How to cleanse skin with home remedies. The best recipes

Delicate skin that glows with health is the dream of every girl. To carry out this is not so difficult, it is enough just daily to properly care for the face and neck. Everyone knows that our skin resists well the aggressive effects of the environment only when it is sufficiently cleansed. Of course, in stores you can buy any lotion, milk, makeup remover. But this does not mean that it is time to write off old and proven home remedies to the archive. In many ways, they are no worse than purchased cosmetics, and allergies to them are less common. And this, you see, is a huge plus. Today I will tell you how to cleanse your skin at home with conventional products.

The most common way to remove makeup is to wipe it with oil. Suitable olive, flaxseed, sunflower, almond or peach. For greater effect, add vitamin E to each serving, it has antioxidant properties and serves to prevent aging.

Now more about how to cleanse your skin from makeup with oil. Use cotton swabs soaked in a warm mixture for this purpose. Wipe the skin strictly along the massage lines. This method of cleansing is suitable for any type of skin and is especially good in the cold season. By the way, oil removes even waterproof mascara well.

With age, many women have a problem how to clean skin prone to irritation. Dairy products are suitable for this purpose as well as possible. After kefir, wipe your face with a swab dipped in strong tea. The tannins contained in it tone and narrow the pores. With dry skin, cream or milk are suitable for cleansing.

Flabby, devoid of vitality skin is a problem for many women over 35 years old. In this case, special care and special products are required. To cleanse such a skin, a yolk emulsion prepared according to the following recipe is well suited.
Break the egg and separate the protein. Add to the yolk a teaspoon of milk and butter, preferably peach, drip a little lemon juice and beat well. You can store the rest of the mixture in the refrigerator.

I would also like to talk about how to cleanse the skin from ugly black dots.

For some reason, many girls are sure that this scourge can be overcome only with the help of special means like masks, lotions and plasters. However, from my own experience I was convinced that regular steam baths and salt scrub give a much better result. Moreover, this method costs almost nothing.
Do not forget that before the steam bath you need to cleanse your skin from makeup and dirt. You can add a birch leaf to the water, it improves perspiration. The procedure takes about ten to fifteen minutes. After the steamed skin is treated with a scrub, which is made from fine salt, mixed with shaving foam and a few drops of peroxide. The composition should be applied to problem areas, left for a couple of minutes and wipe the skin in a circular motion. Then rinse your face with warm and cool water.

In order to clean oily, porous skin, you can use ground hercules, with the addition of soda or borax. The mixture is diluted with water and wiped with her face.

Now a little about how to clean the skin of the neck and décolleté. These are the most tender areas on the female body, and they require careful handling. For the skin of the neck, as a rule, use the same means as for the face. Cleansing is carried out in the direction from the chest to the chin.

Cleansing the skin of the neckline with oily creams is not recommended. Here, washing with warm water with a small amount of foam for washing is more suitable . Finish each procedure with cold pouring, and you will keep your skin beautiful and smooth in this area for a long time. By the way, for the chest it is also very useful.

I hope the tips on how to clean the skin come in handy and help to maintain beauty, youth and a good mood. Do not forget about the main rule - care should be regular.

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