How to stretch tunnels at home: ways, tips and tricks

Can I stretch my ear for tunnels at home? Of course! And, it is worth noting that for this it is not at all necessary to seek help from masters working in beauty salons. Let us consider in more detail how to stretch the tunnels at home.

Ear piercing

How to do it yourself

It should be noted that the procedure for creating large openings for large tunnel earrings is distinguished by its length. Moreover, it is worth approaching it rather painstakingly and without haste, effectively and correctly doing each step.

Next, consider the step-by-step instructions on how to stretch the tunnels at home without the help of specialists in the field of ear piercing.

Step 1. Creating a puncture

As you know, in any business it all starts with a small one. This principle should be followed and if you want to make holes in your ears that are ideal for installing wide tunnels.

Practice shows that the procedure for piercing the ears is best entrusted to a specialist working in the cabin. After such manipulation, before stretching, you need to wait at least five months, as otherwise injury may form in the treated area.

Step 2. The correct selection of earrings

Practice shows that most punctures of the earlobes with a saloon pistol are carried out by a bullet of caliber 22 or even less. As for piercing needles, their standard diameter is about 1.4-1.6 mm.

Speaking about the selection of initial earrings, it is necessary to take into account the fact that their diameter must fully correspond to the existing hole in order to allow the earlobe to get used to the new body. Special attention should also be paid to the weight of the product.

Experts in this area often recommend that beginners use small products of calibrations 10G and 8G as their first tunnels.

It is worth noting that those people who pierced their ears for a long time and for a certain period wore heavy earrings have a wider hole in the ear. In this case, in order to determine the parameters of suitable tunnels, it is advisable to contact professionals.

Large Stone Earrings

Step 3. Finding the extreme point

Most recommendations on how to stretch tunnels say that the procedure for determining the extreme point is rather complicated. That is why at the very beginning of the manipulation at home it is worth determining the approximate diameter of the future hole in the lobe.

To begin with, you should choose the smallest caliber that can be installed in the hole. Practice shows that at the initial stage, the most popular accessory is one that has a 20th caliber (0.8 mm).

Considering the gauge indicators, it is worth noting that the largest size of the tunnels is 50 mm in diameter.

At the first stage of hole formation, it is worth paying attention to the correct choice of cones for earlobes. This accessory is used to form a hole up to a certain diameter and fix the result.

Large tunnels

Step 4. Stretching

After all the necessary accessories have been purchased, you should proceed to a competent increase in size. How to stretch tunnels?

To implement the process under consideration, it is first necessary to disinfect the cone. Next, carefully separate the earlobe and insert the prepared accessory into the front of the hole. In order for it to enter better, it is worth pre-treating it with a special lubricant or petroleum jelly. Having entered the cone to the maximum permissible position, it is necessary to fix it with the help of clamps.

It should be noted that when the process of stretching by a cone of a different diameter is completed, its introduction must be performed on the other side of the lobe (not from above, but from below). It is compliance with this rule that avoids the scarring process, and also to a large extent avoids unpleasant sensations.

Cones for ears


How to stretch the earlobe to the desired size? Depending on what the final diameter of the hole a person wants to get, the process itself can drag on for a certain period.

It is worth noting that there are certain stages of the procedure that can last for a specific period. So, cones and tunnels with a diameter of 16k-14k and 14k-12k are worn monthly. Accessories that are 12k-10k in size are worn for a month and a half, and it will take about a couple of months to reach a hole with a diameter of 10k-8k.

If you want to make holes of large diameter, you must be prepared for a longer wait. So, for three months it is necessary to wear tunnels of sizes 8k-6k, 6k-4k and 4k-2k. As for all other, larger accessories, it will take at least 4 months to wear them.

How to stretch tunnels

When is the time to stop ...

Anyone who is consciously interested in how to stretch tunnels should clearly understand that at one point he will need to stop. In the recommendations of specialists on this issue, it is often noted that the first signal to end the process is the formation of tears or a significant thinning of the earlobe.

