What is a convention? International Convention on the Rights of the Child

International law includes many concepts. Among them is the convention. This is an official document that is agreed and signed by several countries. It ensures that several states follow certain rules. We will find out what a convention is and what its varieties are.


international conventions

The document is an international treaty dedicated to any issue. As a rule, it is recognized and signed by several states at once. This agreement obliges the host countries to follow the general rules.

Depending on the content, international conventions relate to various areas: political, legal, economic, social and so on.

The most famous documents

Having determined what a convention is, we single out the most significant international treaties:

  1. Geneva Agreement on International Humanitarian Law.
  2. European Convention on Human Rights.
  3. International Agreement on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
  4. UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
  5. An official document on the law of international treaties.
what is a convention

But more often than other generally recognized documents, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is mentioned. An international agreement defines the rights of minors living in countries that have signed it.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

The document was adopted on November 20, 1989. Entered into force in September 1990. The international convention of the child has become the most popular convention. It was signed by almost all countries of the world. The document combines the rights of civil, political, economic, social, cultural type for children and youth under 18 years of age.

The 41st article is considered the most important article of the document. It spells out the rights enjoyed by minors, and also indicates that these rights must be respected, protected and respected by all.

child convention

Having found out what the Convention on the Rights of the Child is, we note its main points:

  • Article 1 states that a child is a person who is under 18 years old, unless otherwise provided by the law of a particular country.
  • Article 2 states that all rights that children have, regardless of race, must be ensured.
  • Article 3 states: the interests of the child must be taken into account and ensured.
  • Article 5 describes that all states that have signed the international treaty respect parental rights and their obligations.
  • Article 6 emphasizes that any child has the inalienable right to life.
  • Article 7 says that children have the right to have a name and citizenship, to know their legal parents and to receive care from them.
  • Article 14 addresses religious issues: children have the right to freedom of religion or thought.
  • Article 18 emphasizes that parents have full responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child.
  • Article 26 states that children have the right to enjoy all social benefits.
  • Article 30 states that every child should enjoy the right to a full rest, leisure, opportunity to participate in recreational activities.

Human rights

International conventions on human rights should be known to everyone. This is necessary in order to better navigate in society, to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was signed in November 1950. Later, the document was amended and supplemented. In its new form, the international agreement is applied by most of the countries that have signed it. The document addresses issues of fundamental human rights and their freedoms.

UN convention

The agreement states that everyone has the right to life, unconditional freedom and inviolability of his personal sphere, respect for his personal life; the right to marry, to use legal remedies. The Convention highlights the prohibition of slavery, torture, forced labor, discrimination, abuse of rights; limits of application of restrictions in human rights are indicated.

The second section of the agreement is dedicated to the European Court of Human Rights.

It is not enough to know what a convention is - you need to understand why it exists, why people need it. First you need to make sure that a particular state has signed an international agreement. Only in this case the document has legal force in the country. Knowing your own rights allows you to feel confident in society.

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