Chronicle: the meaning of the word in the explanatory dictionary

When the question arises about the meaning of the word “chronicle”, we usually associate it with the events of Russian history. And this is the right approach. Since, if we are talking about historical records that were made in the West, they are often called chronicles, and sometimes annals. More details about the meaning of “annals” will be described in the article.

Let's turn to the dictionary

Illustration in the annals

To get the most accurate representation, consider the meaning of the word "annals" in the explanatory dictionary. There are two options for understanding it. The first of them is used in the literal sense, and the second - in the figurative. Consider them and give examples of the use of the studied word for each of the cases.

In the literal sense, the meaning of "annals" is as follows. These are records that capture historical events in chronological order. And also this book, which contains the specified entries.

Example: “Chronicles were usually kept in large cities, for example, such as Kiev and Veliky Novgorod, since there were more literate people and it was easier to collect information.”

In a figurative sense, the word studied is used when it is not about historical events, but simply about regular recordings of what is happening or the history of something.

Example 1: “The great-grandmother of Inna, Elena Nikolaevna, started collecting the annals of the Korotkov family, collecting photographs and keeping diaries. Today, the younger generation has embraced this tradition, but at a new level - capturing memorable events using smartphones and other gadgets. ”

Example 2: “During the First World War, the War Department issued such a periodical as the Military Chronicle. This leaflet was distributed among non-commissioned officers and privates free of charge. It contained short reviews of military operations, general staff reports, and patriotic materials. ”


It seems that the knowledge of synonyms and the origin of the word will help to properly understand the lexical meaning of the “annals”. Consider them.

Among the synonyms are such as:

  • annals;
  • temporary
  • painting;
  • Chronicle
  • isolation painting;
  • legend
  • life;
  • tradition;
  • history;
  • true story;
  • description;
  • story;
  • storytelling;
  • tale;
  • intelligence;
  • records.

We proceed to the analysis of the etymology of the studied object.


It is extremely transparent and understandable, as it is formed from Russian words. As stated in the school etymological dictionary of the Russian language, the token literally considered means "recording events by year." It consists of two parts:

  1. The word "summer", which was previously used in the meaning of "year".
  2. Part of the word “record” is “writing”.

With the help of their addition, “summer” + “writing” formed a “chronicle”.

Next, we consider the meaning of the “chronicle” in more detail.

One of the main historical sources

Radziwill Chronicle - Solar Eclipse

Chronicle sources today are one of the main in which researchers draw the information necessary for historical science. The most ancient annals that have survived to this day date back to the 11th century.

Different annals or their codes differ from each other in the set of facts set forth in them, as well as in their interpretation. In this regard, to a certain extent, they can be considered as works of authorship. It should be noted that today there is little information about the names of ancient chroniclers.

There is the following explanation for this. In the perception of people of that time, chroniclers did not act as authors of chronicles, but only as performers. In their opinion, they only recorded historical events, that is, they were simply scribes, not creators.

Although still some of the historical chronicles bear the names of their authors. An example is the Laurentian Chronicle, which is named in accordance with the name of the monk Lorenius who composed it. And also there are names, data on the place of storage of such documents. So, for example, the Ipatievsky list, which was in the Kostroma Ipatievsky monastery. Chronicles were also named after the territory on which Smolensk, Pskov and other chronicles were discovered.

At the end of the consideration of the issue of the meaning of the “annals”, we will talk about some interesting facts concerning this concept.

Nestor is the first chronicler

Nestor the Chronicler

As a rule, writing of annals was carried out in Kiev, Veliky Novgorod, Moscow, Suzdal, Smolensk and other large cities. Indeed, at that time literate people in large numbers were hardly going to the outskirts. And in terms of collecting information in more populated centers it was easier. Usually the place where historical events were directly recorded were princely courtyards and monasteries. The most recent annals date back to the late 17th century.

Tale of Bygone Years

The most famous of all chronicles is the "Tale of Bygone Years", which researchers attribute to 1112. Its author is called the monk who lived in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery in the late XI - early XII century, Nestor. Although it has not been finally established, it is generally accepted that of all the Russian chroniclers he was the very first.

Unfortunately, only a part of the annals has survived to this day. For example, in the Moscow fire of 1812, the Trinity Chronicle of 1904 burned down. It is known that it was she who was the source for the creation of the “History of the Russian State” by N. M. Karamzin.

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