Deadlift: a technique for men and women

The essence of basic exercises is to increase the general strength indicators and increase the mass of the main muscle groups. One of the most effective types of strength and endurance training after traditional squats is deadlift. The right technique for the most accurate implementation of this exercise should be known to every self-respecting athlete. After all, it is from the base that the long and thorny path to perfecting your body begins. Standards for deadlift are rather vague, because in professional sports, the weight can go off the scale for 500 kg, while for an ordinary person it will be enough to break the bar of 100-150 kg. In any case, the pursuit of large weights will not bring the desired result. The main thing is the right technique.

Biomechanics exercises

deadlift technique

The deadlift technique consists of many key points, which, if missed, can seriously harm your health. The first classes should be carried out with an empty bar or bodybar. This will help to better feel the biomechanics of the exercise and make the right muscles work. How do deadlift muscles work? And which muscles take the load? Let's figure it out:

  • First of all, it's the back. The largest part of the load falls on the extensor muscles and paravertebral columns.
  • Also involved in the leg muscles are the legs, especially the back of the thigh. However, in some variations of the exercise, the adductors can also be actively involved.
  • Very good deadlift makes the gluteal group contract, which is why the girls are so fond of this exercise. Many ladies by working weight may well beat men's deadlift standards. After all, the lower body of girls is much stronger than that of boys.
  • Hands take on the lion's share of the load, especially the hands and forearms. Poorly developed arm muscles are the main reason for the loss of effectiveness in this exercise. To solve this problem, you can use special hooks or bandages that will take part of the load on yourself.

Warm up before exercise

All basic exercises require a huge concentration on technology. Deadlift is no exception. But before starting the exercise, you need to warm up the muscles very well and prepare them for work. And the standard workout is not enough:

  • Cooking press. Perform several twists or leg lifts. Such training maximally reduces your abs muscles, which will create a stable corset of muscles to perform this laborious exercise. This technique is an excellent alternative to using a safety belt to protect internal organs from overload.
  • Warming up the lower back. Lumbar injury is not a pleasant addition to exercise. It is necessary to develop joints well and “clog” the spinal column. For this, several approaches of hyperextension can be performed, preferably with weighting. Having previously strengthened the lower back, you will protect yourself from all kinds of pinches and sprains.
  • Design your hands. But do not get too carried away by heavy exercises. Having previously tired your forearms, you will use up useful energy, and this can negatively affect the working weight and the overall effectiveness of the exercise.

Basic technical details

The deadlift technique includes the following nuances that you should definitely consider:

  • Beginners are better off pulling from racks or skirtings. This also applies to athletes working with large weights. Remember that lifting the bar off the ground is the most traumatic part of the exercise. Using coasters you minimize the load on the spine.
  • If there is no way to remove the bar from the support, then you need to tear it off the floor, strictly following the technique. To do this, squat near the bar, the feet should be completely flat on the floor. Feet should be placed as wide as possible, this will evenly distribute the weight of the barbell over the body. The back should be straight, deflection in the lower back is unacceptable! The neck is slightly bent back, the face looks forward and up. Take the shell with both hands and lift it, while at the same time straightening the legs.
  • Starting position before the start of the exercise. The legs are in the setting you choose, depending on the type of exercise. The back is straight, there is no deflection in the lower back. Hands hold the barbell in free hanging.
  • Negative phase of exercise. When lowering the bar, do not push the body forward and do not take your hands away from the body. The bar should somehow “slide” over the legs. At all stages of the exercise, you need to control your back. She must remain straight and tense. Do not round or bend the spine. The blades should be kept as low as possible. Lowering the body is made to parallel (if the work goes on the back) or lower (in this case, the load goes to the legs and buttocks).
  • Positive phase of exercise. The lifting of the body is not due to the back, but due to the buttocks and quadriceps. The tension of the back and shoulder blades must be maintained until the end of the exercise, the bar also slides along the body.
  • The deadlift technique with dumbbells is not very different from the classics. The only thing you can afford is to spread your arms a little and lower the dumbbells on the outside of the leg, and not strictly in front of you.

Choosing a convenient grip option

When performing a classic deadlift, work with a lot of weight most often does not withstand the hands. After all, our tendons and joints are not designed for such extreme loads. Equipment can save the situation (straps, hooks, bandages) or the use of various grip variations:

  • Straight - a traditional version of the grip. Most often, it is combined with deadlift on straight legs. It is very suitable for beginners, as it is the most convenient. If at first you do not use large weights, then difficulties with brushes will not arise. With a direct grip, the knuckles look up.
  • Back. Suitable for sumo or deadlift traction. Allows you to significantly increase the working weight. However, creating torque in the spine makes the exercise a little uncomfortable. In the opposite version of the grip, the knuckles are facing the athlete.
  • Diversion - palms are looking at one another. This grip is designed to work with critical weights for single repetitions. It can also be used in recent approaches, when all the forces are already running out.
  • Narrow grip. Concentrates the load on the muscles of the forearm, in particular on the triceps.
  • Wide grip. Involves the broadest muscles and chest.



This technique of performing deadlift for men does not have significant distinguishing features. Nevertheless, this version of the exercise is not recommended for women. It's all about bending and unbending legs. This part of the exercise very actively includes stabilizers, in this case it is the oblique muscles of the abdomen. If a girl abuses the classic deadlift, this can adversely affect the volume of her waist. After all, the muscles of the press respond very well to training with weights and will rapidly increase in volume.

