Children's allergist in St. Petersburg: selection, ranking of the best, clinics, medical centers and hospitals of the city, place and time of admission, opening hours, quality of treatment and patient reviews

Who may need a children's allergist in St. Petersburg? It happens that an allergy in a child is taken for the symptoms of a cold. Sometimes parents are worried about rashes on the baby’s body or a mother who is allergic wants to check her child for a predisposition to the disease. In any case, I want the specialist to be qualified and provide the necessary assistance. A list of the best children's allergists in St. Petersburg will help you make the right choice with a doctor.

In the list of well-known specialists, we will indicate the rating of each doctor based on reviews from different sites: on a five-point and ten-point system. The first takes into account only the opinion of the patients, and the second also the qualifications of the doctor.

Popovich A.M.

One of the best children's allergists-immunologists in St. Petersburg is a doctor of the highest category, Alexei Mikhailovich Popovich. He has a PhD in medical sciences, and his rating is 5 out of 5 and 8.83 out of 10. His professional experience is 28 years old, and therefore there are a lot of reviews about him on the network, the vast majority of which are positive. They write that the doctor correctly conducts the examination, subsequently prescribing effective treatment. The doctor personally writes detailed comments on negative reviews, which are extremely few, which make it possible to understand that he was not guilty of such a reaction of the patients. The cost of admission from Alexei Mikhailovich is from 1 800 rubles, and he works in two branches of the Dynasty medical center, located at the addresses: Lenin street, 5 and Repishchev street, 13/1. Opening hours: Tuesday from 10:00 to 15:30, Sunday from 14:00 to 18:30.

Ignatiev V.A.

Those who need a pediatric allergist in the Moscow region of St. Petersburg should pay attention to medicine professor Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Ignatyev - he takes them to the SM Clinic located at 47 Dunaysky Prospekt. He is not only an allergist, but also a pulmonologist, and a nutritionist with forty years of experience. Rating of Vyacheslav Anatolyevich: 5 out of 5 and 8.65 out of 10. The reviews write that the doctor Ignatiev helps young children cope with allergy problems by choosing the most gentle treatment. Parents leave many comments with gratitude for the fact that he is not only able to pacify allergies, but also makes it possible to practically forget about her symptoms for a long time. The cost of receiving this doctor from 4 150 rubles. The doctor’s work schedule is rolling, so the appointment hours should be clarified by phone.

Vyacheslav Ignatiev

Chernyaeva E.V.

Another very good children's allergist in St. Petersburg is Elena Vladimirovna Chernyaeva. She is an allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences and a doctor of the highest category with an experience of 18 years. Elena Vladimirovna's rating is 5 out of 5 and 7.42 out of 10. Grateful patients write comments about her work:

"I was able to prescribe an effective treatment, before him two doctors could not do this." "Quickly found a common language with the child." "I found out if the prescribed treatment would be convenient for us."

From this we can conclude that patients like the services of this specialist. One appointment with a doctor Chernyaeva will cost patients a total of 2,350 rubles. The address of the "SM-Clinic" in which she works: Udarnikov Avenue, 19/1.

Popovich Yu. V.

If parents need a children's allergist in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg, Julia Vladimirovna Popovich is an excellent option. She has the highest medical category, rating 5 out of 5 and 7.5 out of 10, and her professional experience is 16 years. In the reviews, they write about the sensitivity and tactful severity of the specialist, that she does not lisp with children, but communicates politely and interested, knows how to find an approach to a child of any age. Parents note an operative reception without unnecessary words (the child does not have time to get tired), effective treatment, suitable for the budget and a quick history, which is very important in case of emergency (asthma attacks). Yulia Vladimirovna carries out a reception in two branches of the Dynasty medical center - on Lenin streets, 5 and Repishcheva, 13/1. The cost of one appointment from 1,500 rubles, the working schedule: every Thursday from 10:00 to 14:30.

Allergological Respiratory Therapy

Medvedeva E.A.

Children's allergist Elena Aleksandrovna Medvedeva works in several centers, including the municipal polyclinic, and therefore it is possible to make an appointment with her for free (if there is a compulsory medical insurance policy). The specialist has the highest medical category and solves allergy problems for 23 years. Elena Aleksandrovna's rating is 5 out of 5 and 7.37 out of 10. In the reviews about the work of this doctor, they write about the positive that comes from her, as well as about her ability to get along with children and prescribe effective treatment. Mothers of small patients write that in the most acute cases, therapy helped the very next day. You can get a free admission to Medvedeva at Polyclinic No 41 (Budapest Street, 25). She also works in the Miracle Children medical center (80 Bukharestskaya St.) and in the Allergomed clinic (109 Moskovsky Prospekt). In each institution, the cost of admission should be specified separately.

Elena Alexandrovna Medvedeva

Kamaev A.V.

There are a lot of positive reviews about the children's allergist in St. Petersburg Andrei Vyacheslavovich Kamaev. He is an allergist-immunologist of the highest category and a doctor of medical sciences. Andrei Vyacheslavovich's experience is 18 years old, and the rating is 5 out of 5 and 7.47 out of 10. What do these numerous comments write about the doctor Kamaev? First of all, they note that he is well versed in all areas of medicine, besides his own, and therefore knows what other doctors should be consulted by patients in complex cases (for example, a gastroenterologist or pulmonologist). Doctors are also grateful for the extremely accurate treatment - “jewelry,” as one of the patient’s mothers wrote, noting how important this is in the treatment of infants. Andrei Vyacheslavovich leads his reception in the clinics "Seven Doctors" (10-ya Sovetskaya Street, 4B) and "Allergomed" (Moskovsky Prospekt 109). The cost and mode of admission should be clarified when recording.

