Primitive people themselves had to invent words to designate a particular subject. So there was a speech that allowed a person to escape from the world of loneliness and ignorance. Later, writing was created, and humanity got the opportunity to transfer their knowledge. A lot of time has passed since the creation of the first word. To answer the question of what our speech consists of, you need to list many components.
The main component of the language is the word. The words are used to build sentences with which you can conduct a conversation, write essays. There are two types of speech - oral and written. Each of them has its own means of expression. As a person grows up, his speech "grows", that is, during the learning process, everyone learns more new words, which allows him to make his speech more vivid and rich.
In a time when writing was not yet invented, people composed beautiful legends, stories, stories, songs and retold them to each other. Thus, even in our days, a cultural heritage has been preserved, which is commonly called oral folk art. Then, in educational institutions, children were taught to write only what is important in everyday life. And even if a lot of time has passed since then, it’s already difficult to describe briefly what our speech consists of, but its basic principles and components have remained the same.
One of the components of speech is the word. This is the smallest lexical unit denoting a specific subject or action. Words can be used separately or in a linguistic vocabulary. Simply put, sentences are made up of words. This is one of the most important elements of speech, which has a number of properties:
- The word has the main emphasis.
- It carries a certain meaning.
- In the form of lexical meaning expresses reality.
- It is an independent unit that a person reproduces, but does not invent on his own.
- It is freely located in the sentence and can be used as a separate statement.
- It consists of morphemes (the smallest units of the language that are not torn by any elements).
- They have an integral structure.
- Combined with each other established grammar laws.
- They transmit certain knowledge and exist in material form.
A person can operate in different words in a spoken text, however, if you use them separately, without any thematic link, then no one will be able to completely convey the necessary information. For example, you can say: "Wednesday, sea, train, family." It will be just a set of words that denote different segments of human life. But if we connect them together, adding a few prepositions and a verb, we get: "On Wednesday, the family went by train to the sea." That is, you get a complete informational message. Such messages are called sentences, linguistic units, which are a grammatically organized combination of words.
Collocation and simple sentence
Suggestions are simple and complex. Before proceeding to their characteristics, you need to pay attention to such a concept as a phrase. It is a combination of several grammatically related words that make up a sentence.
However, phrases are not:
- Subject and predicate.
- Homogeneous members of the proposal.
- Phraseologisms.
Often, phrases are confused with simple sentences. Simple sentences differ from complex sentences by the presence of only one grammatical basis (subject and predicate). Complex sentences have several grammatical foundations. Simply put, complex sentences are made up of a few simple ones. Actually, this is all that our speech consists of, in terms of structure.
Speech consists of sentences. But that is not all. Depending on the context, sentences change their sound and the way they transmit information. So, sentences of the same meaning can be reproduced by different methods. Such methods are called speech styles. Simply put, these are speech means that have arisen in the development process. They are used in various areas of communication. The main styles of speech are:
- Scientific style - used to transmit messages of a scientific content. The authors of this style are scientists or specialists in a particular field.
- Officially - a business til - is used in business communication, in an official setting. Through this style of paperwork. The style is also characterized by speech cliches.
- Journalistic style - found in the media (articles, reports, essays, interviews, etc.). The style is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, emotional reproduction.
- Conversational style - serves for the exchange of information in an informal setting. Speech is lively and expressive.
- Artistic style - found in fiction. Its main feature is to express simple things through a variety of linguistic means.
We can say that words and speech styles make up the main communication apparatus. But for full informational messaging, you need to know about the rules and culture of speech. And it would be nice to mention the means of speech as the main element, which makes the communication colorful.
Language expressiveness
By means of linguistic expressiveness we mean the instruments that make speech, whether it is a conversation or a written work, bright, colorful, lexically and emotionally expressive. These tools are stylistic figures and trails.
Paths are called speech turns that allow you to use words and phrases in a figurative sense. They are formed by combining two or more phenomena, which are at least somewhat close, and a sign of one phenomenon can describe another, creating a more vivid picture of it. Thus, new phrases with other meanings appear in speech. For example, the poet said “the sail is lonely white”, instead of “the ship is sailing”.
Trails are simple and challenging. Simple include:
- Comparison - a comparison of objects or phenomena, expressed through the use of unions "how", "as if", etc.
- Epithet - definitions that give great imagery and emotionality.
There are more difficult paths:
- A metaphor is the replacement of one word with another that is similar in properties (“dead silence”).
- Metonymy - names change in adjacency.
- Sinekdoha - use part of the subject as a name and vice versa.
- Allegory is a way to express certain concepts with artistic images, for example, scales represent justice.
- Irony is a mockery. The word is used in such a way that takes on the opposite meaning.
- Hyperbole is a poetic exaggeration.
- Litota is a powerful understatement.
- Periphrase is the replacement of words or phrases to avoid repetition.
As for the stylistic figures, these are the word revolutions recorded in the stylistics.
A culture of speech
In the spoken text, the means of linguistic expressiveness are not so often used, however, here it is not without rules. By the way a person communicates, you can determine his character. Speech can alienate the interlocutor or attract his sympathy. In addition to the beautiful syllable, a person should be able to listen and not interrupt his interlocutor.
The etiquette associated with speech is much more complicated than it might seem. The basic rules of speech are as follows:
- Brevity - it is better not to confuse the interlocutor with an excess of words that do not carry useful information.
- The goal - before you start a conversation, you need to determine for what purpose this is done.
- Diversity - the same story can be told to different people, but an individual approach must be taken into account.
- You can not respond rude to rudeness.
- It is better to maintain their speech habits, a person who adopts the manner of conversation loses his "I".
The article answers the question: “What is our speech made of?” The main components of communication are words and sentences with the help of which people exchange informational messages. In addition, speech, whether written or spoken, must be rich, vibrant. Therefore, special speech tools are used that give a dry informational background emotional content. And the third component of speech is its culture. True, this is a purely subjective factor that has an individual manifestation.