For a very long time, scientists could not determine the systematic position of the amazing organism, which will be discussed in our article. After all, this unicellular creature is able to actively move, while carrying out the process of photosynthesis. And its name is of interest. This is chlamydomonas.
Department of Green Algae
As a result of long discussions, scientists came to the conclusion that this organism is a representative of the plant kingdom, since it is capable of independent synthesis of organic substances in the light and contains green plastids in the cell.
Chlamydomonas (photo shows the contents of the cell) belongs to the group of Green algae, which in total totals up to 15 thousand species. You can meet her in small fresh waters. Most often they are well warmed up. This algae is not very picky about the purity of the water, therefore, actively propagates in a polluted environment.
Chlamydomonas: cell structure
Despite the fact that this alga is represented by only one cell of microscopic size, it has a rather complex structure that can carry out all the necessary processes of life.
Chlamydomonas has an oval, and sometimes pear-shaped, cell. On its front edge there are two flagella. These are organelles of movement. The cell wall contains pectin and glycoprotein. These carbohydrates give strength to the outer layer of the body.
Like other cells, the cytoplasm is located inside - the inner semi-liquid content that gives shape and metabolism. Most of the algae is chloroplast. It has a cup shape. Sometimes it is also called a chromatophore. On it is a pyrenoid - the formation of a proteinaceous nature, around which nutrients are deposited. Also in the cytoplasm is a photosensitive eye - a kind of "sense organ". It is called stigma.
Functions of contractile vacuoles
Chlamydomonas is an aquatic inhabitant. Therefore, she constantly needs to remove the fluid that enters the cell from the environment. This occurs with the help of special organelles - contractile vacuoles. Why does water enter chlamydomonas? The thing is that the salt content in the reservoir, as a rule, is much higher than in the cell itself. According to the laws of physics, fluid flows from an area with a higher concentration to a smaller one. Those. into the cage algae. Contractile vacuoles relieve algae from excess fluid.
Features of cell activity
According to the method of nutrition, chlamydomonas is mixotroph. This means that in the light it is capable of photosynthesis. But in the absence of the necessary conditions for the synthesis of organic substances, it becomes a heterotroph. It simply absorbs the finished nutrients that are in the water.
With a lack of moisture, the cell discards the organelles of movement, and all life processes are suspended. So tolerates adverse conditions of chlamydomonas.
Propagation of algae occurs in different ways. Most often, asexual. In this case, the cell is modified. It resets flagella, so movement becomes impossible. Zoospores are formed inside the cell. Their number can vary from 2 to 8. These are motile cells. They come out of the mother's body, grow and begin to exist independently. This process is very intense - it is repeated every day. When conditions are unfavorable for the life of chlamydomonas, it proceeds to sexual reproduction. At the same time, gametes, germ cells, are formed inside it. They go into the water, where they merge in pairs. As a result, zygotes are formed. In this state, they are until favorable conditions. Then the zygotes are divided, and each of them forms 4 adults.
The value of chlamydomonas in nature and human life
This representative of green algae has long been the subject of laboratory research. In nature, its significance is associated with the flowering of shallow standing water bodies. This process is especially active in the fall and spring. These are periods of the highest algal reproduction rate.
Being a unicellular microscopic creature, the green alga Chlamydomonas has a rather complex structure and vital processes that make it possible to exist in the aquatic environment.