The value and composition of the agro-industrial complex. Enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex

An effective economy is one of the conditions for a successful performance of the country on the world stage. The country's economy is understood as all the aggregate processes taking place in various fields and aimed at promoting the growth of the level of well-being of both the entire state and each citizen. The system of the country's economy combines organizational, technological, scientific, technical, social and economic activities. Each of them has a certain potential, which has the ability to accumulate and is later used in the implementation of operational functions. The state can use economic resources, as well as cash and factors of production for the growth of key indicators that characterize the stability and level of freedom of the financial system and the prospects for the development direction. The economy of the country is created by several complexes, but we will dwell on the consideration of the agro-industrial complex, which is also the agricultural complex. From this article you will learn not only its essence and significance, but also which links are part of the agro-industrial complex and its position in Russia.

The concept of agriculture

composition apk

The agro-industrial complex, which is also the agro-industrial complex, is one of the largest intersectoral complexes, which combines several economic sectors aimed at the production and processing of agricultural raw materials, as well as obtaining agricultural products for final consumption. The agro-industrial complex includes agriculture and those industrial sectors that are closely related to it - transportation, storage, processing of agricultural raw materials and products and bringing them to retail and wholesale buyers. The chemical and engineering industries are closely related to the agricultural sector.

Areas of activity included in the agro-industrial complex

composition and value of apk

The agro-industrial complex is in many ways one of the most complex and difficult to manage. The agro-industrial complex consists of 4 large separate areas of activity, without the joint work of which the effective existence of this complex simply could not exist. Let us dwell on each of them.

Agriculture itself

which links are part of the apk

It is the core in its composition and significance. The agro-industrial complex is basically based on this area:

  • Crop production is such an industry in agriculture, the main occupation of which is the cultivation of cultivated plants. The resulting product serves as a food source not only for the general population, but also as feed in livestock, and as a raw material it goes to a large number of industrial sectors (food, textile, pharmaceutical, perfumery). In addition, the results of crop production are used in floriculture for decorative purposes. The scientific part of crop production is studying the variety of varieties, hybrids and plant forms, and new and more advanced cultivation methods are being sought to ensure high yields while reducing labor and material costs.
  • Livestock farming is one of the oldest human crafts along with hunting, gathering and fishing. The development of animal husbandry was facilitated by the process of domestication of some types of wild animals that could live with a person, giving them specific benefits - for example, to be a source of food (meat, milk, eggs), material for the manufacture of clothing or the construction of shelters. In addition, some animals became workers as pulling or riding. In livestock breeding, the most popular breeding species in Russia include cows, goats, sheep, pigs, deer, etc. The breeding priority of a particular animal species is determined by many factors, but one of the main factors is climate and natural conditions.

Supporting activity

enterprises included in the apk

This group is characterized by the assignment to it of industries and services that provide agriculture with all necessary production facilities, as well as supply material resources. In supporting activities, we are talking about tractor and agricultural engineering, the production of various mineral fertilizers and chemicals, etc. - they are part of the composition, and the agro-industrial complex cannot but recognize them.

Agro-processing industries

composition and structure of apk

Here the great contribution is made by the food industry, as well as industries whose primary purpose is primary processing of raw materials, then transported to light industry enterprises. They are not accidental in the composition of the agro-industrial complex. Without them, we would not have received 80% of light industry products. And again, it is clear that the value of the agro-industrial complex is interbranch and significant.

Infrastructure support

composition of apk russia

We attribute this sphere of activity to the agro-industrial complex, since its production performs such tasks as the procurement of agricultural raw materials, transportation, storage of manufactured goods. In addition, it is the infrastructure that is responsible for training agricultural personnel and construction in the agricultural sector. Without effective management, due to the breadth and complexity of relations arising in the agro-industrial complex, we will face a large number of problems. Therefore, the management aspect also needs to be given significant attention.

And what about Russia?

The listed areas of activity are typical of the composition of the agro-industrial complex of Russia. Moreover, our country is characterized by imperfection of this sphere. Analyzing the situation of modern market conditions, it can be argued that there is no single whole economy of enterprises that are part of the agro-industrial complex. Scientists in the agricultural field regularly conduct research work. There are several scientific papers on the necessary composition and structure of the agricultural sector for the successful development of the economy. The complexity of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex is in many ways the cause of the problems that arise, and also affects the intersectoral relations. The incompleteness of the land cadastre largely reduces the potential of the complex in terms of the structure of the country's economy . This problem needs to be addressed, since the agro-industrial complex is one of the main consumers of products in other areas, and creates a large number of jobs for citizens.

The boundaries of the agro-industrial complex are interpreted quite broadly and to the maximum extent reflect all existing ties that functionally arise between the most diverse branches of human activity. This approach has its well-deserved and proven value. It helps to more effectively predict and plan the movement of material flows, to regulate relations between the participating industries. In addition, the “broad borders” approach makes it easier to pursue structural policies, as well as research and other goals are also achieved more quickly.

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