It often happens that after a puncture of the earlobe, a person begins to carry out the procedure of expanding the resulting hole incorrectly, as a result of which microtraumas and large gaps also occur. In this case, you should urgently reduce the size of the inserted cone or earrings and then massage every day using special oil.

An important point is the stable keeping of the ears clean.

In the process of wearing cones for ears and earrings in the form of plugs, you should definitely pay attention to the issue of maintaining hygienic cleanliness of the ears.

In order for the stretching process to occur correctly and without unpleasant manifestations, lotions must be done every day. The solution for them should be made on the basis of sea salt, a pinch of which must be combined with a cup of warm water. During the first week after changing the cones or plugs, you need to wipe their earlobes twice a day - this tool helps to effectively eliminate small particles of tissue that remain on the ears during their healing, as well as a protruding crust.

Expert Advice

When a person begins to wear large earrings designed to stretch the earlobe, he should adhere to certain recommendations. First of all, from the very beginning of the process, it is worth giving preference only to products made from the correct material. So, not entirely successful options for this type of procedure are wooden and silicone accessories: the tree is able to swell under the influence of water, and silicone does not allow air to pass through, which significantly increases the risk of decay. Ideal are those earrings that are made of titanium, glass or medical steel. As for products from other materials, they can be used only if scarring has already occurred and there is no plan to further increase the diameter of the hole.

There is an opinion that hanging weights on earrings can significantly accelerate the process of stretching holes under the tunnels. In fact, this is not so, because in this case the pressure is exclusively on the lower part of the accessory, which increases the risk of rupture of the earlobe and reduces its density.

During the stretching procedure, most experts recommend consuming vitamin complexes, as well as eating properly. Such advice is due to the fact that certain natural components and minerals significantly accelerate the healing process of the skin, as well as reduce the risk of irritation. These include vitamins B, C and E, as well as echinacea extract and various antioxidants.

In addition, experts often express some warnings. So, if during the stretching process there are painful sensations or blood appears, then it is worth replacing the accessory with a smaller one and continuing to make lotions from saline. It should be understood that ignoring this process will lead to various complications in the form of tissue rupture and their subsequent scarring.

General rules

In order to prevent the negative consequences of manipulating the tissues of the earlobe, you must adhere to certain rules. Among these, it is worth highlighting:

  • the need for regular disinfection of the accessory;
  • use of a special lubricant for easy gliding;
  • the need for the introduction of tunnels alternately from different sides.

Among other things, it is necessary to observe the permissible limits for the expansion of holes (not more than 1-2 mm per month and about 2 mm in one step).

How to stretch tunnels at home

Surgical method

It is worth noting that the hole for large tunnels can also be made by surgical intervention. This method is ideal for those who want to get wide holes quite quickly and as easily as possible.

The procedure for creating holes consists in creating a small incision on the earlobe, into which a special earring is subsequently inserted, designed to further stretch the soft tissue, called the plate. In some cases, an entire section of the lobe is cut out, but in this case, a very large hole can be obtained at the exit.

The reviews about this method of creating holes for tunnels quite often say that its biggest drawback is the increased risk of infection of the created wound. Moreover, such a large wound heals for a rather long time, which also causes a high level of discomfort. It is worth noting that if you want to restore the original appearance of the earlobe, you will need to re-contact the surgeon.

Types of tunnels

It is worth noting that in the first stages of earlobe extension, cone-shaped tunnels should be preferred, since they can be used to gradually increase the diameter of the created hole. At the middle stages of development, you can use large earrings with a stone that evenly weight the weight of the products, as a result of which the lobe becomes more malleable.

How to stretch an earlobe

In the final stages of hole expansion, large plugs can be used.

Currently, the general list of types of ear piercings includes:

  • classic way;
  • double or triple puncture;
  • tunnel;
  • cartilage;
  • industrial piercing;
  • puncture of the auricle;
  • tragus and shell piercings;
  • anti-tragus;
  • snag.

In each case, the most suitable products should be selected. In determining these, attention should be paid not only to the appearance of the accessory, but also to the material from which it is made, to the manufacturer, type, and also its mass.

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