Not tirelessly: the meaning of phraseology, origin, use

In the richest and most diverse world under the name “phraseology”, whatever “exhibit” is a valuable find with its history and biography. This also applies to the expression "tirelessly." The meaning of phraseologism seems to be completely understandable, but the origin is so mysterious.


The most important difference between phraseology and the word is the metaphor of the first. If a word can only name an object, phenomenon or action, then a stable expression can give any of them a certain emotional coloring. You can simply say “work diligently, diligently,” and sometimes this is enough. And you can say "work tirelessly." The value of phraseology, which implies a diligent work process, is complemented by the speaker's attitude, his positive assessment of this process.

tirelessly the meaning of phraseology

If you look more deeply, then the adverbs “diligently”, “diligently” do not adequately express the degree of fulfillment of a particular case. Here the definitions “not stopping”, “continuously”, “tirelessly” would be more suitable. In this case, phraseologism sounds more fully and eloquently.


Our language, as a rule, reflecting the many phenomena of human life, either creates new words or their forms, then forgets some of the long-existing ones. And they become obsolete. Sometimes we ourselves, not noticing it, use them, especially as part of phraseological units.

work tirelessly

Previously, the now unused verb “put” was used with the same meaning as the modern “put”, “put”. In a natural way, from him formed the real participle in the present tense with the negative “not” particle. Thus, a characteristic arose of a person who is able to work in such a way that his hands are always in action, he never drops them even on his knees to rest, i.e. doesn’t put anywhere. It was such an action of everyday life that gave rise to idiom "tirelessly."

Use in literature

Persistent expressions have an interesting feature. They can organically adapt in all linguistic styles, so it is appropriate to use them in fiction, journalism and any other journalistic genres, as well as in everyday communication.

The expression "tirelessly" is often found among Russian classics. Leo Tolstoy, for example, described one of his heroes as follows: they say that he could work without sleep and without food, tirelessly, like the character of Ivan Bunin, who worked and worked until he “saw what was done already a lot of".

I.E. Repin, describing his impressions of Vienna in "Letters on Art" makes an interesting remark. He says that a person who has thoroughly studied his craft is worthy of respect, works on himself and improves, decorates everything around tirelessly.

In the “Date with Nefertiti” Vladimir Tendryakov talks about the teacher Savva Ilyich. His hero "all his life believed that taking art seriously - means working tirelessly."

Media use

Even more common expression in various media. Without it, not a single article on labor victories and records can do without it. Presenting his company in an interview, the young leader will proudly announce the zeal of his employees. He will tell that each employee is ready to work tirelessly. This phraseologism perfectly replaces ordinary words: assiduously, tirelessly, tirelessly, etc.

The publication of Mikhail Sholokhov likewise depicts the enthusiasm of Soviet people, millions of whom have worked and are working tirelessly for the good of their homeland.

expression tirelessly

In the 1960s, the astronaut, the first doctor to be in orbit, Boris Yegorov, wrote about his work. Talking about the fact that she was supposed to help verify the correctness of the experiments that take place on Earth, to create various cosmic conditions for a person, he notes that everyone worked tirelessly.


This expression is most democratically used in everyday vocabulary, which “allows” itself some stylistic and expressive liberties. So, sometimes the form of “hands-free” is used, or often “not spare efforts” as a synonym.

Phrases of this plan can also have different emotional connotations. So, someone can put it “work in the face”, someone, instead of “working tirelessly”, deigns to do it “until blue in the face”. And in conversations about labor exploits, the interlocutor can say that he likes his work so much that he is ready to do it tirelessly. Or someone will regret the neighbor who has borrowed, and now is struggling with all her might to give them back. And of course, it works tirelessly.

work tirelessly phraseology

Synonyms-phraseological units

Persistent combinations can have an identical or very close meaning. Then we can talk about synonymous relations. So, the expression “work tirelessly” can equally be replaced by stable combinations “work in the sweat of the face”, “up to the seventh sweat”.

You can still work rolling up your sleeves. But in this phrase, the “glow” of the content, as it were, is reduced. a person works, it seems, both diligently and diligently, but as if not to the point of complete dedication. By the way, the expression “in the sweat of the face” also has a slightly different emotional coloring. It seems to involve earning with difficulty.

Phraseologisms-synonyms can differ from each other in stylistic coloring. If the expression “work tirelessly” means more or less neutral, then if you say “plowed like a horse”, this will already have a rough colloquial connotation.

Synonymous phrases and words

The richness and diversity of the same or similar in meaning lexical units give the Russian language boundless expressive possibilities. The same meaning can express both phraseological units, and phrases, and individual lexical units.

It is not difficult to express the phrase “tirelessly” in one word: you can compose a whole synonymous series of words with a similar meaning. It is serviceable, ardent, diligent, zealous, diligent, assiduous, energetic, tireless, tireless, non-stop, unceasing . Of course, each of them is stylistically differently colored, but the use of a particular lexical unit already depends on the specific situation.

tirelessly in one word

Synonymous phrases behave more descriptively. You can work tirelessly, not sparing (not sparing) strength, not sparing (not sparing) yourself, with great zeal, making every effort, from dawn to dawn. Their use in speech seems more advantageous, since they enrich it with new shades.

Antonyms of expression

Naturally, words and phrases with opposite meanings will describe a loafer, a loafer who is unable to work tirelessly. The value of phraseologism assumes a characteristic of industriousness. It makes sense to mention only stable expressions, since there are a lot of similar words-antonyms.

tireless value

Often used idioms with different emotional intensity. The exact opposite is the phrase "sit back." On the level of laziness will be told by phraseological units "beat backstabs", "wriggle up loafers." And the quality of the work performed is characterized by the idiom of "working through the sleeves." Somewhat apart is the phrase "raven count", which some linguists also refer to the antonyms of the expression "work tirelessly." According to other opinions, the emotional coloring here is completely different and we are not talking about the level of industriousness, but about the characteristic of an idle onlooker.

Interesting Facts

The history and practice of the emergence of phraseological units shows that they can be born in various life situations and then firmly entrenched in the language. There is an example of an expression built on the structure of the idiom "tirelessly." The meaning of phraseology, which can be regarded as the antonym, bears a hint of ridicule, humor. "Without hands" say about someone who is not burning with the desire to work.


By the way, there is another original point of view on this phrase. It is assumed that it can be used when it comes to mental work, pondering some problem or task, finding their solutions. Then, after all, the hands are not “attached”, although the process is ongoing.

The morphological construction of the expression "tirelessly" is also interesting. In phraseological units quite often the participial form is used, as in this case. This is confirmed by some synonyms and antonyms of the phrase in question.

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