Modern movies in the genre of romance comedy

One of the popular ways to spend free time in people of different ages is to watch movies. Some people like old paintings with the participation of masters of Soviet and foreign cinema, others like action movies and detective stories, and others like fantastic blockbusters. You can continue for a very long time. But today we will focus on films in the genre of comedy melodrama. Of course, in the framework of our article, we will not be able to talk about all worthy paintings, so we will restrict ourselves to the best new products of 2019.

melodrama movie


In this film, a whole bunch of beauties is shot, including Paulina Andreeva. Its name is very promising, it seems that there will be a lot of love in the picture. This is not entirely true. It will be ... However, let's turn to the plot.

Three beautiful girls are sisters in misfortune. Their love stories ended in the saddest way. Beloved ones abandoned them. The fact is that they were all married men and treated the romance with their chosen one as a fascinating, but non-binding affair. But our heroines are not going to suffer and shed tears, quite the contrary, they are full of energy and determination in order to take revenge on their former lovers. What will come of this, you will find out if you watch this film in the genre of melodrama.

"Winter Princess"

If you think that people of royal blood spend a day lounging and choosing new outfits for photo shoots, then you are deeply mistaken. The heroine of the film "Winter Princess" works at one of the popular ski resorts. There are always a lot of people here. And the funny thing is that none of them even knows that a real princess works here. Does she regret not leading a typical royal life or, on the contrary, will be delighted with what is happening to her? You will get the answer to this question by looking at this light, lyrical picture.

start from the beginning

"Start from the beginning"

Another movie in the genre of melodrama. In order to achieve the desired advancement in your favorite work, the heroine Jennifer Lopez will have to impersonate a person who has been educated at the most prestigious university. Will this innocent deception help her? Can she become truly successful and happy? You will receive answers to the above questions very soon. This light, positive comedy is very interesting to watch. Therefore, be sure to include it in the list of films required to watch.

"Love at a glance"

Introducing a French melodrama movie. The plot is quite simple. Rafael and Olivia are legally married. They met a few decades ago. It was love at first sight. But not implemented in Olivia’s favorite business, it begins to seem that their marriage is a mistake. Raphael needs to win the love of his wife again. But how to do this if he finds himself in another reality in which Olivia does not know about his existence and even intends to marry another? Does he have a chance to win the love of his wife again? We invite you to see this fascinating picture.

isn't it romantic

"Isn't it romantic?"

A young girl who has already managed to become disappointed in a love relationship, works as an architect in one of the major American cities. As soon as she decides to devote herself completely to a career, unexpected but very exciting events begin to occur in her life. Perhaps fate gives her another chance for her to believe in love again.

Movies of the comedy-melodrama genre: reviews

Pleasant and light, romantic and sincere - these paintings will appeal to a wide range of viewers. And the most interesting is that not only young girls, but also women of age like to watch movies in the genre of melodrama. Men also would not hurt from time to time to get acquainted with the best melodramatic paintings, because in this way they will be able to better understand all the features of the character of their beloved.

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