small bottle of live beer and pieces of rye bread collected in a week.

The mask is prepared like this:

  • pour two large handfuls of leftover bread with a glass of beer;
  • let stand the container with the mixture for 30-40 minutes;
  • knead the swollen bread with your hands until a cloudy, homogeneous liquid is obtained.

The head is watered with a liquefied mass after washing with shampoo, when the hair is no longer wet, but not yet completely dry. It is recommended to wear a mask under a heater for a long time - from one hour to three hours, then rinse it off with a large amount of acidified water without detergent.

Masked rye bread

Onion mask

How to quickly grow bangs and at the same time improve the quality of the entire hair? An onion mask is not only capable of activating the growth of follicles, but can also relieve seasonal alopecia. Therefore, after 2-3 months of weekly treatment of the head with such a strong irritant, even those onions that have slept throughout their lives will wake up. The mask has only one drawback - the hair after exposure to them with onions will smell strongly of this caustic vegetable for at least a day.

Onion mask preparation:

  • grate the medium onion on a fine grater;
  • add a large spoonful of honey to the pulp and mix.

The mass is quickly applied to the scalp and rubbed, after which the hair is removed under the film and a turban from a towel. After 40 minutes, the head is washed repeatedly with 2-3 applications of neutral shampoo.

Stimulate hair growth with onions and honey

Oil mask

How to grow bangs at home, and as much as possible saving yourself from such unpleasant consequences as an extraneous smell of hair, tangled elements in the strands or burning? Only by applying one of the options for oil mixtures:

  • mix in one container the following oils taken in 2 tbsp. spoons: burdock, castor, mustard;
  • the contents of a vitamin A ampoule and a teaspoon of vitamin E oil extract are poured into a mixture heated to 35 degrees in a water bath

Oils are applied to dry combed strands from the ends to the roots. Having reached the scalp, you need to throw the hair forward, tilt the head and in this position for at least three minutes massage the skin, trying to make the oil penetrate deeper into the epidermis. A head wrapped in a warm turban should not be washed for as long as possible. Optimal - up to three hours.

Aloe brandy mask

How to quickly grow bangs and achieve the effect of laminating hair? Thanks to the bitter aloin and essential oils, aloe acts on the bulb irritatingly and nourishes them at the same time. After 5-7 use of the mask, the hair begins to shine as after salon lamination, and after 2 months it will be possible to evaluate the decent length of the overgrown tips.

How to prepare the mask:

  • the flesh of one leaf of aloe is squeezed through cheesecloth;
  • in the juice interferes with a tablespoon of honey and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of good cognac.

The mask is applied to recently washed and combed strands, directly on the roots of the hair. The composition should be worn under a warming cap from 40 minutes to an hour, then rinse with water without detergent.

Aloe to accelerate bang growth

How to stab bangs when growing

Now a little about style. How to grow a short bangs is now clear, but you should immediately determine how shortened strands contradict the intended configuration of the hairstyle. It may be necessary to grow not the whole bang, but only its central section, allowing the temporal curls to frame the face with beautiful waves. With the same bangs of locks that are clearly rejected, you can not stand on ceremony and even turn their disguise into a series of daily experiments with changing the image.

Here are the most interesting options on how to grow bangs quickly and invisibly to others:

  1. "Spikelets". Collect bangs into one or two spikelets, coming from the forehead itself and gradually weaving into the main braids (braid).
  2. "Dandies from the 80s." The moistened bangs are slightly beaten so that it is directed upward from the roots, then they are smoothed sideways with a brush and with a light comb backwards and fixed with varnish.
  3. "Schoolgirl". The bangs are fully retracted under the thin rim, which then moves slightly towards the forehead, forming a light wave.

Growing unwanted fringe (if you approach the issue with a positive and fiction) completely loses the negative side inherent in the processes, the end of which is expected with impatience. An obvious plus from all the ongoing manipulations to stimulate hair growth - prettier and healthier curls - outweighs all the inconvenience associated with waiting.

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