How to slow down the aging of the body - a description of the process, useful products and recommendations

An international team of scientists found that the aging rate of 80% depends on external factors. It was found that the body of some people wears out at a tremendous speed. For 12 months he is aging at all 36. For other people, the work of the biological clock is slowed down. It takes 18 months for the body to age a year. The data obtained allowed researchers to conclude that biological age can be controlled.

Aging mechanism

Theories of aging

Everyone sooner or later thinks about how to slow down aging. Everyone wants to remain attractive, active and healthy and are willing to pay a lot of money for it.

There are many theories that attempt to explain why living things age and die. But not one of them can give an exact answer. Until now, aging is the least studied process in the human body.

Zoologist from Germany August Weisman proposed an interesting theory. In his opinion, aging arose as a result of evolution and was not a property of a living organism. Its main functions included the liberation of space for young and more advanced creatures.

Another theory suggests that the aging process is characteristic of any creature and completely natural. Throughout life, the body fights against cellular damage. But every year he succeeds more and more difficult. In the end, there comes a time when the body is unable to cope with damage. Then death comes.

Anti-age therapy

Anti-age therapy

In the human body, the first organs begin to wear out. External changes appear later. This is especially noticeable in women when hormone production decreases. This instantly affects the condition of the skin. As well as muscle and bone tissue.

Gerontologists know best how to slow down the aging process. Full anti-age therapy is not limited to beauty injections or skin tightening. This is a temporary solution that only masks age.

To really slow down wilting, self-discipline is required. You can control biological age if you follow these recommendations:

  • quit smoking;
  • refuse to use harmful foods and drinks;
  • workout;
  • fight stress and lack of sleep;
  • eat only healthy, preferably plant foods;
  • do not forget about taking vitamins and minerals;
  • eating less, you need to calculate the recommended calorie intake for a day and subtract 300 - 500 from it. It has been proven that the genes that control aging turn on and work hard when the percentage of muscle mass is much lower than fat. This explains why thin or slightly "lean" people look younger.

The items listed are known to most people. Despite this, many continue to be interested in how to slow down aging. No magic pill exists. This is daily and routine work on yourself.

Products that age the body

Sugar is the worst enemy of youth. It can spoil the waist, but the skin suffers much more. It damages collagen and elastin. These two proteins are responsible for skin elasticity. Collagen production decreases with age, and sugar consumption destroys the minimum that is still able to produce the body. As a result, the skin becomes wrinkled and loses its elasticity and firmness.

People thinking about how to slow down aging should lower their gluten intake. This protein is found in large quantities in wheat. A few decades ago, bread and flour products did not pose such a danger. But modern wheat is a hybrid product. The gluten content in it is many times exceeded. This has a huge burden on the body. In addition, gluten absorbs vitamins and minerals from the intestines, increases sugar levels.

Junk food

Everyone knows about the dangers of fast food. This food not only ages the body, it gradually kills it. To stay healthy, you must refuse to use:

  • trans fats (ready-made pastries, french fries, crackers);
  • sweeteners;
  • alcohol
  • foods containing simple carbohydrates;
  • fried foods;
  • thermophilic yeast;
  • fatty sauces;
  • processed meat (bacon, sausages, sausages);
  • salty snacks;
  • red meat: scientists have found that eating this product significantly reduces the length of telomeres. They control the life span of cells.

Harmful drinks

There are drinks that are dangerous to the body much more than some foods. Even their periodic use can cause irreparable harm to health. And it instantly affects the skin. Therefore, everyone who thinks about how to slow down aging should eliminate or minimize the consumption of the following drinks:

  • Energetics. In some European countries, they can only be purchased at a pharmacy. And in others they are generally prohibited. In huge quantities contain sugar and caffeine. They are addictive and have many side effects.
  • Packaged juices. In large quantities contain sugar, chlorides, preservatives, dyes, phosphates, flavors and sulfates. Regular use may result in diabetes.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. They remove calcium from the body and provoke the development of obesity and caries.
  • Coffee. This drink is addictive and high blood pressure. It also dehydrates, to which the skin immediately responds with new wrinkles. If you use it wisely, risks can be avoided. It is permissible to drink no more than one cup of coffee per day. You can prevent the development of dehydration with two glasses of clean water.

Habits provoking premature aging

People do not think about the fact that their habits can cause premature aging of the body. Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. Those who cannot live without cigarettes need to think not about aging, but about their own lives. Unfortunately, smoking is the cause of such dangerous diseases that you may not live to see the first signs of aging.

Every person who is tormented by the question of how to slow down the aging of the body must understand that it cannot be solved in one day. This is a routine, daily work on yourself. It is possible to do great service to your skin if you get rid of some habits. Among them:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • tanning abuse;
  • too active facial expressions;
  • skipping breakfast;
  • drinking insufficient water;
  • constant fluctuations in weight: passion for extreme diets causes irreparable harm to the skin, especially after 30 years.

