Presentations are often needed not only for working people who promote a company, service or product, but also for schoolchildren and students. Moreover, the latter are found with them much more often. The global network offers a huge number of ready-made presentations that you can save to your computer and slightly redo it. More risky ones can pass the job unchanged. However, due to various kinds of anti-plagiarism this may turn out to be a mistake. However, for further viewing, studying the material or just for acquaintance, this option is ideal. How to download presentations from the Internet, made in a different format, is indicated below.
What is a presentation?
Before you understand how to download presentations from the Internet, you need to understand what such a document is in general. One of the most popular presentation creation tools is PowerPoint from Microsoft. In it you can create slides on which the text is located, images, you can also add music.
There are also services on the Internet that allow you to download ready-made presentations that are easy to add or change. For example, often presentations that are made using the program Adobe Flash. Briefly, they are also called simply “Flash”.
How to download presentations from the Internet
The first method helps to download the "flash" to the computer. To do this, you must:
- Open page code. This is done by right-clicking and then selecting the line “view page code”.
- Find the address of the video. It has the permission of SWF.
- Enter the found address in the search bar.
- Using the bootloader program, save the movie to your computer.
This method tells how to download a presentation from the Internet to a computer. This option is suitable for familiarization.
However, sometimes there is a need to have a finished presentation on any medium. To understand how to download a presentation to a USB flash drive from the Internet, you need to specify in which folder the loader saves. If you change the path by selecting the media address, then the save will go immediately to the USB flash drive.
Download presentations in a different format
Most often, sites offer to click on the "Download" button to proceed to download the presentation. After that, the user is offered a download window, which itself tells you how to download presentations from the Internet.
First of all, you should choose the path where all the files are saved. Sometimes it can be set automatically. You can change in the browser settings. Then a panel will appear at the bottom of the page, showing how much has already been downloaded. You can also click on an already saved file to open the presentation.
In a similar way, downloads are made to any other medium, for example, to a USB flash drive. Just choose the path it follows to him. If the selection is made automatically or if you want to save a document that is already on the computer, you can open the folder with the necessary presentation file, and then send it using the right mouse button and selecting the “send” line. Then the path is also selected. In the future, such presentations can either be finalized or left unchanged.