Diseases of the reproductive system can hardly be considered a rarity. And today, many men are interested in questions about why varicocele occurs, what it is and what symptoms are accompanied. Indeed, according to statistical studies, about a quarter of the male population of the planet suffers from this ailment.
Varicocele - what is it?
This disease is accompanied by varicose veins of the spermatic cord. Such a pathology does not pose a threat to human life. However, vascular damage often leads to impaired spermatogenesis and, consequently, infertility. By the way, the most often observed varicocele on the left, less often varicose veins of the right testicle, which is associated with some physiological features. In any case, such a disease requires medical attention.
Varicocele - what is it and why does it arise?
Experts associate the development of the disease with an increase in pressure inside the vessels. Most often, this is observed in childhood and adolescence, when the boy's body grows intensively and undergoes hormonal changes.
It's no secret that on the inner wall of the veins there are special valves that prevent the reverse flow of blood. Unfortunately, sometimes these valves cannot withstand pressure, which leads to stagnation of blood. Under pressure, the walls of the veins gradually expand and increase in size.
Varicocele - what are these and what are its symptoms?
As already mentioned, most often the disease develops in boys during puberty. Its initial stages, as a rule, are asymptomatic. Only with a strong vasodilation, some men complain of pulling sensations in the affected testicle, which can spread to the perineum. Discomfort intensifies during physical exertion or sexual arousal. Further progress may be accompanied by an increase in the affected side of the scrotum. In the most severe cases, men complain of constant pain.
Varicocele and male infertility
The affected veins sometimes increase so much that they form a dense network around the testicle. Thus, normal thermoregulation is disturbed, and the temperature in the testicle rises, which prevents the normal formation of sperm. In addition, the expansion of veins can lead to hypoxia of the testicular tissue or accumulation of metabolic products in them, in particular, toxic free radicals. Sometimes there is a reverse cast of hormones from the adrenal glands into the tissues of the reproductive system.
Varicocele - what is it and how to treat it?
The only effective treatment option today is surgery - there are no conservative treatments. The technique of the operation depends on the degree of varicose expansion. Sometimes the affected vessels are completely removed, and sometimes a sclerotic substance is introduced into them. In any case, most often varicocele testis does not pose a threat to health. Surgical treatment is prescribed only in the most severe cases, for example, if varicose veins are accompanied by severe pain, infertility, aesthetic defects in the scrotum.