Russian business law

Russian business law involves a set of certain legal principles and norms that are necessary for regulated and civilized business relations. This can also include non-profit relations and relations relating to the regulation of a market economy at the state level. That is, business law solves two problems - ensuring the interests of individuals and the state.

The subject of legal norms can be divided into two categories. In particular, these are:

  • Entrepreneurial relationship. In particular, this is a certain interaction that is formed between business organizations on the basis of various civil transactions. For example, these may be conclusions regarding deliveries, lease agreements, commissions. In another way, such relations can be called "horizontal", because their main attribute is the equality of the parties.
  • Relationships with an organizational and property character. In particular, these are interactions that are necessary for the formation of conditions aimed at the implementation of entrepreneurial activity. For example, this is the creation of an organization, the liquidation of an enterprise, reorganization.
  • The next subject of business law is the relationship that occurs when regulating the activities of business entities at the state level. For example, this may be the exercise of control by the relevant authorities, taxation. Such relationships are called β€œvertical” in view of the inequality of the parties involved.

Russian business law is formed on the basis of the following principles:

  • Limited legal freedom. It is understood that each person can use their abilities and property to carry out entrepreneurial activities. The exclusion of prohibitions and restrictions in this area is supposed. However, this freedom is not unlimited. Such principles of business law imply the permission of any action that does not contradict the laws. This freedom is regulated through the practice of licensing certain types of economic activity.
  • Legal equality of the whole variety of forms of ownership. That is, the protection of the rights of individuals who use property that is private, municipal, and also state in their business activities is carried out. In particular, various unlawful restrictions or, on the contrary, privileges are excluded.
  • Russian business law is aimed at creating freedom of competition. This goal is achieved, inter alia, by limiting monopolies. This measure is necessary to create an effective and civilized market economy.
  • Keeping balance. That is, state regulation of the activities of business entities is aimed at protecting and protecting the interests and rights of both society and entrepreneurs.
  • Legality. That is, the activities of business entities should occur in accordance with all legal requirements of the law. The state is also obligated to ensure the legitimacy of the structures that regulate entrepreneurship. In addition, the lawfulness of acts relating to business entities must be respected.
  • Russian business law is aimed at ensuring a single economic space. It is understood that the establishment of obstacles to the movement of financial resources, products, and services is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation. In particular, fees, customs borders, various duties are not allowed.

Summarize. Business law is designed to regulate relations associated with the activities of business entities. From the effectiveness of the legal norms under consideration depends on how effective a market economy will be. Consequently, business law affects, inter alia, the well-being of the country.

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