Pulse 90 - is this normal? The upper limit of the norm, the causes of deviations, the opinions of doctors

Deviations in the pulse rate can occur as a result of natural and pathological physiological phenomena. Change in this indicator can be carried out in two directions. The decrease is usually called bradycardia, and the increase is called tachycardia. An adequate, normal value would be in the range of 70 to 80 beats per minute. Deviation of even 5 strokes is a pathological condition and requires a prompt assessment by a cardiologist. Pulse 90 - is this normal? Such a deviation is usually called a mild tachycardia, which is not the norm. Regardless of age, gender, or hormonal status, you must go to the hospital to get a diagnosis.

Pulse 90 - is this normal?

As mentioned earlier, the answer to this question will be negative. Such tachycardia should not occur in women, nor in men, nor in elderly patients. The only exception may be only children who have a slightly different rate of beats per minute. This can be explained by the small size of the organ, as well as the need for active work.

high pulse

The frequency of beats per minute stabilizes around 15-18 years. At 25, she is already at the same level, and she will reach the peak by 30 years. After 40, the frequency of beats per minute will decrease again.

Biological factors

So, we figured out that pulse 90 is normal only for children. As for adults, the causes of such deviations may lie in natural factors. They can be determined by the absence of pronounced symptoms, for example, shortness of breath, sweating, darkening in the eyes. But what reasons can trigger such a pulse? Let's consider them separately.


Many people think that a pulse of 90 is normal. However, this is absolutely not the case when it comes to an adult. But what provokes this kind of deviation? The most common cause is prolonged stress. The rhythm of the heartbeat is increasing at an increasing pace. For dozens of minutes, the concentration of catecholamines and corticosteroids increases, while reaching a maximum. Autonomic symptoms are completely absent or minimal. In most cases, a person does not feel such tachycardia, and it can be detected by electrocardiography or other methods.

90 beats per minute pulse

Jar of Hearts

In this case, we are talking about a momentary nature. This situation is accompanied by a sharp release of pituitary hormones, as well as the adrenal glands, blood pressure and heart rate increase. If the concentration of substances increases in a short period of time, then the manifestations are noticeable. A person may faint, disturbances in consciousness are observed.


A pulse of 90 beats is normal, but if you are tormented by nightmares. In such situations, a heartbeat, headaches, as well as other signs of fright are observed for several minutes, after which everything comes back to normal. Do not take any action during nightmares. You can just wash yourself, take a pill of a sedative light preparation, which is made on the basis of valerian or motherwort.

heart rate above 90 at normal pressure

Physical Intense Exercise

A pulse of 90 per minute is normal for those people who play sports. However, attention should be paid to the fact that the more familiar the body will be with physical exercises, the less likely it will be that tachycardia will appear. In a sedentary person, the organ works to the limit, while reaching 180 beats per minute. In parallel with this, blood pressure decreases to critical levels. All this can result in cardiogenic shock, as well as other serious conditions. That is why experts strongly do not recommend overloading your body - physical activity should be increased gradually, as your body is trained. If you play sports, then this must be done under the supervision of a trainer, or purchase a special allowance.

Caffeinated drinks

Please note that drinking more than one cup of coffee drink per day is not recommended. In case of hypertension, coffee is categorically contraindicated in principle.

heart palpitations

The physiological causes of an increase in heart rate are only at high risk in the latter cases. In other situations, there is no danger, therefore, no special assistance is required. A pulse of 90 beats per minute is normal if you experience stress, nervous shock, sleep disturbance, or have problems with the fitness of your body.

