In pedigree dairy or meat cows, childbirth, unfortunately, in some cases is complicated. For example, after the birth of a calf in a burenka, the last may not come out. This condition is considered very dangerous for a cow. Of course, if the animal has such a problem, he definitely needs help. Treatment for delayed afterbirth in cows can be carried out using drugs as well as by cleaning.
What is the last
In the womb of a cow, like any other mammal, the fetus is in a special shell. This organ is called the placenta or placenta. It is through him that the body of the cow and the calf are connected during pregnancy. The placenta protects and nourishes the calf developing in the uterus.
If the birth takes place without disturbances, the cow's body gets rid of the placenta after a short period of time after the birth of the calf. The placenta that has come out looks like a bag streaked with blood vessels. The color of the placenta is grayish, since it contains many venous nodes.
Reasons for the detention
Unfortunately, problems with the release of the placenta in cows are quite common. Miscarriages in cows are accompanied by it, unfortunately, almost always. In some cases, a delayed release of the placenta occurs during normal births in cattle.
The causes of this problem in cows can be very different. For example, the placenta is often delayed in the animal due to uterine inflammation. In this case, the placenta can simply grow to this organ of the cow and not subsequently separate.
The retention of amniotic membranes in cows is very often also due to stress. Another reason for absenteeism of the placenta is malnutrition. In this case, the animal is disturbed by metabolism, which leads to complications during childbirth.
Quite often, the cause of retention of the placenta in cows is also transferred brucellosis. In addition, the risk of such a problem with diseases of the external genital organs of the burenka is very much increased.
How do cows give birth and when should the last
Like almost any other large animals, calving in burenoks takes quite a long time. The process of birth of a calf lasts usually at least 1.5 hours. Sometimes the birth of a cow is delayed for 5-6 hours. The first two hours before the birth of the calf, the burenka begins to behave uneasily, mumbles, refuses to eat. At this time, the uterus opens in the animal. This preparatory period usually lasts 2 hours, but sometimes it can stretch to 10.
As soon as the uterus is completely opened, the cub is born. When does the cow leave after calving? In most cases, almost immediately after the baby is born, the uterus begins to gradually get rid of the placenta. In order for the shells to recede completely, in most cases it takes about 9-10 hours. If after this time the placenta has not separated, it is necessary to take measures aimed at helping the animal.
Classification of Detention
How cows give birth is thus understandable. In any case, the afterbirth after the calf is born reaches a maximum of 6-10 hours. Moreover, his detention can be classified into:
In the first case, all fetal membranes are located inside the uterus and are completely indistinguishable from the outside. Speaking in a more scientific language, the chorion, when fully retained, remains in contact with the caruncles of both horns in the uterus, and the amnion and allantois with the chorion.
In the second case, the majority of the placenta hangs behind the cow in the form of a red-gray cord and reaches the hocks. That is, with incomplete detention, the chorion retains contact with the capsules of the horn only in the place where the fetus was located. In this case, it is separated from the other horn.
With partial retention of the membranes in one of the horns, the connection between the chorion and several caruncles is preserved. In this case, the urinary and aqueous membranes also partially hang outward.
What is dangerous condition
To help Burenka get rid of the placenta, if it does not come out naturally, it is necessary. Retention of the placenta in cows for a period of more than 6-10 hours is fraught with the following consequences:
- the onset of inflammatory processes in the uterus of the animal;
- intoxication of the body;
- the passage of rot products into the blood of a cow and, as a consequence, sepsis.
Serious complications such as mastitis, postpartum infection, vaginitis, and endometritis can also occur when the placenta is delayed. If the placenta begins to decompose and sepsis occurs, the animal may even die.
In the event that the placenta does not come out of the uterus partially or completely, the cow will try to get rid of it. In this case, the animal is likely to take a pose as for urination. Burenka will stand with a curved back, a tucked up belly and push hard. If the animal is overdone, the uterus may even fall out.
Signs of n release of the afterbirth after calving, in addition to the noticeable hanging parts and the characteristic pose of the cow, are:
- putrefactive odor from the animal;
- depressed state of the cow;
- increase in body temperature;
- indigestion and diarrhea;
- lack of appetite;
- decreased milk productivity.
The birth of a cow must be supervised by the owner, and even better - by a veterinarian. Only in this case it will be possible to detect that the animal is experiencing any problems, including with a delay in the placenta. If the owner takes it all by chance, valuable time will be lost and the cow will die.
In any case, it is necessary to free the animal from the placenta after childbirth for a maximum of 2-3 days. On the fourth day, a cow with almost one hundred percent probability of developing sepsis with a fatal outcome.
What to do if the placenta is not visible outside
If after 6, at most 10 hours, the afterbirth of the cow is not completely separated, it is necessary to carefully examine its external genital organs. If the hanging shells are not visible from the outside, you need to examine the uterus of the animal. To do this, first of all, wash your hands and put on medical gloves. After that, you need to stick your hand into the birth canal of the cow to the uterus and feel the walls of the latter. Sometimes it happens that a cow just eats its last, and the owners do not notice it. If the placenta remains in the uterus, its parts will be well palpated by hand.