Andrey Vyacheslavovich Kamaev

Petrova N.V.

The pediatric allergist, immunologist and neonatologist Natalya Vitalievna Petrova has 29 years of experience, a candidate of science and the highest medical category. Natalya Vitalyevna's rating is 5 points out of 5 and 7.09 out of 10. There were few reviews of the work of this specialist, but they were all positive and very detailed. For example, here are quotes from the recall of the mother of two patients at once:

The son asks why we haven’t been with Natalya Vitalievna for a long time - for children, going to her is like a holiday.

They note that it turns the examination into a game, and therefore the children are not only not afraid, but also interested, but they also responsibly take medications. Petrova’s doctor works in two branches of the Baby Clinic: in building 33, on Gorokhovaya Street and on Antonova-Ovsienko Street, 5. The cost of admission and the mode of operation will have to be clarified when recording.

Pak T.E.

One of the best children's allergists in St. Petersburg, Tatyana Evgenievna Pak, is a doctor of the highest category with a PhD degree and 21 years of experience. Her rating is 5 out of 5 and 7.01 out of 10. Parents of young patients write in grateful reviews that after visiting Tatyana Evgenievna they no longer want to change the doctor. She is kind, responsive and attentive, communicates well with children and attentively listens to all the symptoms, and also studies the full medical history. Visitors thank her for providing the best medical care and advice on her preferred patient behavior. After a course of therapy, some mothers forever forget about allergies. Doctor Pak leads his appointment at the ArsVita clinic on 125 Krasnoputilovskaya Street. The cost of one appointment is from 2,100 rubles.

Tatyana Evgenievna Pak

Pinchuk S.A.

Svetlana Alfredovna Pinchuk is suitable for those patients who require a pediatric allergist in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg. She leads reception in hospital No. 122 (Kultury Avenue, 4) and in clinic No. 122 (Lunacharsky Avenue, 49). Since these are municipal institutions, you can enroll in it according to the MHI policy. Svetlana Alfredovna is a doctor of the highest category with 25 years of experience and a rating of 5 out of 5 and 7 out of 10. In the reviews about her they write the following:

A rare professional. Conducted a full examination within one dose and immediately prescribed lightening drugs. Tactful, friendly and very wise, both as a doctor and as a person.

Among the pluses of the doctor Pinchuk, her modern methods of treatment, the ability to determine the root of the problem and prescribe treatment that does not have a harmful effect on the child are noted.

Svetlana Alfredovna Pinchuk

Kononets E.V.

Elena Vyacheslavovna Kononets is not only a very good pediatric allergist in St. Petersburg, but also a pediatrician, pediatric oncologist, ENT specialist and immunologist. She has the highest medical category, 26 years of experience and a rating of 5 out of 5 and 6.98 out of 10. In the reviews, the parents of the patients call her very caring and sincerely interested in the health of the children, praise her competence, the ability to explain and explain the treatment in detail so that it does not arise misunderstandings. Many write that the doctor Kononets even had to correct the mistakes of the previous therapy. But for a young organism, any medication is partially harmful (of course, along with the necessary benefits). You can make an appointment with Elena Vyacheslavovna at the Osnova clinic, which is located on Serebristy Boulevard, at 20A. The cost of services in this institution is from 2,200 rubles. She also accepts at the Academy of Medicine clinic on 43 Toreza Avenue, but here the cost of admission will need to be clarified at the time of recording.

Trusova O. V.

A very good children's allergist-pulmonologist in St. Petersburg is Olga V. Trusova. She is a candidate of medical sciences with 19 years of experience. Her medical category is not indicated anywhere, and therefore Olga Valerievna has 4 points out of 5 in the first rating, but 8.4 out of 10 in the second rating. In the reviews, parents of young patients wrote more than once that Trusov’s doctor helped prevent the development of bronchial asthma and helped to defeat the external manifestations of allergies, previously not allowed to live in peace. Since she is an allergist-pulmonologist, her field of activity involves mainly allergies that affect the respiratory tract - and this, as you know, is the most dangerous form. And so many parents write grateful reviews, detailing how their children were literally choking, but Olga Valerievna was able to provide the necessary help and save the lives and health of the kids. Doctor Trusova leads his appointment at the ArsVita clinic in 125, Krasnoputilovskaya Street. Here the cost of services exceeds 2 thousand rubles. In addition, the doctor makes an appointment at the Children's City Clinic No. 44 on Mytninsko Street 25, where you can sign up for free if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy.

Olga Valerievna Trusova

Greek E.A.

And the doctor of the highest category with 22 years of experience, Elena Anatolievna Grek, completes the list of the best pediatric allergists in St. Petersburg. In addition to allergology, she works with children as an immunologist, hepatologist and gastroenterologist. Her rating is 5 out of 5 and 6.84 out of 10. They write that Elena Anatolyevna is very sensitive and attentive to her young patients - the children make contact, and sometimes they tell her about symptoms that their parents might not have noticed (for example, a cough after this or that product, or contact with animals). The methods of examination and treatment of a Greek doctor are the most modern, which helps to cope with allergies in the shortest possible time. Elena Anatolyevna leads her reception at the SM Clinic, located at 19/1 Udarnikov Avenue. The cost of admission is from 1,500 rubles, the schedule is floating, so it will need to be clarified when recording.

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