Parking on the sidewalks (SDA). Penalty for parking on the sidewalk

Today, in many cities, parking regulations have changed. Leaving the car in the wrong place, you can quickly get a fine. In the article we will address the question of what are the parking rules on the sidewalk and some adjacent to it.

parking on the sidewalks


This concept refers to the space where pedestrians move. It is separated from the road by a border, tree or flower planting, lawns.

Traffic regulations prohibit parking in this area. It clearly spells out the concept of the sidewalk, as well as the curb and pedestrian walkway. The distinction is necessary, because the pedestrians moving here, the parked car interferes. Therefore, this issue is separately regulated by law.

Sidewalk and roadside

fine parking on the sidewalks

On the driver’s side, you also need to be careful that it doesn’t happen that parking on the side of the road caused a fine like parking on the sidewalk. The SDA clearly states that the roadside is a section of the road adjacent to the carriageway. Moreover, the curb is on the same level with it, but may differ in a different coating or marking.

The sidewalk also adjoins a part of the road for cars. Therefore, in practice, sometimes it happens that these concepts intersect. For example, when a strip of land with gravel is located next to the roadway, it is impossible to say with certainty whether it is a roadside or sidewalk. In such cases, they proceed from the worst case, considering this part adapted for the movement of pedestrians. Then you don’t have to worry about having to pay a parking ticket on the sidewalk.

You should know that only mopeds and bicycles move along the side of the road, and this is prohibited on motorcycles and cars. This part of the road can only be used in a U-turn. However, this option is also acceptable when there is no other alternative.

On the sidewalks, cars can transport goods or disembark passengers, that is, perform the same actions as on the side of the road. Stopping, or even parking in such places is prohibited. The exception is parts of roads where special signs are installed along which parking on the sidewalk is allowed (or on the side of the road).

Sidewalk and footpath

The concept of a footpath means a place where pedestrians or cyclists move. Such a site is highlighted with a special sign. Neither parking nor stopping at this place is allowed. Despite the fact that traffic rules give the concept of one and the other, it is not difficult to confuse the sidewalk and the pedestrian path. Motorists often neglect traffic rules and leave cars, explaining their actions by the fact that there are no curbs on the road section.

parking on the sidewalk in the courtyard

Is parking allowed on the sidewalk

Of course, the answer to this question is no. The fine will be earned regardless of how many centimeters the driver drove into the sidewalk. Parking on the sidewalks is prohibited.

Some drivers argue that they do not bother anyone, they put the car in that place all the time, 20 meters to the building is more than enough for pedestrians, and even with a stroller you can easily get through. But such arguments do not play any role. There is a law, and the traffic police write a fine, according to him.

Parking on the sidewalks can take place only in case of technical malfunctions of the car or force majeure cases. However, if this is the case, then strong evidence must be provided.

Sidewalk parking

parking on the sidewalk where to complain

To understand whether parking is allowed in this territory, it is enough to imagine the realities of the city. There are not enough parking places. Therefore, motorists have the opportunity to park next to the sidewalk. Moreover, in the SDA for this, a special concept is even introduced.

But parking on the sidewalks is allowed only in cases where there are special signs 8.6.2 - 8.6.9. According to them, the car can stand upon arrival:

  • only right or left wheels only;
  • all wheels only from the front or only from the rear side;
  • only front or rear wheels only.

The concepts of sidewalk and near-sidewalk parking are different. If there is no markup, then understanding the situation on the spot is not easy.

Penalty for parking on the sidewalk

Since the sidewalk is a specially designated area for pedestrians, traffic police officers have questions about the fact of parking at such a place. In this case, it is possible to justify oneself only in the presence of force majeure circumstances. But this fact still needs to be proved.

The offense is prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses in article 12.19. It says that parking violations are punishable by a fine of 1,000 rubles in regional cities, and 3,000 rubles in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In addition, the car is sent to a fine parking lot. Then you have to fork out for these “services." Payment in this case increases to 7,000 rubles. And if you add time and nerves to this, then it will be even larger.

parking on the sidewalk is allowed

Penalty for driving on the sidewalk

An adequate driver will never have the idea to ride on the sidewalks. Well, if you want to ride, you have to fork out for 2,000 rubles. Of course, for some this amount will seem insignificant, but hardly anyone will want to give it back. Unlike the fine, for parking on the sidewalks, the offender will have to pay for the ride the same way: in a city of federal significance and in regional cities.

Penalty for parking on the lawn

To begin with, it is hardly possible to find a definition for this concept today. Of course, not all areas with grass on them are called lawns. Therefore, to understand the penalties is not easy.

However, particularly inquiring minds can be searched in regional legal acts. There is such a sign as trimmed grass. Thus, in some cases they conclude: if the grass is not trimmed, then the territory is not considered a lawn.

In addition, it is easy to see that the size of the fine in Moscow is slightly higher than in other cities. In the capital, the law on the protection of plantations is in force. It defines the offenses that cause damage to the improvement of urban areas.

And in the Code of Administrative Offenses, responsibility for such parking is specified on sites with green spaces, lawns and playgrounds. Citizens will have to pay an amount of 5,000 rubles, officials from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles, and legal entities from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles.

parking rules on the sidewalk

Where to complain

Pedestrians who are tired of enduring the egregious offenses of drivers are complaining about parking on the sidewalk. Where to complain in such cases, and how to do it right? If you decide to stop such actions, contact the district traffic police. This is done as follows:

  1. The car is photographed from different sides so that state numbers get into the frame and it can be seen that there is no driver in the cabin.
  2. They go to the official website of the traffic police.
  3. They fill out the proposed form and attach photographs there, and also leave data.
  4. Interestingly, the penalty for inappropriate parking is set by the city authorities. Therefore, in different cities it is slightly different. Most often, a fine cannot be avoided, unless there is snow on the street and no grass is visible.

Evidence of wrongdoing

The driver will be punished if the traffic police will notice parking on the sidewalk. Traffic regulations prescribe a fine in such situations. And if the car owner is not lucky, then the car will be taken away for parking. The evidence of the offense will be photographs, as well as testimonies of witnesses or applicants who applied to the traffic police.

But if the driver sees a tow truck, he has the right to drive off the car. At the same time, he will have to pay a fine in any case.

The realities of today are such that even if parking is made on the sidewalk in the courtyard, the law enforcement officer has the right to issue a penalty receipt. However, the driver has rights. In such cases, he may object, building one of the versions:

  1. He will be able to avoid the fine if, at the moment he was noticed, he was holding the wheel with his hands. Then you can insist that there was a ride on the sidewalk.
  2. Another argument is a statement about a car malfunction.
  3. If there are no obvious signs on the sidewalk, the version is based on this fact.
  4. In addition, there are force majeure circumstances when it was not possible to do otherwise.

In any version, the penalty is removed or the amount is reduced. However, if the registration is made in accordance with all the rules, the driver will not be able to “get out”. So many costs can be incurred that stopping at a paid parking lot would be much more profitable.

whether parking is allowed on the sidewalk


Thus, if you really need to park, and there is no other place nearby, do it without attracting the attention of the traffic police. Make sure that pedestrians are comfortable moving past the car.

Of course, these measures may not help, and the fine will have to be paid. Well, if the matter is not limited to this unpleasant fact, then returning to the parking place, you will find that there is no car. This means that she was taken to a fine parking lot. Then they spread not only a higher amount, but also waste nerves. Therefore, before parking, think: maybe the situation is not so extreme, and it is worth looking for a place where parking is allowed?

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