Porcelain tile from China: features, types and reviews

In recent years, such material as porcelain tiles has gained increasing popularity among finishers and property owners. China is one of the leaders in the production of this versatile building material. And if earlier everything that was produced in China was considered poor-quality consumer goods, now the inscription “Made in China” is no longer alarming customers. Numerous sincere and positive reviews of builders and customers are proof of this.

Porcelain tile from China

What is porcelain tile?

The technological process of production of this building material can not be called simple. To obtain it in different proportions, various minerals are mixed (quartz, clay, field schmat and all kinds of dyes). This mixture should be semi-dry.

Regardless of the place of production (Czech Republic, Russia, Italy or China), granite tiles are subjected to very impressive pressure and temperature in specialized industrial furnaces. To obtain optimal technological properties, the pressure value should not exceed 400-500 kilograms per square centimeter of surface area. Heat treatment is carried out at a temperature of approximately 1200 degrees Celsius.

Porcelain tile was developed as a finishing floor material for the purpose of use in industrial premises. However, later it began to be used as a decorative element in the reconstruction of iconic objects and dwellings.

Porcelain stoneware

What is the reason for the growing popularity of such material?

Porcelain tiles appeared on the shelves of building hypermarkets only 30 years ago. Since then, its popularity has been growing annually. And this is not surprising. After all, this material is universal and can be used in the decoration of a wide variety of rooms and elements.

Compared to traditional ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware has higher performance characteristics. It is much stronger than the same tile and better tolerates the influence of the environment.

Today, enterprises for the production of this material are available in almost every country. And if before this kind of decoration materials were produced exclusively in Europe, now other countries are actively conquering the market. The most significant player was China. Porcelain tile from the Celestial Empire is exported in huge quantities to many countries around the world, including the Russian Federation.

Porcelain tiles on the floor

Types of porcelain tiles made in China

All the variety of porcelain tiles presented on the markets can be divided into the following groups: glazed, technical, polished, structured, satin. Differences are usually purely external. The chemical composition remains constant. It may vary slightly due to the use of raw materials from various exploration pools.

Porcelain stoneware

Glazed Porcelain Tile

Actually, the name itself reveals the features of this material. The outer surface is covered with a layer of glaze, after which the tile is placed in the kiln. This type of porcelain tile is slightly better than traditional tiles, but with intensive use it loses its presentable appearance relatively quickly and becomes covered with scratches.

On the outer surface, such a material is difficult to distinguish from ordinary polished ceramic granite. To do this, you need to look at one of the ends. If the tile was covered with glaze, then you can see the characteristic streaks there. Although in some cases, visually in this way it is impossible to determine the type of ceramic granite. The fact is that in some enterprises finished tiles are processed around the entire perimeter with a special tool. Thus, all threads are eliminated.

Technical porcelain tile

Such material imitates marble. Porcelain stoneware from China of this type is in great demand due to its truly unique properties: strength, wear resistance, presentable appearance. It is advisable to use such material for finishing the floor at stations, in theaters and other similar places. Flooring in crowded places is under enormous strain.

Polished Porcelain Tiles

China is one of the largest manufacturers of this material. In fact, this is the same technical porcelain tile. There are no differences in chemical composition. The manufacturing technology is almost identical. With the exception of the finishing operation - polishing the outer surface to a mirror finish. This circumstance, of course, somewhat increases the cost of one tile.

Structured Porcelain Tile

Such a tile externally copies the texture and color of any finishing materials. Most often, such ceramic granite imitates various types of wood. However, it can also be textile materials and various types of stone. This tile is particularly popular in everyday life, as it allows you to independently design the design and decoration of the home. For places with high traffic, such material is not recommended to be used, since it will very quickly begin to wear out.

Porcelain tile from China

It should be noted that wood imitation is sometimes so successful that many people do not believe that these are ceramic materials.

The relief is created even before the stove is sent to the kiln for firing to give it hardness. For this purpose, special molds with a textural surface are made.

Satin Porcelain Tile

In specialized technical literature, the term “waxed” can also be found. The technological process is in many ways similar to the production process of glazed porcelain stoneware. The difference is only in applying a layer of fine powder from various minerals before glazing. The purpose of such an action is not entirely clear, because operational characteristics, judging by the reviews of many people, are plummeting.

Benefits of Chinese Porcelain Tile

China covers 30 percent of the world's demand for porcelain stoneware. This is a lot of money. The secret of such tremendous success and demand for the products of Chinese companies is not so much in the comparative cheapness of their products, but in rather good quality. The latter is ensured by attracting significant investments and using the most modern equipment and technologies. Moreover, importantly, the state was able to successfully implement the import substitution program. All necessary equipment is made by China itself. Porcelain tiles, according to forecasts by industry experts, will in future become more and more popular.

Chinese-made porcelain tiles

Are there any fundamental differences in materials depending on the country of origin? Definitely - yes! According to reviews of builders and finishers with extensive experience and sellers of building materials, Chinese-made porcelain tiles practically do not absorb moisture. This allows you to use it not only in dry rooms, but also in baths, and even on the street. An amazing feature. What secret do manufacturers hide?

Porcelain tile for flooring from China also wins in its ability to absorb mechanical energy, while not breaking down. In other words, these materials combine optimal hardness and elasticity.

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