Proboscis reflex in adults and newborns

Immediately after birth, each baby has a whole set of innate reflexes. Their manifestation indicates the normal development of the body. All these unconditioned reflexes, and there are more than seventy of them, are aimed at making the child adapt more quickly to the conditions of existence in this world. The proboscis reflex is considered one of the congenital. What is it and whether it can manifest itself in adults, we will consider in more detail.

proboscis reflex

general information

One of the necessary and most important automatisms is the proboscis reflex. This contraction of the muscles around the mouth occurs automatically if you touch the lips briefly. The reaction to such a touch is the extension of the lips into a tube resembling a proboscis. This is where the name came from. In the first months of life, the sucking act plays a big role, it is simply necessary, the ankylosing spondylitis reflex of Bechterew refers to the components of sucking. The Russian great neurologist V. Bekhterev first described this reflex at the beginning of the last century.

In neurology, when checking this reflex, certain correspondences to age norms are revealed, as well as various pathologies in the work of the nervous system.

A little defenseless baby already at birth receives unconditioned reflexes that give him the opportunity to survive, get comfortable. Congenital reflexes normally disappear in the first three to five months. In their place come new - conditional. Parents need to know what kind of reflexes newborns have. Knowledge will help prevent the development of various serious diseases. Proboscis, as well as sucking, are one of the main in the list of congenital reflexes and are involved in the nutrition process.

proboscis reflex in adults

Reflexes in the newborn

The main congenital reflexes that act in the first months of life are the following:

  • swallowing;
  • sucking;
  • proboscis;
  • search;
  • top protective;
  • Babkin's reflex.

Based on these reflexes, the pediatrician can determine how the child develops, how his nervous system works. Thanks to them, you can understand the behavior of the baby. The absence of any reflex may indicate the development of pathologies in the body. At the same time, the long extinction of automatism should also be alarming.

Sucking reflex. This reflex of the newborn manifests itself in any irritation in the mouth, whether it is a nipple, a nipple, or even a finger. In the presence of something, the child immediately begins to make sucking movements. This important reflex is inherent in every healthy and full-term baby. The reflex persists throughout the first year of life.

Search reflex . With gentle and careful stroking the corner of the baby’s mouth, he lowers his lower lip and begins to deflect his tongue in an irritating direction, actively searching for the mother’s chest. An important point: if the search reflex is checked, do not touch the lips themselves, so the proboscis reflex will work in a child. Touch should be very light. With severe irritation, discomfort, the baby, on the contrary, will turn his head away in the opposite direction. Reflex works up to five months, sometimes present longer.

Proboscis reflex in children

In newborns, the manifestation of this reflex is observed in the form of a specific protrusion of the lips with a tube. This is manifested in response to irritation by briefly abruptly touching the upper lip area with a finger. The test can be performed by both the doctor and the mother herself. Automatic contraction of the circular muscle of the mouth causes the manifestation of the proboscis reflex. In the photo you can see how the baby folds his lips in a bow. The circular muscle is the key muscle called the sucking. According to pediatricians, the proboscis reflex is normally present in the baby for up to three months, then begins to fade. But there is an opinion that this reflex represents a protective and adaptive reaction and can remain in a child up to three years.

proboscis reflex in children

Proboscis reflex in adults

If the considered reflex is present in adults, then this indicates pathologies, deformation of the structure of the brain. A neurologist may suspect the following:

  • stroke;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • bulbar syndrome;
  • encephalopathy.

The proboscis reflex in an adult often indicates oral automatism. It is also likely to detect diagnosed pseudobulbar paralysis. These symptoms can be detected with diffuse damage to the brain. The risk group includes mentally unhealthy people, as well as people suffering from any neuropathic disorder. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to regularly undergo examinations in the neurologist’s office. The doctor should pay special attention to this mechanism.

This reflex may not always indicate pathology. In elderly people who monitor their own health, it can sometimes be mildly expressed.

proboscis proboscis reflex

Assessment of developmental standards in newborns

How is the norm of development of the proboscis reflex in a newborn determined? This reflex should appear soon after birth. It indicates the full development of the child. Thanks to the test, the doctor can draw conclusions about compliance with physiological norms. If there were any injuries during delivery, the presence of any brain disorders is possible. In such cases, unconditioned reflexes are disturbed. It happens that the proboscis reflex appears on the seventh day after birth, before that it was completely absent. Diagnosis of this symptom in combination with other indicators gives the neurologist the opportunity to assess the neurological status of development.

proboscis reflex in a newborn

Detection of pathologies in a child

Many pediatricians believe that normal lip extension into the tube (proboscis reflex) should disappear by the third month of life. If such a reaction is present in further development, then this may indicate the presence of any lesions in the brain. The pathology can also be indicated by the asymmetry of the lips extended into the tube, as well as the complete absence of the proboscis reflex in the first months of life.

It should be noted that in healthy children up to a year, sometimes up to three years, this reflex was observed. In such cases, it was characterized as a protective and adaptive reaction.

proboscis reflex is

Detection of pathologies in adults

At the reception, a neurologist identifies pathologies by checking for the presence of a proboscis reflex. If a person develops normally, then he does not need infant, innate reflexes. They die in childhood, and others, conditional, come to replace them. With a positive reaction to the proboscis reflex, the neurologist should be wary. Perhaps the patient has disturbances in the brain, this may be due to traumatic brain injuries, with bulbar syndrome or the presence of a stroke.

If such reactions are detected, the doctor directs the patient for an additional examination. It is best if an MRI of the brain is prescribed. Competent diagnosticians after the procedure will write a conclusion and provide an accurate picture of what is happening. A timely diagnosis will allow you to start the correct timely treatment and solve the problem. This reflex can normally be weakly expressed in people of advanced years, this is due to the gradual fading of the clear activity of the brain.

proboscis reflex in a child


The proboscis reflex is examined by a neurologist at an appointment with an adult patient or while checking the physiological development of a newborn or infant of the first year of life. The study has several stages, having studied which, each parent will be able to independently check for the presence of proboscis reflex in their own child, in cases where there is any suspicion and concern.

So, for diagnosis, you should do the following:

  • First you need to prepare the room in which the study will be conducted.
  • Comfortable temperature should be between 25 and 27 degrees.
  • Indoor lighting should be provided in such a way that the room is light, but there is no bright annoying light.
  • The surface on which the baby will be placed should be pleasant, soft, but at the same time not bend.
  • The child must be prepared. You need to feed him 1-2 hours before the procedure. He should be alert, but at the same time calm.
  • Visually identify the area of ​​the upper lip that you will need to touch.
  • Make a few light tapping movements, but in no case use force.
  • With a normal reaction, the baby's sponges should take the form of a proboscis, ducts. The reaction can be accompanied by a simultaneous advancement of the lower jaw, as well as swallowing movements.

In children who can already follow the doctor’s instructions, the diagnosis is carried out according to the type of adults, that is, using a special neurological hammer. The doctor asks the patient to close his eyes, then put his index finger on his upper lip. The doctor gently taps on it with a hammer. There should be no reaction to these actions. If there is one, then a neurologist may suspect some pathology in the activity of the brain. The proboscis reflex can be a manifestation of focal lesions of the posterior part of the frontal lobe of the brain.


In conclusion, it should be noted that the proboscis congenital reflex is an important indicator of the proper development of a newborn baby. If the baby's reflexes are delayed, this is due to a number of reasons, possibly injuries. Correct diagnosis, timely detection of pathologies give chances for success in rehabilitation not only in children but also in adults.

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