What is a border? Meaning of the word

With the development of civilization and the establishment of the institution of the state, the concept of " border" came into use . It was a line separating the territories of different rulers. Each sovereign guarded and defended the areas belonging to his people. In ancient times, the borders of countries were not defined and clear. They were often reviewed at the end of hostilities. The situation changed after the introduction of customs duties for the transport of goods across the border and transit through the territory of the state.

the border is

Use of the term in Russian

In domestic documents in the first half of the XIV century. a new concept began to be used - "border". This definition was first used in a contractual instrument signed by Novgorod with the Livonian Order on January 28, 1323. Meanwhile, the formalization of the concept took place much later - towards the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. At the beginning of the XVIII century. a certain terminology was formed in Russia related to organizational structures that provided border protection. Among the concepts that began to be used were "guard", "ambush", "guard", "outpost", "customs", "village". In 1847, the dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian explained what the border was. This word was interpreted as a boundary, a boundary that separated one territory from another.


The border between the states is a line, as well as a vertical surface passing along it, defining the boundaries of neighboring territories and their sovereignty. A science that studies boundaries is called limology. It is one of the directions of political geography. State borders can be lacustrine, river, sea, air and land. The latter are lines separating the territories of neighboring states. They are determined by the countries themselves, usually by agreement. In accordance with the signed agreements, the line is set directly on the ground. It is worth noting that currently there are countries that do not have borders or customs. One of these states is the Principality of Monaco.

the boundary between

What boundaries exist?

An orographic line is a line drawn taking into account natural barriers. They, for example, can be rivers, lakes, mountains, seas and so on. Geometric lines are formed by drawing straight lines that connect two points. Consider how many borders a state can have. Lakes and river boundaries are set similarly to land - in accordance with the contract. In navigable flows, the border, as a rule, runs along the line of maximum depths or in the middle of the main fairway. On non-navigable rivers, as well as along streams, the boundary is set in the center of the stream or its main branch. It should be said that such boundaries are subject to natural changes. When setting boundaries, this moment is sometimes negotiated separately. States may also draw the border regardless of any changes. The air line is a vertical plane. It passes through the water and land borders. There is currently no clear definition of the altitude limit. Its value varies from 90 to 110 km.

Maritime Frontiers

They are established either by an internal act of the country, or by agreement with the opposite / border state. In this case, in both cases, the documents must comply with international legal standards. Territorial waters can have different widths. Currently, it ranges from 3 to 12 nautical miles. The exception is neutral water. These include, in particular, r. Danube, English Channel, Gibraltar, Magellan, Panama, Suez, Corinth, Kiel channels, historical Hudson Bay and the Varanger Fjord.

land borders

Setting lines

To determine where the state border is , demarcation and delimitation are carried out. The latter is a process of describing the passage of the line and drawing the established line on the map. In delimitation, the parties agree on key principles for describing and defining the boundary. At the same time, mutual interests are taken into account, respect for territorial integrity, mutual friendliness and mutual understanding are shown. Delimitation must comply with international standards, geographical documents, historical traditions. At the end of the negotiations, the parties enter into an agreement on border crossing. Compiled maps are applied to it. Typically, such agreements are perpetual.


It is carried out after the end of delimitation - legal registration of borders. At the stage of demarcation, the border is determined directly on the ground. In particular, special signs are installed on land, and floats and buoys on water. Demarcation is carried out by a mixed commission, which includes representatives of neighboring states. Upon completion of work, a protocol is signed. It describes the border line, with acts and maps for each established sign. These documents are also attached to the main agreement. Periodically, the parties check the contact line, if necessary, replace obsolete and destroyed signs. This process is called re-marking.

where is the border

Access mode

In the domestic legislation of each state there is a normative act regulating the maintenance of borders, their crossing by vehicles and citizens, conflict resolution, and so on. Neighboring countries can sign agreements establishing a simplified state border regime. For example, individuals who work continuously or seasonally, study in the adjacent territory, may be issued special passes. Such documents are also issued to those who visit burial sites, meet regularly with relatives, perform religious rites, and so on.

Line of demarcation

It should be distinguished from the state border. Demarcation lines arise as a result of military conflicts and the resulting ceasefires. In the last century, such a boundary arose, for example, in 1949 in Korea, and also in 1954 in Vietnam. None of the parties demarcation line is not considered as a state border. It only divides the parties to the conflict. Demilitarized zones are held along it.

