Project "Crazy Drying": reviews, training program

Long cherished the dream of losing weight, but do not know how to implement it? The Crazy Drying project will help you with this! An interesting, unique, non-sparing show participants for those who are not afraid of difficulties. Crazy Drying is just a bomb!

What is a project like?

The Crazy Drying project is a unique show for all those who have long dreamed of losing weight. At the head of everything is the presenter Vasily Smolny. "Crazy Drying" for Vasily is not only a show, but also a favorite pastime. It was his beginnings that served as the basis for creating the script for the show.

What is the meaning of the Crazy Drying project? Nutrition that meets all the rules of healthy lifestyle, and exercise - these are its main components. Participants for 30 days perform certain tasks aimed at burning fat mass. If the participant did not complete the task, then there is a risk that he will leave the project. It really spurs the players! Training and nutrition are carried out according to a specific scheme developed by specialists in the field of sports and nutrition. At the end of the project, a winner is determined who is awarded a prize. Under the project, the participant is offered up to 4 nutrition options and about 25 different sets of exercises. Thus, it turns out that every day a person has a new workout.

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Tasks are published in a video format, which Vasily is creative. The chip of the project is the prize pool! To get to the finals, you need to send a photo “before / after”. In the 6th season, 12 finalists were selected, among whom the winner was selected through an open vote. Winners and prize-winners of the project can receive not only cash prizes, but also a car, and even plastic surgery!

Foreigners can also take part in the project! In every season of the show, residents living in other countries participate. Even geography and time zones are not an obstacle for such a large-scale project.

About the Smolny family

Julia and Vasily Smolny are first and foremost a family. But also part-time insta-bloggers who share their experiences with other people on the Internet. They write articles and shoot various videos on sports, nutrition and exercise. But they did not come to this immediately. Previously, Vasily was engaged in music, in particular DJing. But when Smolny decided to switch to the healthy lifestyle side, their life turned upside down. Constant training, their positive effect on the body, a change in the way of thinking, the transition to proper nutrition just dragged them into the world of a healthy lifestyle. They began to pay a lot of attention to sports, self-development, pay attention to questions of those who want to adjust their weight, draw up training plans and nutrition programs for them. All these circumstances led to the appearance of wonderful projects, which at the moment are the main occupation of the family - SlimGuide and "Crazy Drying".

basil smolny mad drying

Julia and Vasily have two wonderful babies - Zakhar and Seraphim, who have been accustomed to a healthy lifestyle from childhood. Smolny is a great example of a friendly, loving and healthy family!

Who is in charge of everything?

The author of the project is Julia Zhilina - a journalist, PR specialist, and most importantly - mom. Having got acquainted with people about whom, according to her, she simply could not help but write, Julia decided to start such a project as “Crazy Drying”. Julia believes that it’s good to do only what you are strongly involved in, so she does not take up ideas that she does not like. She sincerely hopes that the project will be useful and interesting to everyone who wants to lose weight!

Sports and psychological project

The Crazy Drying project is globally aimed at the complete change of man. Of course, the main goal is physical changes and weight loss, but the internal changes that occur in a person during a show are important. Participants overcome laziness, pain, their fears by stepping over themselves. Heavy physical activity exhausts not only physically, but also morally.

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But all this is not in vain! After all, at the end of the project you can see the amazing results that the participants achieved, as if they had undergone a reboot, internal and external. And all thanks to the Crazy Drying project. Reviews and words of gratitude from graduates are extremely positive and amaze with their warmth.

Who can take part?

The project can involve men and women of absolutely any age and social status. But claiming prizes under the laws of the Russian Federation is possible only from the age of 18.

crazy drying Price

If you for any reason, whether it is a lack of finances, fears or being busy with other things, do not have the opportunity to visit the gym and do it under the guidance of a coach, then this project was created for you! He will definitely encourage you to take decisive action and give an impetus to those who need it.

Cost of participation

But how much does participation in the Crazy Drying project cost? The price of participation in the show is a very small amount for the current time - two thousand rubles. This is very beneficial, because training in the gym with a trainer will cost you much more! If you want to lose weight correctly and inexpensively - apply and become a member of the Crazy Drying project. The feedback and positive comments of the participants allow us to conclude that people like this format of working on themselves, and the price suits them well.

crazy drying project

Participant reviews

And of course, the audience is most interested in what are the results of grueling training and balanced nutrition in the "Crazy Drying" project? Feedback from participants is simply full of words of gratitude, because the results are really pleasing to the eye. People really manage to change themselves.

One of the winners of the project “Crazy Drying 5” claims that this show is, first of all, overcoming oneself. After all, the tasks of "flying out", which sometimes seem simply impossible, exhausted both physically and internally. But the support of family and friends helped to overcome all difficulties and not give up.

crazy drying food

"Crazy Drying 5" was far from the limit. The popularity of the project grew. And soon a new season of the project came out - "Crazy Drying 6". About 3000 people participated in it. Of these, about 600 people were guaranteed prizes and gifts. Participants of previous seasons, who did not become winners, came again. This happened in the "Crazy Drying 6" project. There were more and more people who wanted to put their body in order, so the sixth season was followed by the seventh. The eighth season of the project will start very soon. Therefore, if you want to change yourself and try your luck, rather go to the official website of "Crazy Drying" and apply for participation!


Before deciding to participate in the show, you must definitely undergo a medical examination and make sure that you are allowed to exercise. The first tasks may seem to you very difficult. But if you have ever been involved in sports - then this is not a hindrance for you! It is the Crazy Drying project that will help get out of the couch and overcome your laziness. Exercises and their correct implementation are presented on the official website of the project. Here is an example of one of the workouts.

In total: 6 exercises, 4 circles, rest between circles - 1 minute.

  1. Squats: 25 times.
  2. Push-ups: 15 times.
  3. Hyperextension: 20 times.
  4. Bike: 20 times on each leg.
  5. Sitap: 20 times.
  6. Plank: 1 min.

It usually takes no more than 40 minutes. There is no specific schedule for doing exercises. You adjust your workouts to your free time.

Experts advise you to do the exercises in the morning, but if you are not comfortable, you can do them at any other time.

You ask: and who monitors what and how I carry out? Monitoring of your daily tasks is carried out in your member’s personal account through a written report. But the special tasks or tasks “for elimination”, which you will receive every Saturday, will need to be filmed on a video that the project administrators carefully study.

What kind of special tasks? They can be completely different. Basically, tasks are associated with the implementation of physical exercises for a certain period of time. One of the most frequent special missions is to take a burp for a while.

Surely you are wondering what they can deduct from the project. Basically, participants are expelled only for two reasons - this is either a failure to complete the weekly task or incorrect behavior. It may happen that your assignment is deemed unfulfilled. This will happen if you performed the exercise at an unspecified date, did not send a report, or did the exercise incorrectly.

crazy drying exercises


Without training, of course, nowhere, but nutrition must be constantly monitored. This is what the project specialists will do. They will make an individual calculation of the daily calorie requirement, as well as give tips and advice on developing a diet. That is, you make the menu yourself. They only give you certain “frameworks” that you cannot go beyond. Since Crazy Drying is a unique project, nutrition programs are drawn up even for vegetarians, which will delight animal defenders.

Sunday is the day of your desires. You are allowed to eat any dish, but on condition that it will be in the morning or at lunch. The rest of the time you should eat according to the regimen.

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In a word, the Crazy Drying project, the reviews of which are extremely positive, is motivation, support and a kind of “push” for those who have long wanted to lose weight, but cannot decide on this step.

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