Best job commentary

Uncle Freud also claimed that we live in order to love and work. Indeed, a person devotes a huge amount of time to work (and also a lot of energy goes into the search for love). However, the meaning of labor is not only making money and providing for oneself. It is easy to understand what place labor occupies in our life: it is worth paying attention to the words of the great about the role of work.

statements about work

Work and self-esteem

The philosopher Seneca belongs to the statement about the work: "Great people feed labor." In work, man seeks not only opportunities to satisfy his earthly needs. Through hard work, a person has the opportunity to increase his self-esteem, to become a higher opinion of himself.

Some psychologists believe, not without reason, that hard work is the only way to do this. A person’s self-esteem can be based on what he thinks of himself; what others think of him; and also a person can compare himself with a certain ideal or dream and, depending on this, build a certain set of ideas about himself. However, if at the end of the day everything that was planned in the morning is done, a pleasant feeling of self-satisfaction is felt. After all, time was not wasted. I. Herder owns the following statement about the work: “Labor is a healing balm, it is a source of virtue.”

sayings about work wise short

Labor creates personality

It is known that only a person with a positive self-attitude can relate well to the world. And those who do not value themselves will try to depreciate the people around them and their achievements. Virtue is the ability to do good, and, as you know, it begins with good in relation to oneself. And here it turns out that the best thing you can do for yourself is to work. Cicero said: "Labor makes us insensitive to grief." Those who work, understand that the events of the world, even the most negative, can not significantly hurt his "ego", influence self-esteem. This statement about the work of the ancient Roman orator allows us to understand: a person becomes stable, accustoming himself to constant and painstaking work. All troubles become nothing to him.

sayings about work wise short greats

Talent is not a guarantee of success

Often you hear from people that if they had talent, they could live a completely different life. However, these complaints testify not only to laziness and unwillingness to turn our eyes away from other people's achievements and to pay attention to our own talents, but also to our unwillingness to work. Here is a statement about work that clarifies this situation: "Ability, valor - all is nothing until we work." So Saadi said. Until a person makes an effort to achieve his own goals, find his talent and realize it, any of his skills will remain in a state of embryo.

Unfortunately, many people bury their talent at the very beginning of the journey, condemning themselves to boring and uninteresting work. They believe that achieving success in that field where they have a certain talent is too risky and unusual. It’s much easier to go on the beaten track and wait for success to fall on its own. “After all, I have the talent of an artist! I have been drawing great since I was five! ” - a person can think. However, in reality, this position is erroneous. If you don’t make an effort, the talent will be “buried” without any internal satisfaction or financial reward.

cool job sayings

Wise and short sayings about work

Short statements make it possible to grasp the very essence of what the author wanted to say. For example, F. Schiller said: “If there is a deal, soon finish it.” Every person who would like to succeed must develop the habit of thinking of his affairs as urgent. In no case should one put off a long plan. It is also worthwhile to relate to your work day: many psychologists recommend working every day as if he were the last before vacation. So you can significantly increase productivity. Consider a few short and wise sayings about the work of great people:

  • Each business has its own time (Seneca).
  • Work in order to enjoy (Jean-Jacques Rousseau).
  • Work that pleases us cures grief (Shakespeare).

Funny sayings about work

Work always argues if a person embarks on it in a good mood. We bring to your attention several cool sayings about work:

  • "I want to work like Santa Claus - a day in 364!".
  • “There are three benefits to working — Friday, salary, and vacation.”
  • "What snow is it to me, that I know that it is pouring rain ... when I am constantly at work."

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