Hyaluronic acid for hair: features of use, effectiveness and reviews

Elixir of youth, people unsuccessfully try to create for many centuries. But still managed to advance a bit in search of the necessary components for him. One of these is considered hyaluronic acid. For hair and skin, this substance is simply necessary, as it can prolong youth from the inside, without the use of plastic surgery. So, the topic of today's article is devoted to this particular acid, or rather, its use for healthy hair.

Hyaluronic Acid Hair Need

Dry and lifeless hair is not a standard of beauty. These symptoms can be caused by a lack of hyaluronic acid, which is less and less self-produced over the years. But the reason may not be age, but the constant drying of the hair with a hairdryer, the sun, dyes and other chemicals.

In all cases, when the hair loses its attractiveness, it becomes necessary to use this substance. Hyaluronic acid for hair is a true elixir of youth. Curls are transformed, become more shiny, healthy, stop breaking and falling out, an additional volume appears. Also, hair begins to grow faster if you use a growth activator for hair with hyaluronic acid in the form of shampoo, which we will discuss in the future article.

hyaluronic acid for hair

Supplements and nutrition to replenish hyaluronic acid in the body

Of course, the described substance can be obtained in large quantities through food and special nutritional supplements. If you are a lover of broths cooked on bones and skin of chickens, other pets, then you should not know the problems with a lack of hyaluronic acid. If not, then it is likely to be few in the body. It is also difficult to find a lover to eat chicken scallops, which are a real source of this acid.

There are also foods that are rich in acid - these are rice, corn, soy. Estrogens, which are found in natural wine and grape sauces, also contribute to the production of hyaluronic acid.

Before you get the necessary components through dietary supplements, it is worth considering that the finished substances reduce the body's ability to independently produce all the necessary acids, including hyaluronic.

hyaluronic acid for hair reviews

Hyaluronic Acid Hair Growth Activator (Shampoo)

The easiest way to extract hyaluronic acid for hair is to use shampoo with this component. A hair product is manufactured by Vesna, and you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Shampoo is used in the same way as usual: it is applied to wet hair, skin and curls are massaged for five minutes, washed off with warm water. The result is surprising: hair growth will increase, dormant bulbs are activated, brittleness and loss will stop.

The composition of this shampoo contains not only hyaluronic acid. For hair and its healthy growth, a variety of oils and extracts (onion, apricot, and many others), taurine are necessary. All this is contained in a bottle, the volume of which is 250 milliliters.

hair growth activator with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic Acid Masks

But shampoos are still not as effective as a hair mask with hyaluronic acid, since their effect is quite short, and masks are applied for a long time. There is an opportunity to buy a ready-made product in a pharmacy, one of them is called "Gorchitsatron". Use of this tool is recommended for people whose hair breaks and falls out, look unhealthy. The mask is applied for twenty minutes, the head must be insulated with a hat and a warm towel. The minus of this remedy is burning, sometimes very strong. The manufacturer convinces that such sensations indicate that the mask works by awakening the sleepy bulbs.

If you are not ready for this execution, then you can make a mask yourself. To do this, take yogurt or kefir (half a cup), 0.5% hyaluronic acid (no more than three drops) is added to it. The product is applied to the hair, carefully rubbed into the scalp. It is necessary to put on a hat, you can wash off the mask both in half an hour and in an hour. She will not harm the hair.

For the laziest, we’ll offer a proven “grandmother's” method, using burdock oil as a mask, which contains a huge amount of hyaluronic acid. For hair, this oil has been used for many centuries.

Before using burdock oil, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath, so the effect will be better and faster.

hair growth activator with hyaluronic acid shampoo

What hyaluronic acid to buy?

Hyaluronic acid for hair is produced in various forms. This can be a powder mass, and a gel consistency, and an aqueous solution. The second and third are more productive and convenient to use.

It is worth paying attention to the country where the substance was produced. The highest quality products are those made in Germany, the Czech Republic and France, but their price will not be the most attractive. Cheaper products are offered by Chinese manufacturers. But their acid can cause allergies, since the purification of the protein of a given substance in this country is low.

Whatever product you choose, remember that hyaluronic acid for hair should be used very carefully, you must follow all the rules prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, it can harm both the hair and scalp.

hyaluronic acid hair mask

Hyaluronic acid for hair: reviews

On the Internet there are many reviews of the results obtained with the stable use of this substance. Girls write that hair really became more healthy, shiny and docile. Many say that they began to use acid for prevention, and now they can boast of lush hair, which all fashionistas envy.

Hyaluronic acid for hair reviews has not the most flattering. Some write that they did not notice the difference before and after its application. They say that hair and climb.

Some left comments that in this case, the girls should contact the trichologist, change the shampoo.

In any case, every woman should remember that hyaluronic acid is necessary for beauty and youth. If you do not want to use masks and shampoo with hyaluronic acid, then eat more food with its content. Youth is easier to save than to return.

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