Dough dividing machine: brands, device, principle of operation. Bakery Equipment

Any bread production line usually includes a dough divider. This type of equipment makes the baking process faster. Bakery products themselves, when applied, are more accurate and have an accurate weight.

Need to use

Bakery in the food industry, of course, occupies a special place. The products of enterprises of this specialization are traditionally the most popular on the Russian market. However, despite the great demand for bread and bakery products, such production, unfortunately, in our country in some cases can even be unprofitable. This is usually associated with insufficient mechanization of the baking process.

dough machine

To make an enterprise of such specialization profitable, it is necessary first of all to use high-tech equipment in the process of making bread. Dough dividing machines, as well as special rounding machines, relate specifically to this type of mechanism. Without them, it is simply impossible to get special benefits from baking bread.

A profitable enterprise, when applying this type of equipment, as well as other modern units included in the composition of bread production lines, can become primarily due to the following factors:

  • in a bakery, labor productivity is significantly increased;

  • bakery products are more neat and tasty, and therefore, they diverge faster when sold;

  • The loss of products used in the bread production process is reduced.

Appointment of dough dividers

Machines of this type are intended for machining dough by dividing it into portioned pieces of a certain weight and shape. In the event that such equipment is not included in the bread production line, such work will have to be done by the employees of the enterprise. And in any case, a person divides the dough and gives its pieces the desired shape much slower than the machine. And the accuracy of slicing in this case leaves much to be desired.

Dough-making machines are used, of course, most often in bakeries that supply bread, loaves, rolls, etc. to the market. But this equipment can also be in demand at food industry enterprises and other specializations. For example, quite often, such devices are used in confectionery shops. Also, such machines can be installed, for example, in the kitchens of cafes, canteens and other catering establishments.

Functional classification

The main indicator of the quality of any dough divider is, of course, the accuracy of the cut. Permissible error for this indicator for equipment of this type, according to GOST, are 2-3%.

Modern dough dividing machines can work according to two basic principles:

  • weighted;

  • volumetric.

Dough dividers of the first type usually do not differ in too high productivity. This indicator is determined for such machines by the number of pieces per bookmark.

bread dough

Volumetric baking equipment is very productive in most cases. The dough in such machines is divided into pieces when it is pumped into a long head. That is, such equipment works almost continuously. The division in this case, as can already be judged by the name of the equipment, is performed into pieces of the same volume. Moreover, since the bread dough served in the device has the same density in most cases, the weight of the portions in the end also remains almost the same.

In enterprises specializing in baking bread, equipment of both of these types can be used.

Dough dividers with rounding function

Thus, in terms of performance, the weight units of this variety are inferior in volume. However, baking equipment of this type usually also has a function such as rounding. Such machines work slowly. But at the same time, they immediately give out rounded neat blanks for buns and bread.

Ball-shaped pieces in comparison with ordinary ones have a number of unconditional advantages:

  • more uniform structure;

  • lower carbon dioxide content;

  • less gas permeability of the surface layer.

Dough dividers-rounders , since they can perform two functions at once, are very popular in the modern market. Many bakery owners consider the purchase of such equipment a profitable business. In terms of ease of use and performance, such units have earned excellent customer reviews.

Equipment classification

In addition to the principle of operation, dough divider machines can be classified according to other characteristics. Such aggregates can be divided into:

  • auger;

  • piston;

  • lobed;

  • pneumatic;

  • vacuum ones.

bakery confectionery

Such a classification, as could be seen, is carried out according to the type of superchargers used in the design of the units. Most often in production today, vacuum and screw type dough divider machines are used. At the same time, the second type of equipment is best suited for the production of rye bread. More gentle vacuum units are used for cutting dough from wheat flour. Also, reciprocating machines are often installed in bakeries.

Actually the supercharger of any type in the dough divider is designed to extrude into the dough aggregate into special portion pockets. From them in the future, pieces identical in volume and mass come out. According to this principle, weighing units work. In volumetric machines, as already mentioned, the dough is divided by a special cutting device.

Classification according to operating mode

On this basis, all dough divider machines are divided into:

  • units with a fixed mode of operation;

  • with unfixed.

In the first case, the drive of the working bodies is implemented with a set frequency from a rigid kinematic scheme. In machines with non-fixed mode of operation, the mechanism for separating pieces does not communicate with the general drive of the unit in any way. Moreover, it usually turns on when filling the entire volume of the measuring pocket with bread dough or when it reaches the specified length.

Machine device

The design of units of this type, both weight and volume, includes the following elements:

  • working chamber;

  • drive base, bed;

  • pressure stabilizer;

  • a drum with measuring pockets forming a discharge zone or a cutting device;

  • electrical cabinet;

  • conveyor;

  • funnel or head;

  • damper in the discharge zone;

  • supercharger.

baking equipment

Thus, the device dough machine can be called quite complicated. The working chamber in such units, in turn, has several compartments:

  1. Compression chamber. This is where the dough comes in and is compressed to the working volume.

  2. The buffer part. Here the dough remains after the completion of the work cycle.

The separating device, the working chamber and the conveyor in the dough dividing machines are cantilevered on the bed for ease of use. The pressure stabilizer in such units is directly connected with the damper in the discharge zone.

Rounding principle

In some cases, dough machines, as already mentioned, can be supplemented with this element. The rounding design is simple. Initially, the dough enters the fixed spiral of this element. Further, its mass is pressed against it by a special rotating conical bowl. As a result of this, passing in a spiral, the pieces acquire a spherical shape.