It is possible to determine the fact that the cow ate the last after another sign. In this case, the animal will begin diarrhea after some time. But to make sure that the uterus of the animal remains purely mechanical is still necessary.
In some cases, the cow’s placenta leaves, but some of its parts still remain inside the uterus. If the placenta in the animal has separated, mechanical palpation can not be done. In this case, the bag is simply spread on the table and carefully inspected. It is characteristic of the placenta of cows that the vessels in it are connected in a closed network. Judging about the presence in the uterus of the remnants of the placenta can be available on the last gaps.
How to treat: conservative methods
Cow retention is actually a very dangerous phenomenon. Usually, if after 6 hours the placenta does not come out, they begin to treat cows with conservative methods. In this case, the animal is given special preparations. Drug treatment should be comprehensive. The cow should be given funds:
- increasing uterine myometrical tone;
- antibiotics to prevent infection by pathogens;
- immunity enhancers;
- funds that restore energy loss after childbirth.
Means for increasing the tone of the uterus
For this purpose, veterinarians most often use Sinestrol or Pituitrin. Both of these drugs very well increase the tone of the uterus of cows. "Sinestrol" for Burenka when the placenta absent is administered in the form of injections in an amount of 2-5 ml. This drug begins to act an hour after the injection. The effect of it lasts for 8 hours.
The drug "Pituitrin" is also administered to cows under the skin in a dose of 3-5 ml. This medicine is considered more effective and safer than Sinestrol. The use of the latter, unfortunately, may subsequently lead to a decrease in the milk production of the cow. When using Pituitrin, the uterus of Burenka begins to contract after 10 minutes. In this case, the effect of the drug subsequently lasts 5-6 hours. Repeatedly, this medicine can be administered to the animal only after 6-8 hours.
In addition to these two drugs, to increase the tone of the uterus, cows with absenteeism can also use:
- "Estradiol-Dipropionate" in a dose of 6 ml.
- "Carbocholine-CARBOCHOLIN."
- "Estron- (folliculin) -OESTRONUM."
Quite often, to improve the reduction of the walls of the uterus, the drug Prozerin (injections) is also used. Instructions for use of this medication require injections of 0.5% of its solution of 2-2.5 ml.
What else can tone up
The drug to improve the contractile function of the uterus to the cow with absenteeism should be given necessarily. Also, to increase the tone, the animal needs to drink 3-6 liters of amniotic fluid. In this case, the uterus begins to contract not immediately, but after a while. In this case, the effect of taking amniotic fluid will last about 8 hours.
It is possible to increase the tone of the uterus of a cow by soldering colostrum to it. Usually it is given to cows in an amount of 2-4 liters. Some owners of farmsteads claim that after using such a remedy, the afterbirth of the cows is separated after 4 hours.
In most cases, when there is a problem such as retention of the placenta in a cow, Tricellin is used to protect against infection. In this case, this drug can be used both in the form of powder and candles. In most cases, 2-4 suppositories or 1 bottle of powder are introduced into the uterus of the cow by hand. This procedure is then repeated after 24 hours, and then after 48 hours.
Also, to prevent infection with non-separation in cows, the placenta can be used in a complex streptocid and streptomycin or penicillin. In this case, preparations are administered to the cow every 4 hours. In this case, 20-25 g of streptocide and 2 million units of penicillin or streptomycin are used.
In addition, veterinarians can be used for cows and "Exuter M". This drug is injected with 1-2 tablets into the uterus to prevent infection. If necessary, treatment is repeated after 24, 36 and 48 hours.
Auxiliary drugs
Supporting the body of a cow while retaining the amniotic membranes, among other things, is necessary using glucose. This substance allows you to replenish stocks of energy material in an animal. A 40% glucose solution is administered intravenously to cows in an amount of 150-200 ml twice a day.
Rotting of the placenta in cows usually begins already at 2 days. In this case, among other things, the load on the liver of the animal increases. A feature of glucose is that it is able to support this organ of the animal.
If conservative treatment has not led to the separation of the placenta in the cow for 2 days, veterinarians usually take emergency measures to save the animal. In this case, an operation is performed to remove the placenta or its parts.
In this case, the specialist first puts gloves on his hands. Previously, the animal is anesthetized. Then the veterinarian with his left hand takes on the hanging parts of the placenta, and introduces the right into the cow's vagina. Next, the specialist separates the placenta from the uterus and carefully pulls it out.
Preventative measures
The non-separation of the placenta after childbirth can, therefore, lead to the death of the cow or a decrease in its milk productivity. Therefore, on farms, preventive measures must be taken to reduce the likelihood of such a complication of labor in cows. Pregnant cows should be expelled to fresh air from time to time. In summer, pasture is shown for such animals, and in winter, just walks around the yard.
Also, pregnant cows need to receive vitamins. It is especially important to add premixes to animal feed during the month before delivery. Vitamin cows can also be given vitamin injections every 10 days. Such prophylaxis is usually carried out for weakened cows.
Cows must be kept, of course, in clean, well-ventilated areas. This will guarantee that the animals will not develop any infectious disease, the result of which will be a delay in the placenta. Of course, pregnant cows on the farm should receive all the nutrients they need (with hay, concentrates, root crops, etc.).