Technical nuances of classic traction:

  • In the exercise, the buttocks and legs should work first, and then the back. This is the difference between the classical version of the exercise and its modifications.
  • It is better to choose a narrow leg position, hands should be spread at a distance of at least 60 cm. The grip is straight. In this position, only basic muscle groups will be involved.
  • Be sure to watch your back and lower back. Always remember safety precautions, especially if you take a lot of weight.
  • In the negative phase of the exercise, it is necessary to bend the legs, while the knees should not protrude beyond the socks. Everything is here, as in classic squats, because the knee joints also need to be protected.
  • In the positive phase of the exercise, try to take the pelvis as far as possible, this will allow you to extend the bar due to the quadriceps of the buttocks.
  • Try to work inside the amplitude without relaxing your muscles. If you managed to catch the peak muscle contraction, then stop the movement and try to fix the body in this position for a few seconds.



Deadlift on straight legs is called dead. This is due to the fact that during the exercise, the athlete’s legs do not bend at the knee joint, but remain motionless. Technically, this is a much more difficult and traumatic exercise. After all, the projectile rises only by the strength of the back muscles, and without proper preparation, it is not recommended to perform it. Be sure to practice with an empty bar and hone your technique, otherwise the sad consequences cannot be avoided. Exercise deadlift on straight legs is a "male" type of training.


  • For deadlift, it’s best to choose a medium or wide leg position. This will give the body stability.
  • You can choose any grip, the main thing is to correctly choose the working weight.
  • You can perform the exercise only from racks or skirtings! Only professional athletes can take the bar off the floor without support.
  • The back does not change its position. It should always be straight, the body does not lean back, movement occurs only in the hip joint. The projectile is lifted only by the muscles of the back. Bending the legs and leaning forward are not allowed! Otherwise, most of the load will go to the legs and buttocks.

Sumo Thrust

sumo thrust

This is a deadlift with a wide stance. The hip joint is not involved in this exercise, which means that the back is practically not included in the work. If you have big back problems, but have a great desire to do deadlift, sumo exercise is the only option that can be included in the training program without fear. In this type of training, the adductors of the inner thigh segment are connected, which is why the girls are so fond of this exercise.


  • Spread your legs to the sides as far as possible, the feet should be deployed so that they represent a single line.
  • It is better to take the bar in a different grip, so you can raise a good working weight.
  • The back remains motionless and remains straight during all phases of the exercise, the head looks up, movement in the pelvic joint does not occur.
  • The projectile is raised and lowered only by the force of the legs and buttocks, the only joints that are involved in the work are the knees.
  • Socks should be tightly pressed to the floor, the entire load should go to the heels, try to transfer the weight of the rod back.
  • Be sure to flatten the shoulder blades at the top and freeze. If strength allows, then linger in this position for at least a couple of seconds.
  • Lower the projectile at least to the parallel with the floor, below - it just does not make sense. The peak contraction will be completed, and you will only unnecessarily strain your knees.
  • You can perform this version of the deadlift with a barbell, or you can with one dumbbell. This look is more suitable for girls who still can not raise the bar. The technique of the exercise remains unchanged.

Trap bar pull

trap rod traction

Unrealistically difficult deadlift for men. The technique of this exercise remains unchanged and is modeled on the classic version. The essence of the trap-bar is in the modified structure of the neck, which has the shape of a rhombus and special handles for lifting the projectile. This type of bar is designed to work with huge weights and is used only in professional sports. The diamond-shaped form of the neck allows you to distribute the load throughout the body evenly, which greatly facilitates the task of athletes. There is also no need to maintain balance and monitor the movement of the hands, which means that the risk of injury is reduced to zero.

Romanian craving is a great option for women

Romanian craving for women

We pass to the "female" versions of the exercise. Deadlifts for women are performed with bent legs. Sometimes it is called "Romanian." This technique significantly relieves the muscles of the back and abs. Moreover, this type of traction does not expand the waist, but only works on the buttocks and the back segment of the thigh muscles.


  • The bar is taken with a direct grip. If the forearms are very weak, it is better to use straps or hooks.
  • To include the back bundles of the muscles of the thigh and buttocks, it is better to choose a narrow or medium setting of the legs. The knees need to be bent slightly, the body slightly tilted forward. Socks look sideways.
  • You need to lower the projectile as low as possible to the line of the knees, so you will increase the amplitude of motion and feel the maximum stretching of the muscles.
  • Try to transfer the entire load to the heels and when lifting the projectile, take the pelvis back. At the same time, the hands should not go forward, the bar of the bar must necessarily lightly touch your legs.
  • At the top point, you should not fully straighten your back, try to work inside the amplitude, without relaxing the muscles of the legs and back. This will achieve peak muscle contraction.

Dumbbell Exercise Option

dumbbell deadlift

Deadlift with dumbbells is a great option for a basic exercise for girls. Firstly, you can adequately choose the weight, because even an empty bar weighs 20 kg. Secondly, the technique of traction with dumbbells does not include oblique muscles, which means the waist will not suffer. The exercise is performed by analogy with the previous one. Unless the dumbbells can be held not directly in front of you, but lowered along the body.

Exercise Safety

Performing deadlifts without safety precaution could result in serious injury. What you should definitely pay attention to:

  • Back and back again! To prevent damage to cartilage and spinal discs, do not round or bend your back. Remember that the possibilities of our spine are far from unlimited.
  • Use a safety belt to protect internal organs from overload. When working with a lot of weight, the abdominal organs are subjected to great pressure, if the muscles of your abs are very weak, then a hernia is more likely.
  • Do not make sudden movements. Deadlift does not endure haste. All elements of the exercise should be performed slowly and concentrate on the technique as much as possible.

By following a number of these tricky rules, you will protect yourself from injuries. By including this exercise in your arsenal, you will surely achieve the desired results.

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