School literary circle: program, description, topics

Literary education develops the spiritual world of a person, creates the need for continuous self-improvement. The study of classical prose and poetry can be carried out only through the systematic reading of works of art and memorization of poems. But the value of the book has dropped significantly lately. To introduce children to reading, a literary group is organized at the school, the program of which goes beyond the scope of the compulsory.

literary circle program

Why modern children do not like to read?

Even in the age of high technology and computerization, the importance of the book cannot be overestimated. Recently, a trend has been discovered in which interest in reading is rapidly declining after graduation from elementary school. Often a child who is interested in books in the early years of school loses it when he enters fifth grade. The reason, as a rule, is the ubiquitous Internet. It absorbs all the attention of children and adolescents.

How to solve this problem?

The schoolboy stops reading, as a result of which his cognitive potential decreases. Teachers note that recently, the number of students reading literature that goes beyond the school curriculum has fallen enormously. Both teachers and parents are unhappy with this situation. But how to solve this problem? First of all, the child does not need to be forced, he must be carried away. Teachers organize a literary circle, the program of which includes books by Russian and foreign authors, in order to familiarize children with reading, develop their creative potential and broaden their horizons.

school literary program


The activities of the literary circle are aimed at solving problems that are essential in the general educational process. Parents, for lack of free time, rarely pay attention to what their child is reading, if he picks up any books at all, with the exception of educational materials. Why is a literary circle created at school? The program pursues the following objectives:

  • development of the ability to perceive a work of art;
  • enrichment of the worldview;
  • developing an understanding of figurative language and various expressive means used by writers and poets in their work;
  • the formation of aesthetic taste;
  • broadening the horizons.


Any extracurricular activities should be based on the involvement of children in the educational process. Subjects in the literature included in the compulsory program are difficult to assimilate if they do not cause any interest in the audience. However, with regard to optional education, the most important task here is to win the attention of students. What topics do children attending a literary circle address? The program may include the study of works that are not included in the compulsory course, as well as topics related to the lessons learned in literature.

work program of the literary circle


What knowledge should a student acquire by attending a literary circle during the year? The program, compiled by experienced teachers, includes in addition to reading and analyzing fiction and studying the theoretical part. Pupils should understand the basic literary terms, which, however, is provided for by the compulsory program.

By organizing a literary circle at the school, the program of which involves a deep study of the theory of prose and poetry, the teacher seeks to impress upon his students the importance of understanding such terms as composition, plot, metaphor, gradation, and so on. But no information can be useful without practical exercises. Therefore, the work program of the literary circle often includes the creative part.

literary circle program

Schoolchildren study Shakespeare's work. The sonnets of an English playwright are one of the topics that eighth-graders take in literature classes. But not every adult can answer the question of what this poetic form is. Perhaps the fact is that in the lessons of literature, many students are frankly bored? Classes in literature would have gained a more significant effect if the theoretical part were consolidated by a small creative task. Not every student is capable of composing a poetic work in the sonnet genre. But familiarizing with literary creativity is a wonderful way to instill in a teenager a love of reading, develop his potential, and increase self-esteem.

Literature and life

The program for a literary circle may be different. Some teachers focus on literary criticism. For others, it is more important to introduce students to the creative process. In both the first and second cases, optional education involves reading fiction.

But why do many teenagers have difficulty in perceiving a particular work? The fact is that the plot, created by a brilliant author more than a hundred years ago, seems to a modern schoolboy to be somewhat remote, abstract. But literature is an artistic reflection of real life. Therefore, the books of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky are popular all over the world, so many years after their publication, that they have the truth, reliability.

program mug literary drawing room

A person who knows how to read (not to put letters in words, but to perceive and analyze what they read) sees in such literary characters as Anna Karenina, Rodion Raskolnikov, Katyusha Maslova, Dmitry Karamazov something close, familiar, dear. But only one who already has behind him life experience, at least several dozens of books read or an extremely developed imagination is capable of this.

And how to read the books of the great classics to fourteen-year-olds who spend most of their time on social networks? The answer is simple. The teacher must transfer the plot created one and a half centuries ago to modern reality. It is necessary to explain that today, perhaps, somewhere there lives a person who spends all his time on the couch, because it is easier for him to hide in his dreams and dreams than to solve numerous problems. Oblomov, Khlestakov, Manilov - all these are artistic images created on the basis of the life experience of the great Russian writers. Therefore, people like them exist today.

The work program for the literary circle also covers works, the study of which does not take time in literature lessons. Schoolchildren read books of authors of the XX century with great interest. It can be both works of domestic literature, and novels and novels by foreign writers. Of particular interest to adolescents is the work of John Tolkien - the author, whose books have become cult for several generations of readers around the world.

program mug literary reading

Writers Biographies

The program of the Literary Lounge circle involves an in-depth study of the life of Russian and foreign authors. Such classes develop communication skills, raise interest in literary works.

Of course, the teacher must be an excellent storyteller. Narrating the life of Pushkin, Yesenin, Tyutchev, he is able to generate love in poetry in his students. The biography of the great masters of the word includes many interesting facts. However, the information on the life and creative path provided by the teacher should not be exhaustive. The main task of the narrator is to arouse the interest of listeners in a particular topic. The creative task on this topic is not just the biography of one of the poets, which a student can easily find in the public domain. Written work involves elements of one's own observation.

The rich material for creative assignments on the topic "Biography of Great Writers" is the life of Mikhail Bulgakov. A lot of articles and books have been written about how close the personality of the author is to the hero of one of the most famous novels of the last century, “The Master and Margarita”. Students are encouraged to read some of them, and based on the material write an abstract on any topic proposed by the teacher.

literary circle work program

Literature and cinema

The program of the Literary Reading circle aims at introducing schoolchildren to reading high-quality fiction. This task is not easy also because children (and often adults) find it easier and more fun to watch a film based on a famous story than to read the source. “Literature and cinema” is an extremely interesting topic. By discussing it, children learn to see the connection between the two types of art. Many interesting books have also been written on this subject that can be recommended to high school students. One of them is “Cinema between Hell and Paradise”. The work of the famous director Alexander Mitta is intended for future screenwriters, but the narration in it is carried out in such a fascinating way that it will be interesting for students of the tenth to eleventh grades.


The literature program includes dramatic works. In addition to the fact that the plot of many of them is not easily accepted by modern schoolchildren, reading the play can hardly bring pleasure. Today, not everyone can afford a visit to a good theater, but watching a movie-performance based on a work by Ostrovsky, Chekhov, Griboedov, Gorky is not difficult at all. And, perhaps, it was the theatrical production in which prominent actors participated that could prompt the reading of works by Chekhov and other Russian playwrights.

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