Unusual lines

The Vatican and San Marino are surrounded by the state border of Italy. In the Vatican, the border is a high medieval fortress wall. Its length is 3.2 km. There are several gates in the wall that always close at night. The border of San Marino is presented in the form of an arch with a mast and the inscription "Welcome to the ancient land of freedom."

across the border

Negative moments

Some borders are shared not only by states, but also by cities. Such a situation, for example, was in Berlin. In most cases, this separation violates the usual course of life and economic activity. This is due to the fact that often in cities people had one transport system, a water source, and a common communal economy. When drawing borders, these objects are also divided, which creates inconvenience for the population.

The city of Valka / Valka is located on the border of Latvia and Estonia. This city has been one since its foundation (since 1286). Its population was composed of Latvians and Estonians. In 1920 the city was divided, then in the Soviet period it was reconnected, and then again demarcated in 1991.

At the border of Estonia and Russia there is also a similar city - Narva. From the Russian Federation, it is called Ivangorod. The boundary lies in the center of the dam of the reservoir. This creates difficulties in its normal maintenance.

The border of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also passes through the dam. Between Czechoslovakia and the Federal Republic of Germany, a line ran not only through the city of Eisenstein / Zhelezna Ruda, but also through the only train station here.

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan after the collapse of the Soviet Union divided the city of Kara-Suu. The border stretched across a bazaar located on both sides of the canal.

Open lines

Most of the EU states are included in the Schengen area. Inside it, citizens have complete freedom of movement. The Schengen Agreement is presented in the form of two documents. The first is abolished visa controls at internal borders, the second - the Convention - determines the procedure for the entry into force of this agreement. These documents received legal force in 1995.

what borders

Land allotment boundaries

Currently, quite a lot of citizens own immovable objects. These include, among other things, land plots. To register the right to them, you must go through the mandatory state registration procedure. In this case, it is often necessary to establish the boundaries of the site. To do this, you must provide a certain package of documents to the authorized bodies. It includes:

  1. ID document.
  2. Papers for non-residential and residential buildings located within the allotment.
  3. Two statements. The first is submitted to the UGCC, the second is presented to the UFGRP.
  4. A copy of the cadastral plan of the area within which the allotment is located.
  5. Acts in accordance with which the boundaries of the site were agreed.
  6. Extract from the cadastral passport.

The procedure for establishing lines

The boundaries of the site are specified by the Office of the Federal Center for the Unified Registration of Cadastre and Cartography. The subject who submitted the application is placed in the queue for the performance of work of a technical nature. The local administration must take a copy of the allotment plan for the area. It is provided to the cadastral engineer. In accordance with the plan, specialists mark up and draw up a map. In addition, a topographic survey of the area is carried out. It reveals the features of the location of the plot relative to neighboring ones. In addition, it is necessary to remember the obligation to coordinate the boundaries of the site with all neighbors. Received documents are certified in the municipality. Collected papers are provided to the registration authority. Here the site will be put on cadastral registration and will receive its unique number. After 1 month, the property certificate will be issued.

Moscow borders


Often, neighbors cannot agree on the boundaries of their allotments. In such cases, the dispute is resolved in court. The subject concerned is suing with the relevant requirements. The court has the right to establish the procedure for using the site. In this case, an examination is carried out, the limits of allotments are indicated.


The concept of "border" is used in a variety of areas of life. So, lines are established dividing states, regions, cities. Territories within them may have a different area. Change of borders is carried out in the manner prescribed by law. Acts are adopted, in particular, at the federal and regional levels.

For example, a map has been developed in accordance with which the new borders of Moscow for 2017 are established. The territory of the city will be significantly expanded, it will include several settlements, road junctions, and other infrastructure.

Country borders, as a rule, are not subject to change. The exception is cases when one state decides to join another. This procedure should be carried out in accordance with international standards. So, for example, in 2014, the territory of Russia increased due to the entry of the Crimea Peninsula. The expansion of borders was carried out in accordance with the results of a referendum held on the peninsula. On the whole, the geopolitical map has not undergone significant changes since the end of World War II. Almost all countries have border agreements, as well as access control rules.

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