Pathology development

It should also be noted that a rapid heartbeat may indicate the development of some pathologies. If the heart rate is 90 at rest, this is normal for the baby. In adults, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  1. Hyperthyroidism This ailment is accompanied not only by an increased heartbeat, but also headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue, fatigue, sleep problems, and fever. The causes of the disease are in the wrong diet. Also, the pathology can be of a tumor nature.
  2. Hypercorticism. This disease is characterized by excessive production of hormones of the adrenal cortex, primarily cortisol. Neoplasia affects the organ itself or in the pituitary region. The disease is accompanied by pain in the back, the occurrence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, deposits of fat on the face like the moon, as well as general weight gain. The condition can be normalized by surgical intervention. Medications are also used to neutralize the negative effects of cortisol.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. This should include cardiosclerosis, mitral valve stenosis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary hypertension, as well as other processes of a similar kind. They have common symptoms: soreness behind the sternum, shortness of breath, suffocation, poor exercise tolerance and other manifestations. If you have a heart rate above 90 at normal pressure, be sure to seek help from a doctor. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system can provoke serious complications.
  4. Atherosclerosis of the aorta. About this ailment, you need to talk separately. The disease is accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels or narrowing of the lumen. Since blood is not able to overcome such resistance, this provokes an increase in cardiac activity. The heart works with the greatest activity, thus providing the body with all the necessary substances. That is why, if the pulse at a normal pressure of 90, then this may indicate the development of atherosclerosis of the aorta.
  5. Tumors in the brain. As a rule, they affect the chiasmosellar zone or other structures. In the case of a large size, the tumor creates compression, increases the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, which affects the condition of the cranial nerves. Therapy involves surgery, and diuretics can also be used to prevent squeezing.
  6. Kidney problems. The pulse rate of a person 90 cannot be called normal, especially when it comes to an adult patient. This symptom may indicate a variety of kidney problems. As a rule, they are accompanied by pain in the lower back, impaired urination, and frequent inconclusive urge to empty your bladder. In parallel with this, the properties of feces change: smell, color.
  7. Diabetes. A pulse of 80-90 is normal for those people who suffer from diabetes. The disease destroys the entire human body, including the cardiovascular system.
normal heart rate

How to lower the pulse at home: medical advice

At home, you can take actions that can reduce your heart rate. The algorithm will be as follows:

  1. First you need to measure your blood pressure, as well as the pulse. This is necessary in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of first aid. If necessary, these data are reported to the ambulance team if you called it.
  2. If the pulse is increased, then you should take a tablet of beta-blockers in the amount of one piece. For this, you can use "Carvedilol" or "Anaprilin." Violation of the dosage can cause a heart attack or cardiac arrest.
  3. Also, experts recommend taking a sedative light remedy, made on the basis of valerian or motherwort. However, in no case should you use drugs on alcohol tincture. The fact is that ethanol can only excite the nervous system.
  4. You can drink about 25 drops of a drug made on the basis of phenobarbital. These include Valocordin or Corvalol. Exceeding the dosage can cause serious consequences. If tachycardia is of organic origin, then the effect of this method will be minimal.
  5. To reduce the pulse, you can drink tea made on the basis of chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort, valerian, motherwort, anise. Drink the drink in one gulp. You can also eat one spoonful of lemon, which is rubbed with honey.
  6. In the case of tachycardia, you need to take a prone position, while not making any unnecessary movements, and even more so, not doing any physical activity.
  7. In order to reduce the pulse, you can use a special breathing technique: breathe in for 5 seconds, exhale for the same time. Such breathing exercises should last about 10 minutes.
heart rate

If for 20 minutes you still couldn’t normalize your heart rate, you need to call an ambulance team.

When to go to the doctor?

If the signs described below appear, then it is imperative to seek help at the hospital:

  1. Dyspnea for no apparent reason.
  2. Strong headache.
  3. Discomfort in the chest of a pressing, dull character.
  4. Palpitations.
  5. Fainting or pre-syncope. Darkness in the eyes, tinnitus, as well as weakness in the legs can speak about this.
  6. Suffocation.
  7. Decreased hearing, vision, speech dysfunction.
mild tachycardia


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that a pulse of 90 beats per minute is normal only for children, athletes, as well as people who are currently engaged in physical activity. In other cases, such tachycardia should be observed by a specialist, since the upper limit of the norm is 80 strokes. The faster the specialist determines the factor contributing to such indicators, the more favorable the forecast will be.

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