La Cree Stretch Mark Emulsion: Results Feedback

The problem of stretch marks on the skin is known to many women around the world. This defect gives a lot of inconvenience and causes embarrassment. Beauticians have developed a unique tool called "La Cree Mama", an emulsion from stretch marks. Let's try to figure out whether this product is really able to deal with this skin defect and what reviews about it are left by women on various resources on the Internet.

What are stretch marks and how do they arise?

Each woman’s carefree youth passes very quickly, and sooner or later the girl gets married and decides to have a baby. Pregnancy - what could be more beautiful? However, this period in almost every woman causes a lot of problems and inconveniences. One of them is stretch marks in the abdomen, buttocks and chest.

la cree emulsion

Striae (the scientific name for stretch marks) is a narrow strip that differs from normal skin in color (old, red, purple) and texture, they look like scars. They occur in places where the skin most often undergoes stretching. Most often this happens if it is dry enough. "La Cree" is an emulsion that moisturizes both the dermis and the epidermis, preventing them from breaking. Thanks to these properties, the remedy is so effective against stretch marks.

Surely many are interested in the question of why the process of formation of striae does not cause severe pain and bleeding. The thing is that, since the epidermis is very elastic, it stretches, but is not damaged, but the dermis (muscle fibers of collagen and elastin), on the contrary, is torn. A “dip” forms in the skin, which we see as stretch marks.

What determines the color of stretch marks

Many who have encountered such a problem as striae have noticed that they come in different colors. What does it depend on? New stretch marks that appear within a month, as a rule, have a pink or purple hue. In addition, they usually cause itching and have a convex appearance. The more time they have, the lighter the scars. In addition, stretch marks are not affected by UV radiation, since they lack melanin. "La Cree" (emulsion), like any other remedy for stretch marks, is not able to cope with light old striae, they can only be removed surgically.

la cree emulsion reviews

Can stretch marks be avoided

Of course, any problem is better to prevent than to treat, but is it always possible? La Cree is an emulsion that can prevent the appearance of scars, but only in certain cases, which we will talk about a little later. The appearance of stretch marks is associated with an increase in the volume of the skin in certain parts of the body: chest, abdomen, buttocks. If, for example, striae arise as a result of an increase in fat mass, then their appearance can be avoided by slowing down the process of weight gain.

Another thing is if the woman is pregnant: one way or another, the fetus is growing rapidly, and with it the weight of the girl and her volume. In this case, in order to reduce the number of stretch marks, it is necessary to use skin softening agents. These include the La Cree. The emulsion will take care of the skin and moisturize it, according to the manufacturing company.

Composition of La Cree

The emulsion from stretch marks contains only natural ingredients that care for the skin and prevent stretch marks. The composition contains such components as wheat germ oil (vitamins A, B, D), peach oil (vitamins A, B, E, C, P), almond oil (moisturizes the skin and prevents moisture loss), licorice root (soothing and antimicrobial effect). In addition, the product contains violet extract, glycerin, mandarin oil, ylang-ylang and other auxiliary components.

la cree stretch marks emulsion

The principle of the action of stretch marks

Of course, it would be more pleasant to consider that “La Cree Mama” (emulsion) is a panacea: it applied a miracle remedy to any stretch, and in an instant it disappeared. Of course, this is not so, and a tool that would completely remove striae has not yet been invented. The only way to get rid of existing stretch marks is surgery, but not every woman, even for the sake of beauty, will make such sacrifices. Moreover, the operation only solves the problem, but where is the likelihood that the stretch marks do not appear again? “La Cree” - an emulsion from stretch marks, reviews of which we will discuss below, does not promise an instant miracle, but in fact it can prevent the appearance of deep stretch marks .

la cree mom emulsion

The composition of this product includes vitamins and oils that help soften the skin. With daily use of "La Cree", the integument will become more elastic, and the stretching of the skin will pass almost imperceptibly. It is very important to start using the product immediately, even before the first signs of stretch marks appear.

Reviews on "La Cree"

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of reviews about this cosmetic product. Most of the girls who started using this emulsion in the first months of pregnancy noticed that the skin in the places of application became really softer and more elastic. The product did not cause them discomfort and did not leave greasy stains on their clothes. For pregnant women, the composition of the drug is also always very important. "La Cree" - an emulsion, the reviews of which are positive - created on the basis of natural components, which means that it is absolutely safe for both mother and baby. The exception is cases of individual intolerance to certain components of a given agent.

La Cree Mom Stretch Mark Emulsion

Method of application "La Cree" and the benefits of the product

In order for the emulsion to be most effective, it is recommended to apply it 2 times a day with massage movements on problem areas until completely absorbed. It has a softening and calming effect on the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks. Similar cosmetic products, as a rule, contain a huge amount of surfactants, created on the basis of artificial substrates, dyes, hormones and fragrances. Such funds can not be used by pregnant girls, since they penetrate deep into the skin, and through its capillaries into the blood, can harm the baby in the womb. Even doctors recommend during the period of gestation and lactation to use products that contain only natural components. "La Cree" - an emulsion, reviews of which make it possible to verify its effectiveness - is safe for both mother and baby and is suitable for daily use.

la cree stretch marks emulsion reviews


The advantage of "La Cree" women call a fairly low price. Compared to other cosmetics, this can be safely called budget. Convenient dispenser in the bottle allows you to economically use the emulsion in the required quantity. Any disease and cosmetic defect is easier to prevent than to treat, so it’s recommended to start using La Cree before the first signs of stretch marks appear. If unpleasant defects already exist on the skin, then this cosmetic product may not remove all stretch marks, but make them less noticeable, women say.

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