Youth prolonging menu

Nutrition is not only a source of energy. A properly selected menu allows you to cleanse the body and saturate it with all the necessary trace elements. If there is food poisoning and aging the body, then there are products that slow down aging.

Youth prolonging products

Gerontologists recommend using:

  1. Garlic. Rejuvenates the cardiovascular system, boosts immunity;
  2. Carrot. Positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  3. Pearl barley. Contains lysine, which enhances collagen production.
  4. Dairy products. Strengthen bone tissue.
  5. Nuts. Walnuts, almonds and pinecones are especially useful. They contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is responsible for youthful skin.
  6. Greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach). Contains a large number of vitamins and minerals. Spinach helps preserve vision, as it protects the lens from age-related changes.
  7. Green tea. Rich in healthy flavonoids.
  8. Sea fish. It is rich in valuable fatty acids, which are the building material for cell membranes.
  9. Apples Rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines from toxins. As well as antioxidants that slow down aging.
  10. Broccoli. It has anti-cancer properties.
  11. Berries (blueberries, black currants, strawberries). Rejuvenate cells.
  12. Garnet. It contains antioxidants.
  13. Red onion. Successfully fights cancer. Improves microcirculation of the blood, so that the skin is saturated with nutrients.

Keep the body young

Regular exercise slows down the aging of body cells. In addition, classes help to fight excess weight, which significantly wears out the body. It is known that with age, the amount of muscle mass in the human body decreases, it is gradually replaced by fat. Metabolism after 30 years slows down. It also contributes to weight gain.

Muscles consume much more energy than adipose tissue. It turns out that a person in good physical shape can eat more and not get better. All energy will be successfully recycled.

Keep the body young

Due to physical activity, growth hormone is released, which slows down the aging process of the skin and the body as a whole. Bone tissue is also strengthened, which is especially important for women during menopause.

Physical activity is recommended to be combined. Engage in strength training several times a week. We must not forget about cardio loads, for example, interval running.

Medications for old age

Unfortunately, medicines for old age have not yet been created. Perhaps they will appear soon. But anti-aging drugs already exist. They are called geroprotectors. These drugs can have a positive effect on quality and life expectancy.

Geroprotectors are divided into natural and synthetic. Synthetic are more effective, but have an impressive list of contraindications. They can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Healthy supplements

Geroprotectors of natural origin are safe, practically have no contraindications. This group includes:

  1. Magnesium. It inhibits aging at the cellular level.
  2. Glucosamine. Extended the life of laboratory rabbits by 7%.
  3. Vitamin B. Thanks to the reception, laboratory rats lived 18% longer than their relatives.
  4. Vitamin D. Reduced rabbit mortality by 9%.
  5. Omega 3. It has a powerful antioxidant effect. Improves brain function.
  6. Vitamin K. Reduces mortality by 47%.

Facial rejuvenation treatments

The beauty industry offers many treatments to slow down facial aging. They effectively stop wilting. They also restore skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles, narrow pores and restore elasticity.

The most effective are injection methods. For example, plasmolifting. The essence of the method is the introduction of the patient’s own plasma into the skin of the patient. Additionally, it is enriched with vitamins and amino acids. The risk of complications is minimal. Even cells of the deep layers of the skin are successfully rejuvenated.

Other procedures give good results:

  • RF lifting;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser biorevitalization;
  • various peels;
  • face massages.

Hyaluronic acid injections provide a quick, visible rejuvenation result. Unfortunately, they cannot affect the slowdown of the aging process.

Why is it important to work your head

Impaired memory, decreased intelligence, and personality changes are all symptoms of brain aging. It is impossible to live fully, suffering from such pathologies. No matter how well the body is preserved, a decrease in brain function necessarily leads to death.

Slow down brain aging

Scientists have found a way to effectively counter such changes. It turned out that the lack of load leads to the drying up of the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly train it: learn foreign languages, read a lot, solve crosswords.

Placental preparations - the secret of eternal youth

After many years of research, the famous Russian ophthalmologist V.P. Filatov came to the conclusion that the postpartum placenta is capable of rejuvenating and healing the body. More precisely, the bioactive substances in it. The Japanese doctor became interested in the developments of the Russian doctor. They managed to create a therapeutic drug based on the placenta hydrolyzate. It received the name "Laennec".

This drug is often called the elixir of youth. It shows amazing results:

  • removes free radicals and toxins;
  • relieves chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • increases sexual activity;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • improves appearance;
  • increases stamina;
  • fights dermatitis and acne;
  • protects against viral infections.
Slow down aging

"Laennec" is most often used for healing and rejuvenating the entire body. But women are more interested in how to slow down skin aging with its help. This drug is also within reach. It is used for mesotherapy. "Laennec" is found in biologically active points of the face, which provides skin tightening and smoothing of wrinkles.

Effectively fight aging is possible and necessary. It is important to remember that the sooner a person begins to pay attention to his body, the longer he will remain healthy, young and active.

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