Design requirements

All dough dividing machines used in production must meet the following requirements:

  • their design should provide for the possibility of adjusting the weight of the measured dough depending on the variety, consistency and composition of the latter;

  • they should provide a constant speed of pressing out the tow or full filling of the measuring pocket.

Cutting technology

Actually the mechanical processing of the dough in such units is carried out in stages:

  • the dough is fed into the funnel of the machine;

  • from here it enters the working chamber;

  • in the chamber there is an injection of dough;

  • while measuring pieces of a certain volume and mass;

  • measured pieces are separated from the total mass.

production of bread and bakery products

At the final stage, the measured pieces are pushed out onto the conveyor and fed either to a separate rounding device or to a proofing cabinet.

The most popular brands of dough dividers

Today many companies supply similar equipment to the domestic market. But the most popular brands of dough machines are:

  • "Sunrise".

  • Kuzbass.

  • HDF-M2.

Also, good consumer reviews were also earned by Part a U import models of bakers . Equipment from this manufacturer is more expensive than domestic models. But at the same time it is also more reliable and functional.

Dough dividing machines "Sunrise"

This manufacturer supplies this type of piston equipment to the market . If desired, dough with a moisture content of 37 to 50% can be loaded into Sunrise units. Use of dough dividing machines of this brand is allowed in the production of both bread and small-sized bakery products.

Among other things, the devices "Sunrise" has a function of "careful" division of the test. The supercharger in units of this brand is installed piston. Measuring chambers for dough machines of this manufacturer, depending on the modification, can be two or three. Also, these units are often complemented by features such as:

  • stepless adjustment of productivity with digital indication;

  • smooth adjustment of speed.

The outlet conveyor for Sunrise units can be installed both on the right and on the left. The case of all models of this brand is made of stainless steel.

Units "Kuzbass"

This manufacturer supplies screw machines to the Russian market. The size of measuring pockets in units of this brand can be adjusted. If necessary, you can purchase three modifications of the Kuzbass dough dividers: 68-2M, 2M-1, 2M-2.

The advantages of units from this manufacturer, consumers, among other things, include:

  • modular design, and hence the possibility of modernization;

  • the presence of controllers and the possibility of dividing dough even from wheat flour;

  • lack of need for the use of lubricants.

If desired, consumers can order simultaneously with these units conveyors chain, belt, BU.

dough divider rounder

Models HDF-M2

Units of this brand are produced by the Kiev company "Hlebmash". Like the Kuzbass, a screw is responsible for feeding the dough into the measuring pockets. However, control controllers that regulate the pressure during the mixing of the dough are not provided for in the design of units of this type. Therefore, HDF-M2 dough dividing machines can be used only in the manufacture of rye bread.

Units of the brand Parta U

These machines are supplied to the domestic market by WP Haton. The advantages of Parta U aggregates include primarily the fact that they can be used to divide the dough of any varieties and varieties. If necessary, funnels can be used with this technique to load dough of different diameters. Counting pieces in machines of this brand is made mechanically and electronically.

Also in Parta U units, features such as:

  • low oil indicator;

  • automatic lubrication;

  • speed variation;

  • flour spreader on internal and external conveyors.

The best brands of dough rounders

There are, therefore, quite a lot of good models of dividing equipment in the domestic market. Some machines of this type, as already mentioned, are supplemented by rounders. But in most dough divider units, such an addition is still, unfortunately, not provided. Therefore, enterprises often have to buy rounding agents separately.

There are quite a lot of brands of units of this type used in the production of bread and bakery products on the modern market. But the most popular ones include:

  • "Sunrise".

  • T1-HTN.

  • MTO11M.

Dough rounders "Sunrise"

Of all the above brands, the most widely used in the domestic market is Voskhod. These units are produced by the eponymous domestic company. Their main advantages are low cost and ease of use. Accelerating the production of bread and bakery products using these machines is not difficult.

Voskhod company supplies several dough rounder models to the market. For example, consumers have the opportunity to purchase an aggregate of this brand:

  • TO-8, 5, 6.

  • "Scout".

Also very popular with the owner in bakeries and confectioneries is the rounder Voskhod TO-4 with central adjustment. The cost of units of this brand, depending on the modification, can range from 100-400 thousand rubles.

Bread production line

What place do dough dividers and rounders occupy in the production process of baking bread? The manufacturing technology of this product most demanded in the domestic food market looks as follows:

  1. The flour received at the enterprise is first unloaded into silos using a special air compressor.

  2. In special containers, a solution is prepared from sugar, fat and salt, as well as yeast wiring.

  3. In a dough mixer, from 45-75% of all the flour necessary for baking, dough is prepared.

  4. After 4-5 hours, the dough is transferred to a dough mixer of another design. Next, the remaining flour and other ingredients are added to it.

  5. The finished dough from the kneading machine enters through the funnel directly into the dough divider.

  6. At the next stage, its pieces, identical in weight and volume, are fed into the rounding device; This unit, using a special stacker, distributes the dough balls into the cells of the cots of the proofer tank.

  7. In the proofer, the workpieces are suitable for 40-60 minutes.

From the proofer, future bread or rolls are transferred to the oven. So that when baking their crust does not crack, the preforms are pre-cut and pricked. Future buns and loaves in bakeries and pastry shops are also greased with vegetable oil or an egg mixture and sprinkled with, for example, sesame seeds or poppy seeds. After baking with a stacker, the finished product is loaded into containers. Then it enters the cooling compartment.

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