Kefir is a very useful product, saturated with a rich amount of trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Due to its beneficial properties, it is often used for hair. Kefir is a product that allows you to nourish them with vitamins, make them shiny, strong and very healthy looking.
So, what qualities does he have and what problems does he solve? How to cook hair masks with the addition of this ingredient? About all this further.
About the beneficial properties of kefir
Kefir is a fermented milk product that brings incredible benefits to hair, being part of natural homemade masks. The value of this ingredient lies in the fact that it contains a large number of beneficial bacteria and lactic acid fungi. Due to the content of vitamins and minerals in its composition, kefir helps to significantly increase the volume of hair, make curls more healthy, and also eliminates such a problem as the weakening of the bulbs and the subsequent loss of strands. After kefir, the hair becomes more silky and smoother, and if you combine the use of the product with the proper care of the curls, you can easily get the effect, which is called "like in advertising".
For what type of hair are masks made with the addition of such a product suitable? Beauticians, who are true experts in their field of activity, note that this tool makes hair very heavier, making the strands more even. In this regard, it is best used by the fair sex, whose hair is electrified, their ends are split, and the hairs themselves have a dry and very light structure.
All masks with kefir perfectly help to combat split ends, saturating them with a large number of trace elements. In addition, the tool creates a protective field around the hairs, making them less susceptible to negative environmental influences.
Cons mask
Some women wash their hair with kefir at home. This is due to its property to make the color of curls lighter. In this regard, masks, which include this sour-milk ingredient, are not recommended for owners of dark hair, especially if they are dyed in this color - even the most expensive and professional paint will not withstand the effect of splitting elements.
This property can be turned into pluses of blondes or women who have natural hair color and want to make it a little lighter. Lightening hair with kefir is a fairly simple and very useful process. A positive effect can be seen literally in a series of 5-6 regular mask applications.
Actually, at this moment all the cons end.
Tips for making masks
As practice shows, most girls who use masks made with the addition of kefir create them completely wrong, violating the basic rules of the technology for their preparation. What are they? Compliance with what rules allows you to make the tool the most nutritious and useful for a luxurious female head of hair?
First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that it is best to use this product in a warm form. To do this, it can be heated in a water bath or simply left for some period at room temperature, if the mask does not indicate that the fermented milk product should be warm.
When a kefir mask has already been applied to the hair, the head should be insulated with a terry towel - so the largest number of useful trace elements will come into effect.
Some recommendations in their reviews of kefir for hair are given by women and girls who prefer to use it. So, most of them recommend choosing a sour-milk product with the highest level of fat content for dry and normal type of cover. As for the owners of fat hair - everything is quite the opposite: the lower it is, the better.
Hair wash
One of the easiest ways to strengthen hair follicles with kefir is to wash your hair with it. How to use such a natural shampoo?
For greater effectiveness, it is necessary to properly prepare it. To do this, the required amount of dairy product should be heated in a water bath. As practice shows, for the purpose of heating, you do not need to use a gas stove - it will quickly and incorrectly raise the temperature of kefir, because of which a fungus useful for hair will die in its composition, as a result, the product will lose a significant part of its useful properties.
After the product is ready, it must be applied to the roots, after washing the head, and rub into the skin with massaging movements. The second part of the mass should be distributed over the hair and gently massage them along the entire length. In this form, the hair should be covered with polyethylene, wrap your head in a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, you should wash the product from the hair with warm water.
As stated in the reviews, many representatives of the fair sex use this method of creating beautiful and healthy hair. Many of them recommend using this method of hair restoration and giving them strength at least a couple of times a week.
In negative reviews, many women note that after applying such a hair mask, a slightly unpleasant milky smell remains on them. Some of them recommend eliminating it with the help of fragrant herbal decoctions, which perfectly help in solving a problem of this kind.
Egg kefir mask
In order to strengthen the hair and give it a healthy shine, you can use a wonderful firming mask, which is based on this fermented milk product, chicken egg and cocoa. As stated in the reviews of girls who use this tool regularly, thanks to it, hair begins to grow very quickly, which can not but rejoice fans of their large length.
How to prepare such a useful hair mask with kefir at home? First you need to combine in one dish a teaspoon of cocoa with a small amount of water. The result should be a brown gruel. Chicken egg should be divided into parts and add the yolk to the gruel. After that, a third of a cup of kefir with the percentage of fat content that is most suitable for a particular type of hair should be added to all of the above components, and all this should be mixed until completely homogeneous.
The resulting mass should be applied to the hairline along its entire length, partly rubbing into the roots. Above all, put on polyethylene and wrap a towel around your head. In this form, the mask should be kept for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.
