The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboedov

The comedy "Woe from Wit" depicts the mores of the nobles of Moscow at the beginning of the 19th century. Griboedov shows the clash of the views of the feudal landlords (the conservative stratum of the population) with the progressive ideas of the young generation of nobles. This conflict is shown as a struggle between two camps. The “present century” seeks to transform society through true citizenship, and the “past century” tries to protect its personal comfort and commercial interests.

grief from the mind Chatsky and sophia

However, there are also characters who cannot be unambiguously attributed to one or another opposing side. This, for example, the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit." We’ll talk about him today.

The controversial image of the heroine

The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is one of the most complex in the work of Griboedov. The characterization of this heroine is contradictory. On the one hand, she is the only person who is close in spirit to Alexander Chatsky. On the other hand, Sophia is the cause of the suffering of the protagonist. It is because of her that he is expelled from the Famusian society.

No wonder Chatsky fell in love with this girl. Although she now calls their youthful love childish, once Sofya Pavlovna attracted the main character with her strong character, natural mind, and independence from the opinions of others. For the same reasons, Chatsky was nice to her.

Sophia's Education

From the first pages of the work we learn that the heroine is well educated, she loves to read books. This is evidenced by many quotes from Sophia from "Woe from Wit." Passion for books displeases her father. After all, this person believes that "learning is the plague," that there is "no great use." This is the first discrepancy in the views of the heroine with the views of the nobles of the "century past."

the role of sophia grief from the mind

Why was Sophia carried away by Molchalin?

Naturally, this girl’s hobby is Molchalin. The image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" should be supplemented by the fact that the girl is a fan of French novels. That is why the heroine discerned in the laconicism and modesty of her beloved features of a romantic hero. The girl does not realize that she was the victim of a lie to Molchalin. This two-faced person was next to her only for his personal benefit.

the image of sophia in the comedy woe from wit

The influence of Famus society

Sofya Famusova, in relations with Molchalin, shows those character traits that representatives of the “century of the past” would never have dared to show, including her father. If Molchalin is afraid to open his connection to society, since, as he believes, “evil tongues are worse than a pistol,” the heroine who interests us is not afraid of the opinion of the world. The girl in her actions follows the dictates of her own heart. This position, of course, makes the heroine related to Chatsky.

Nevertheless, the image of Sophia in the comedy "Woe from Wit" should be supplemented by the fact that this girl is the daughter of her father. She was raised in a society in which they value only money and ranks. The atmosphere in which the heroine grew up could not but influence her.

sophia famusova

The girl decided to choose Molchalin not only because of the positive qualities that she saw in him. The fact is that in the society to which the heroine belongs, women dominate - both in the family and in the world. It is enough to recall the couple Gorichy (pictured above), whom we meet at the Famusovs' ball. Chatsky knew Platon Mikhailovich as an active, active military man. However, under the influence of his wife, he turned into some kind of limp creature. Now for him all the decisions are made by Natalya Dmitrievna. She manages her husband as a thing, gives answers for him.

Obviously, Sofya Famusova, wanting to rule over her husband, decided to elect Molchalin to the role of future husband. This character corresponds to the ideal of a spouse in the world of Moscow nobles of that time.

The tragic image of the heroine

Sophia in the work “Woe from Wit” is the most tragic character. This heroine suffered more suffering than Chatsky himself. First of all, this girl, naturally possessing intelligence, courage, determination, is forced to become a hostage to the society to which she belongs. She can not afford to give free rein to feelings, free herself from the influence of the opinions of others. Sofya Pavlovna (“Woe from Wit”) was brought up as a representative of the conservative nobility and forced to live according to the laws that it dictates.

In addition, Chatsky’s unexpected appearance threatens to destroy her personal happiness, which she is trying to build with Molchalin. The heroine after the arrival of Alexander Andreevich is always in tension. She has to defend her lover from Chatsky's attacks. The desire to save love, to protect Molchalin from ridicule makes her gossip about the craziness of Alexander Andreevich. However, the girl is capable of this act only because of the great pressure of the society of which she is a member. And Sophia gradually merges with her circle.

This heroine is also unhappy because she has to endure the destruction of the ideal image of Molchalin that has developed in her head. The girl becomes a witness to the conversation of her lover with the maid Lisa. The main tragedy of Sophia is that this heroine fell in love with a scoundrel. Molchalin played the role of lover Sofia Famusova only because thanks to this he could receive another award or rank. In addition, the disclosure of her lover takes place in the presence of Alexander Chatsky. This hurts the girl even more.

Sophia Pavlovna woe from wit

Sophia's “Million Torment”

Of course, the role of Sophia ("Woe from Wit") is great. It is no coincidence that the author introduced it into his work. Sophia is largely opposed to her father and the noble society as a whole. The girl is not afraid to go against the opinions of the world, protecting love. Nevertheless, feelings for Molchalin compel her to defend herself against Chatsky. But with this hero she is very close in spirit. Chatsky is blackened in society precisely with the words of Sophia. He has to leave Famus society.

If all the other heroes, except Chatsky, take part only in social conflict, trying to protect their usual lifestyle and comfort, then this girl has to fight for her love. Goncharov wrote about Sophia that she is hardest than anyone that she gets a "million torment." Unfortunately, it turns out that this girl’s struggle for her feelings was in vain. Molchalin is an unworthy person, as it turns out in the finale of "Woe from Wit."

sophia quotes from woe from wit

Chatsky and Sophia: is their happiness possible?

Sophia would not be happy with someone like Chatsky. Most likely, in her spouse, she will choose a person who corresponds to the ideals of the Famus society. Sophia’s character is strong, and it requires implementation, and she will be possible only with her husband, who will allow her to lead and command herself.

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