When is it better to do exercises? How to and when to do exercises: practical exercises, tips and recommendations of specialists

Surely many remember how in childhood they were taught to do exercises before going to wash and have breakfast. Charging is very important and beneficial for the human body. However, disputes are still ongoing regarding when it is best to do exercises.

Most specialists of the Institute of Physical Culture believe that exercise should not be done immediately after waking up, but in the afternoon. To be more precise regarding the question of when it is better to do exercises, this process should be carried out after 15:00. Experts say that the fact that morning exercises can improve performance, increase flexibility and tone the body is just a myth. The only plus of morning exercises is only an early awakening.

Pensioners do exercises outdoors

Owls and Larks

Those people who are early birds do not need to be charged at all. They can even wake up in the morning without additional physical exercise. But the part of the population that considers itself to be owls, instead of getting out of bed, actively bending over and crouching, is ready to lie down for another half hour, so that the body gradually wakes up on its own. Speaking about when it is better to do exercises, it is worth noting that physical activity should coincide with the peak emission of certain hormones.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Workers at the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports asked people who had never played sports on a regular basis to participate in the experiment. All members of the experiment were previously divided into four groups, after which they were asked to do the exercises at different times:

  • the first group did exercises in the morning;
  • the second - in the afternoon;
  • the third in the evening;
  • the fourth group did not do any exercises at all.
Exercise on balls

In the end, the best results were achieved by members of the group who did exercises in the interval from 15:00 to 18:00.

Based on this, a conclusion should be made as to when it is better to do exercises: both owls and larks should perform physical exercises in the afternoon, but not in the evening.

The difference between charging and other types of loads

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: such exercises help to combat hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in poor mood, irritability, increased drowsiness, decreased tone, fatigue and lethargy.

However, considering when it is better to do exercises: in the morning, afternoon or evening, it should be noted that it does not need to be turned into a workout. Charging is exactly what it is called because it aims to charge the human body for the whole day. The same exercises that are performed in the gym are aimed at tensioning muscle tissue by exhausting your body. After such training, the body needs rest, since a lot of energy and energy has been spent. Without specific training, you can even harm the body.

Asians do exercises

Many people prefer to run in the mornings, combining jogging with other strength exercises aimed at the muscles of the arms, abs and others. Such a training has a long duration when compared with normal exercise. Therefore, this type of load does not apply to morning exercises. Charging is called a set of physical exercises that are aimed at warming up muscles and joints.

It can also be produced in combination with power loads, however, their number and duration should be determined individually, based on physical fitness, the amount of free time and the personโ€™s desire. Therefore, when answering the question of what time it is better to do exercises, the training schedule will also matter.

Charging Rules

The human body begins to wake up gradually, so any physical activity immediately after waking up will cause the heart to switch sharply to an active mode of work, and this is harmful to the heart muscle. Speaking about when it is better to do exercises, before or after breakfast, you should know that it will be wiser to warm up an hour and a half after eating. But light exercises can also be performed before breakfast, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that after classes it is not recommended to have breakfast for another hour.

Three girls do exercises

There are some types of exercises that you can do without getting out of bed. This should include warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This is not enough to be active and alert all day. Therefore, it is better to walk around after waking up, drink at least 1 glass of water, wash yourself and only then do basic exercises.

To do the best morning exercises is to do the one after which a person feels a surge of vigor and strength. Quite often, many people make a mistake when doing exercises, which is an excessive load. The main goal of morning exercises is to raise the tone of the human body. These exercises do not carry the goal of building muscle or losing weight. Therefore, the question as to which exercise is best for losing weight will be out of place here. It is only necessary to identify the measure of the load with the help of oneโ€™s own well-being: during exercise there should be no feeling of overwork, as well as fatigue. If this happens, then you need to reduce the load. And if someone has the goal of losing weight, then it will require stronger physical exertion, as well as adherence to a certain diet and diet.

Neck exercises

Exercises for morning exercises differ in various variations. The first of these at the same time involve performing exercises for the neck:

  1. Turns the head left and right.
  2. Slow circular head rotations.
  3. Tilts the head to the right and left, forward and backward.
Charging in bed

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person has problems with the vestibular apparatus, then you do not need to close your eyes while performing these exercises.

Hand exercises

Hand exercises include the following:

  1. Fist rotation to warm up carpal joints. You can also make a rotation by locking the hands in the lock.
  2. Shoulder rotation - first together, then in turn.
  3. Rotation with straight arms.
  4. Circular rotational movement of the forearms. In this case, it is necessary to bend your elbows at the same time, first on yourself and then on your own.
  5. Circular rotation with the elbows. In this case, the fingers should touch the shoulders, and keep the hands bent.
Girl makes a bridge

Body exercises

Morning exercises without fail include exercises for the body:

  1. Feet should be placed shoulder width apart, and then bend forward, while trying to touch the floor with your fingers or palms, if stretching allows it. It is worth paying attention to the fact that movements must be performed smoothly.
  2. The rotation of the pelvis. The hands should be located on the belt, and movements should not cause soreness or pinching of the muscles.
  3. Tilts in different directions. In this case, for greater stability, the legs must be placed shoulder width apart. Put your left hand on the belt, and stretch your right hand up. After several inclinations, change hands, and incline in the opposite direction.
  4. In conclusion, the rotation of the body should be done. At the same time, hands should be bent at the elbows, hands should be fastened to the lock. A few turns are made to the left, and then several in the opposite direction. Feet should be in place, feet should not be off the floor.

Leg exercises

Morning exercises with leg exercises ends:

  1. Swing back and forth. In total, 15-20 mach should be done.
  2. Alternately raise your legs in different directions. About 15-20 times with each foot.
  3. Make circular movements in the knees, while they should be slightly bent.
  4. Do squats. Heels should not be torn off the floor. Stretch your arms out in front of you while squatting. 15-20 squats to start will be enough.
Girl with dumbbells


Considering when it is better to do exercises (morning or evening), experts are more inclined towards afternoon. No need to do exercises on a full stomach. You must also remember that charging can never replace a trip to the gym if the main goal is to burn fat or gain weight.

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