Yeast mask
Not only kefir is an ingredient useful for hair. A positive effect on the curls is also exerted by yeast, which strengthens the bulbs and activates the awakening of many sleeping follicles. A hair mask with kefir and yeast can be prepared quite quickly. To do this, in a separate bowl, you need to combine half of one glass of kefir, as well as one teaspoon of granulated sugar and yeast. The ingredients need to be sent to a water bath - to dissolve the constituent components and heat the entire contents. The process should constantly stir the mass. The mass must be heated to warm state, in no case hot, otherwise the yeast will die. Then the product should be removed from the bath and wait. At the moment when foam begins to appear on the surface of the liquid, you need to apply a mask to the hair.
Girls who constantly use this tool in practice, in their reviews talk about the fact that it allows you to make curls stronger, smoother and more silky, as well as fill them with energy. Judging by their comments, keeping such a composition on your head optimally for at least 45 minutes - it is during such a period that all the useful components that are contained in the products included in the mask are perfectly absorbed and give maximum vitamins.
Mask with honey
It's no secret that honey is a product that also contains a very rich complex of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain normal hair condition. That is why in the process of preparing homemade masks it is advisable to combine it with kefir.
To prepare a mask for hair growth from kefir and bee honey, you need to add a tablespoon of honey to a third glass of kefir. All the ingredients should be thoroughly shaken and evenly applied to the hair (similar to applying pure kefir).
In some reviews, fans of such a mask recommend adding a spoonful of natural oil (for example, burdock or castor oil) to the described composition. In this case, the composition will also prevent hair loss, and if there is such a problem, its elimination. Keep this product for at least half an hour, covering your head with polyethylene and a warm towel.
For oily hair
As mentioned above, the product in question is excellent for any type of hairline. Kefir for oily hair can be a real panacea if you combine it with the right components.
To prepare a healthy mask, you need to take a glass of fermented milk product with a minimum fat content, add a tablespoon of juice just squeezed from fresh lemon to it, and mix thoroughly. After this, the resulting composition must be distributed along the entire length of the hair, carefully rubbing it also into the scalp.
Some of the fair sex who use this mask, in their reviews very often recommend replacing lemon juice with the same amount of cognac. Only in this case should you take care of how to subsequently eliminate the alcoholic aroma, which will stay on your hair for a long time after washing off.
Firming mask
What else does kefir positively affect? From hair loss, this tool also helps very well. In order to make your hair look healthier and stronger, you should mix in one container three tablespoons of kefir, a couple of spoons of cognac, a small amount of lemon juice, a whole chicken egg, and also a spoonful of honey. All components must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and the mixture is applied to the hair. Particular attention in the process of mass distribution should be given to the roots - if there is a problem of weakness and hair loss, they need special nutrition.
As noted in the reviews about kefir for hair used in this version of the mask, it perfectly helps to cope with the problem of hair loss. In just a few applications, they become stronger, and their growth is almost doubled. This mask, according to many, can also be great for treating problems like dandruff and eliminating excessive oily scalp.
Split End Mask
Those representatives of the fair sex who, in their practice, know what split ends are, can eliminate this problem using a mask created on the basis of gelatin.
For its preparation, it is necessary to dilute one gelatin in three tablespoons of water and wait for the moment when it swells. As soon as this happens, melt it with a water bath and allow to cool to the optimum temperature (about 35 degrees).
After the gelatin mass is prepared according to the technology described above, it should be combined with half a glass of kefir (it is best to take the fattest), as well as with a spoonful of sunflower oil. All of these ingredients must be stirred until a uniform state is achieved and greased the hair along the entire length, not forgetting the roots. After this, the head should be wrapped in cellophane and a terry towel, so heat should be created. In this form, the mask should be kept for a couple of hours, then rinse.
According to fans of this product, it can also be left all night - this way it is perfectly absorbed into the hair and will make it smooth and silky much faster. The comments also say that as a result of frequent use, not only the tips are dry, but also an increase in the elasticity of the hair along the entire length is observed. Since kefir for dry hair is very useful, you can use such a mask two to three times a week - it will not bring harm.
Hair lightening
As mentioned above, lightening hair with kefir is a normal and very useful procedure that can be great for blondes. This method captivates fans of light hair not only with its simplicity, but also with its cheapness. However, there are certain rules regarding the use of the product for such a purpose.
So, first of all, one should give preference only to a fresh sour-milk product. As for the origin, homemade kefir for hair will bring a much greater positive effect and demonstrate the desired effect faster.
It is best to lighten hair using the product on its own. For this purpose, it is desirable to choose an ingredient that has the highest fat content. In order to get the perfect result as quickly as possible, you can apply the product all night - this way it is better absorbed into the hair (photo).
Kefir is a product that brightens hair without harming it. That is why many cosmetologists recommend using it for this purpose.